


Types and operations for monadic parsing.

Combinators are in the Parsing.Combinators module.

Primitive parsers for String input streams are in the Parsing.String module.

#Parser Source

type Parser s = ParserT s Identity

The Parser s monad, where s is the type of the input stream.

A synonym for the ParserT monad transformer applied to the Identity monad.

#runParser Source

runParser :: forall s a. s -> Parser s a -> Either ParseError a

Run a parser on an input stream s and produce either an error or the result a of the parser.

#ParserT Source

newtype ParserT :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype ParserT s m a

The Parser s monad with a monad transformer parameter m.



#runParserT Source

runParserT :: forall m s a. MonadRec m => s -> ParserT s m a -> m (Either ParseError a)

runParser with a monad transfomer parameter m.

#runParserT' Source

runParserT' :: forall m s a. MonadRec m => ParseState s -> ParserT s m a -> m (Tuple (Either ParseError a) (ParseState s))

Run a parser and produce either an error or the result of the parser along with the internal state of the parser when it finishes.

#ParseError Source

data ParseError

A parsing error, consisting of an error message and the position in the input stream at which the error occurred.



#parseErrorMessage Source

parseErrorMessage :: ParseError -> String

Get the Message from a ParseError

#parseErrorPosition Source

parseErrorPosition :: ParseError -> Position

Get the Position from a ParseError.

#Position Source

newtype Position

Position represents the position of the parser in the input stream.

  • index is the position offset since the start of the input. Starts at 0.
  • line is the current line in the input. Starts at 1.
  • column is the column of the next character in the current line that will be parsed. Starts at 1.



#initialPos Source

initialPos :: Position

The Position before any input has been parsed.

{ index: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }

#consume Source

consume :: forall s m. ParserT s m Unit

Set the consumed flag.

Setting the consumed flag means that we're committed to this parsing branch of an alternative (<|>), so that if this branch fails then we want to fail the entire parse instead of trying the other alternative.

#position Source

position :: forall s m. ParserT s m Position

Returns the current position in the stream.

#fail Source

fail :: forall m s a. String -> ParserT s m a

Fail with a message.

#failWithPosition Source

failWithPosition :: forall m s a. String -> Position -> ParserT s m a

Fail with a message and a position.

#region Source

region :: forall m s a. (ParseError -> ParseError) -> ParserT s m a -> ParserT s m a

Contextualize parsing failures inside a region. If a parsing failure occurs, then the ParseError will be transformed by each containing region as the parser backs out the call stack.

For example, here’s a helper function inContext which uses region to add some string context to the error messages.

  inContext :: forall s m a. (String -> String) -> ParserT s m a -> ParserT s m a
  inContext context = region \(ParseError message pos) ->
    ParseError (context message) pos

  input = "Tokyo thirty-nine million"

lmap (parseErrorHuman input 30) $ runParser input do
  inContext ("Megacity list: " <> _) do
    cityname <- inContext ("city name: " <> _) (takeWhile isLetter)
    population <- inContext ("population: " <> _) intDecimal
    pure $ Tuple cityname population

Megacity list: population: Expected Int at position index:6 (line:1, column:7)
Tokyo thirty-nine million

#liftMaybe Source

liftMaybe :: forall s m a. Monad m => (Unit -> String) -> Maybe a -> ParserT s m a

Lift a Maybe a computation into a ParserT, with a note for the ParseError message in case of Nothing.

Consumes no parsing input, does not change the parser state at all. If the Maybe computation is Nothing, then this will fail in the ParserT monad with the given error message String at the current input Position.

This is a “validation” function, for when we want to produce some data from the parsing input or fail at the current parsing position if that’s impossible.

For example, parse an integer BoundedEnum code and validate it by turning it into a MyEnum. Use tryRethrow to position the parse error at the beginning of the integer in the input String if the toEnum fails.

runParser "3" do
  myenum :: MyEnum <- tryRethrow do
    x <- intDecimal
    liftMaybe (\_ -> "Bad MyEnum " <> show x) $ toEnum x

#liftEither Source

liftEither :: forall s m a. Monad m => Either String a -> ParserT s m a

Lift an Either String a computation into a ParserT.

Consumes no parsing input, does not change the parser state at all. If the Either computation is Left String, then this will fail in the ParserT monad at the current input Position.

This is a “validation” function, for when we want to produce some data from the parsing input or fail at the current parsing position if that’s impossible.

#liftExceptT Source

liftExceptT :: forall s m a. Monad m => ExceptT String m a -> ParserT s m a

Lift an ExceptT String m a computation into a ParserT.

Consumes no parsing input, does not change the parser state at all. If the ExceptT computation is Left String, then this will fail in the ParserT monad at the current input Position.

This is a “validation” function, for when we want to produce some data from the parsing input or fail at the current parsing position if that’s impossible.

#ParseState Source

data ParseState s

The internal state of the ParserT s m monad.

Contains the remaining input and current position and the consumed flag.

The consumed flag is used to implement the rule for alt that

  • If the left parser fails without consuming any input, then backtrack and try the right parser.
  • If the left parser fails and consumes input, then fail immediately.


#stateParserT Source

stateParserT :: forall s m a. (ParseState s -> Tuple a (ParseState s)) -> ParserT s m a

Query and modify the ParserT internal state.

Like the state member of MonadState.

#getParserT Source

getParserT :: forall s m. ParserT s m (ParseState s)

Query the ParserT internal state.

Like the get member of MonadState.

#hoistParserT Source

hoistParserT :: forall s m n a. (m ~> n) -> ParserT s m a -> ParserT s n a

#mapParserT Source

mapParserT :: forall b n s a m. MonadRec m => Functor n => (m (Tuple (Either ParseError a) (ParseState s)) -> n (Tuple (Either ParseError b) (ParseState s))) -> ParserT s m a -> ParserT s n b

Change the underlying monad action m and result data type a in a ParserT s m monad action.