


#IntThenAlphaSortedRowList Source

class IntThenAlphaSortedRowList :: RowList Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass IntThenAlphaSortedRowList alphaSortedRows intThenAlphaSortedRows | alphaSortedRows -> intThenAlphaSortedRows

The combination of SortRows, InsertionSort, and InsertRow implement this algorithm to sort the list or FromProp by insertion order and then by the label's alphabetical ordering. Since RowToList returns a list of rows in alphabetical ordering, we sort by the label's alphabetical ordering by maintaining the original position

isort :: forall a. (a -> Int) -> List a -> List a
isort f = flip go Nil
  go next acc = case next, acc of
    Nil, _ -> acc
    Cons h t, Nil -> go t $ Cons h acc
    Cons h1 t1, Cons h2 t2
      | f h < f h2 = go t2 $ Cons h1 acc
      | otherwise = Cons h2 $ go next t2

For proof, see


#ToOrdering Source

class ToOrdering :: forall k. k -> Int -> Constraintclass ToOrdering value order | value -> order

#InsertionSort Source

class InsertionSort :: RowList Type -> RowList Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass InsertionSort unsorted acc sorted | unsorted acc -> sorted


#InsertRow Source

class InsertRow :: Ordering -> Symbol -> Type -> RowList Type -> Symbol -> Type -> RowList Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass InsertRow ord nextSym nextA nextTail accSym accA accTail newAcc | ord nextSym nextA nextTail accSym accA accTail -> newAcc


  • (InsertionSort nextTail (Cons nextSym nextA (Cons accSym accA accTail)) sorted) => InsertRow LT nextSym nextA nextTail accSym accA accTail sorted

    h1 < h2 -> go t1 $ Cons h1 acc ...

  • (InsertionSort (Cons nextSym nextA nextTail) accTail sorted) => InsertRow EQ nextSym nextA nextTail accSym accA accTail (Cons accSym accA sorted)

    .. otherwise -> Cons h2 $ go next t2

  • (InsertionSort (Cons nextSym nextA nextTail) accTail sorted) => InsertRow GT nextSym nextA nextTail accSym accA accTail (Cons accSym accA sorted)

    .. otherwise -> Cons h2 $ go next t2