


#Readable Source

newtype Readable chunktype r

A readable stream parameterized by the type of its chunks


#ReadCb Source

type ReadCb chunktype r = Readable chunktype r -> Size -> Effect Unit

The read callback for readable streams

#Size Source

type Size = Int

#newReadable Source

newReadable :: forall r chunktype. Chunkable chunktype => ReadCb chunktype r -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#newReadable' Source

newReadable' :: forall r chunktype rest optionsrow. Union optionsrow rest StreamOptions => Chunkable chunktype => Record optionsrow -> ReadCb chunktype r -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#repeat Source

repeat :: forall r chunktype. Chunkable chunktype => chunktype -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#repeat' Source

repeat' :: forall r chunktype rest optionsrow. Union optionsrow rest StreamOptions => Chunkable chunktype => Record optionsrow -> chunktype -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#iterate Source

iterate :: forall r iterstate chunktype. Chunkable chunktype => (iterstate -> Tuple iterstate chunktype) -> iterstate -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#iterate' Source

iterate' :: forall r iterstate chunktype rest optionsrow. Union optionsrow rest StreamOptions => Chunkable chunktype => Record optionsrow -> (iterstate -> Tuple iterstate chunktype) -> iterstate -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#unfoldr Source

unfoldr :: forall r iterstate chunktype. Chunkable chunktype => (iterstate -> Maybe (Tuple chunktype iterstate)) -> iterstate -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#unfoldr' Source

unfoldr' :: forall r iterstate chunktype rest optionsrow. Union optionsrow rest StreamOptions => Chunkable chunktype => Record optionsrow -> (iterstate -> Maybe (Tuple chunktype iterstate)) -> iterstate -> Effect (Readable chunktype r)

#push Source

push :: forall r chunktype. Readable chunktype r -> chunktype -> Effect Boolean

#pushStringWithEncoding Source

#pushEnd Source

pushEnd :: forall r chunktype. Readable chunktype r -> Effect Unit

#pipe Source

pipe :: forall r w chunktype. Readable chunktype w -> Writable r -> Effect (Writable r)