


#HTML Source

type HTML ev = Markup (DOMEvent -> ev)

A type for HTML markup, parametized by the events it may trigger. It is a synonym for the Markup monad from purescript-smolder.

#child Source

child :: forall b a s. (a -> b) -> (s -> HTML a) -> (s -> HTML b)

Memoize child view and map event handlers with parent event type.

It's important that child is only used at a top-level declaration and not inside a view. This is because PureScript is eagerly evaluated like JavaScript. If child is used inside a view it will recreate the memoized function every time the view is called.

#mapEvent Source

mapEvent :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> HTML a -> HTML b

Map HTML with event type a to HTML with event type b.

It's important that memoize is only used at a top-level declaration – not inside a view. This is because PureScript is eagerly evaluated like JavaScript. If memoize is used inside a view it will recreate the memoized function every time the view is called.

#memoize Source

memoize :: forall ev st. (st -> HTML ev) -> (st -> HTML ev)

Memoize view. Uses JavaScript equality to match states.

It's important that memoize is only used at a top-level declaration and not inside a view. This is because PureScript is eagerly evaluated like JavaScript. If memoize is used inside a view it will recreate the memoized function every time the view is called.

#style Source

style :: forall ev. CSS -> HTML ev

Render CSS stylesheet and return a style element.