


Primitive parsers, combinators and functions for working with an input stream of type String.

All of these primitive parsers will consume when they succeed.

All of these primitive parsers will not consume and will automatically backtrack when they fail.

The behavior of these primitive parsers is based on the behavior of the Data.String module in the strings package. In most JavaScript runtime environments, the String is little-endian UTF-16.

The primitive parsers which return Char will only succeed when the character being parsed is a code point in the Basic Multilingual Plane (the “BMP”). These parsers can be convenient because of the good support that PureScript has for writing Char literals like 'あ', 'β', 'C'.

The other primitive parsers, which return CodePoint and String types, can parse the full Unicode character set. All of the primitive parsers in this module can be used together.


In a String parser, the Position {index} counts the number of unicode CodePoints since the beginning of the input string.

Each tab character (0x09) encountered in a String parser will advance the Position {column} by 8.

These patterns will advance the Position {line} by 1 and reset the Position {column} to 1:

  • newline (0x0A)
  • carriage-return (0x0D)
  • carriage-return-newline (0x0D 0x0A)

#char Source

char :: forall m. Char -> ParserT String m Char

Match the specified BMP Char.

#string Source

string :: forall m. String -> ParserT String m String

Match the specified string.

#anyChar Source

anyChar :: forall m. ParserT String m Char

Match any BMP Char. Parser will fail if the character is not in the Basic Multilingual Plane.

#anyCodePoint Source

anyCodePoint :: forall m. ParserT String m CodePoint

Match any Unicode character. Always succeeds when any input remains.

#satisfy Source

satisfy :: forall m. (Char -> Boolean) -> ParserT String m Char

Match a BMP Char satisfying the predicate.

#satisfyCodePoint Source

satisfyCodePoint :: forall m. (CodePoint -> Boolean) -> ParserT String m CodePoint

Match a Unicode character satisfying the predicate.

#takeN Source

takeN :: forall m. Int -> ParserT String m String

Match a String exactly N characters long.

#rest Source

rest :: forall m. ParserT String m String

Match the entire rest of the input stream. Always succeeds.

#eof Source

eof :: forall m. ParserT String m Unit

Match “end-of-file,” the end of the input stream.

#match Source

match :: forall m a. ParserT String m a -> ParserT String m (Tuple String a)

Combinator which returns both the result of a parse and the slice of the input that was consumed while it was being parsed.

#regex Source

regex :: forall m. String -> RegexFlags -> Either String (ParserT String m String)

Compile a regular expression String into a regular expression parser.

This function will use the Data.String.Regex.regex function to compile and return a parser which can be used in a ParserT String m monad. If compilation fails then this function will return Left a compilation error message.

The returned parser will try to match the regular expression pattern once, starting at the current parser position. On success, it will return the matched substring.

If the RegExp String is constant then we can assume that compilation will always succeed and unsafeCrashWith if it doesn’t. If we dynamically generate the RegExp String at runtime then we should handle the case where compilation of the RegExp fails.

This function should be called outside the context of a ParserT String m monad for two reasons:

  1. If we call this function inside of the ParserT String m monad and then fail the parse when the compilation fails, then that could be confusing because a parser failure is supposed to indicate an invalid input string. If the compilation failure occurs in an alt then the compilation failure might not be reported at all and instead the input string would be parsed incorrectly.
  2. Compiling a RegExp is expensive and it’s better to do it once in advance and then use the compiled RegExp many times than to compile the RegExp many times during the parse.

This parser may be useful for quickly consuming a large section of the input String, because in a JavaScript runtime environment a compiled RegExp is a lot faster than a monadic parser built from parsing primitives.

MDN Regular Expressions Cheatsheet


This example shows how to compile and run the xMany parser which will capture the regular expression pattern x*.

case regex "x*" noFlags of
  Left compileError -> unsafeCrashWith $ "xMany failed to compile: " <> compileError
  Right xMany -> runParser "xxxZ" do


Set RegexFlags with the Semigroup instance like this.

regex "x*" (dotAll <> ignoreCase)

The dotAll, unicode, and ignoreCase flags might make sense for a regex parser. The other flags will probably cause surprising behavior and you should avoid them.

MDN Advanced searching with flags

#anyTill Source

anyTill :: forall m a. Monad m => ParserT String m a -> ParserT String m (Tuple String a)

Combinator which finds the first position in the input String where the phrase can parse. Returns both the parsed result and the unparsable input section searched before the parse. Will fail if no section of the input is parseable. To backtrack the input stream on failure, combine with tryRethrow.

This combinator works like Data.String.takeWhile or and it allows using a parser for the pattern search.

This combinator is equivalent to manyTill_ anyCodePoint, but it will be faster because it returns a slice of the input String for the section preceding the parse instead of a List CodePoint.

Be careful not to look too far ahead; if the phrase parser looks to the end of the input then anyTill could be O(n²).

#consumeWith Source

consumeWith :: forall m a. (String -> Either String { consumed :: String, remainder :: String, value :: a }) -> ParserT String m a

Consume a portion of the input string while yielding a value.

Takes a consumption function which takes the remaining input String as its argument and returns either an error message, or three fields:

  • value is the value to return.
  • consumed is the input String that was consumed. It is used to update the parser position. If the consumed String is non-empty then the consumed flag will be set to true. (Confusing terminology.)
  • remainder is the new remaining input String.

This function is used internally to construct primitive String parsers.

#parseErrorHuman Source

parseErrorHuman :: String -> Int -> ParseError -> Array String

Returns three Strings which, when printed line-by-line, will show a human-readable parsing error message with context.

Input arguments

  • The first argument is the input String given to the parser which errored.
  • The second argument is a positive Int which indicates how many characters of input String context are wanted around the parsing error.
  • The third argument is the ParseError for the input String.

Output Strings

  1. The parse error message and the parsing position.

  2. A string with an arrow that points to the error position in the input context (in a fixed-width font).

  3. The input context. A substring of the input which tries to center the error position and have the wanted length and not include any newlines or carriage returns.

    If the parse error occurred on a carriage return or newline character, then that character will be included at the end of the input context.


let input = "12345six789"
case runParser input (replicateA 9 String.Basic.digit) of
  Left err ->
    log $ String.joinWith "\n" $ parseErrorHuman input 20 err

Expected digit at position index:5 (line:1, column:6)