- Package
- purescript-react-basic-dom-beta
- Repository
- rowtype-yoga/purescript-react-basic-dom-beta
#createElementImpl Source
createElementImpl :: forall component props children. Fn3 component props children JSX
#createElementNoKidsImpl Source
createElementNoKidsImpl :: forall component props. Fn2 component props JSX
#createBuiltinElement Source
createBuiltinElement :: forall props children. String -> props -> children -> JSX
#createBuiltinElement_ Source
createBuiltinElement_ :: forall props. String -> props -> JSX
#createElement Source
createElement :: forall props props_ children. IsJSX children => Cons "children" (ReactChildren JSX) props_ props => ReactComponent (Record props) -> Record props_ -> children -> JSX
#createElement_ Source
createElement_ :: forall props. ReactComponent props -> props -> JSX
#unsafeWithChildrenImpl Source
unsafeWithChildrenImpl :: forall c p. Fn2 c p p
#unsafeWithChildren Source
unsafeWithChildren :: forall c p. c -> p -> p
#modifyIfDefinedImpl Source
modifyIfDefinedImpl :: forall a b p. Fn3 String (a -> b) p p
#modifyIfDefined Source
modifyIfDefined :: forall a b p. String -> (a -> b) -> p -> p
#FFIComponent Source
type FFIComponent :: Row Type -> Type
type FFIComponent props = forall givenProps nonDataProps kids. IsJSX kids => CoerceReactProps (Record givenProps) (Record nonDataProps) (Record props) => Record givenProps -> kids -> JSX
#FFIRawTextComponent Source
type FFIRawTextComponent :: Row Type -> Type
type FFIRawTextComponent props = forall givenProps nonDataProps. CoerceReactProps (Record givenProps) (Record nonDataProps) (Record props) => Record givenProps -> String -> JSX
#FFIComponent_ Source
type FFIComponent_ :: Row Type -> Type
type FFIComponent_ props = forall givenProps nonDataProps. CoerceReactProps (Record givenProps) (Record nonDataProps) (Record props) => Record givenProps -> JSX
#coerceReactProps Source
coerceReactProps :: forall props nonDataProps targetProps. CoerceReactProps props nonDataProps targetProps => props -> targetProps
#CoerceReactProps Source
class CoerceReactProps :: forall k. Type -> k -> Type -> Constraint
class CoerceReactProps props nonDataProps targetProps | props -> nonDataProps
(WithoutDataProps (Record props) (Record nonDataProps), Union nonDataProps missing targetProps) => CoerceReactProps (Record props) (Record nonDataProps) (Record targetProps)
#WithoutDataPropsRL Source
class WithoutDataPropsRL :: RowList Type -> RowList Type -> Constraint
class WithoutDataPropsRL (from :: RowList Type) (to :: RowList Type) | from -> to
WithoutDataPropsRL Nil Nil
(DoesStartWith "data-" propName exclude, MaybeWithoutDataPropRL exclude propName propVal from to) => WithoutDataPropsRL (Cons propName propVal from) to
#MaybeWithoutDataPropRL Source
class MaybeWithoutDataPropRL :: Boolean -> Symbol -> Type -> RowList Type -> RowList Type -> Constraint
class MaybeWithoutDataPropRL (exclude :: Boolean) (propName :: Symbol) (propVal :: Type) (from :: RowList Type) (to :: RowList Type) | exclude propName propVal from -> to
(WithoutDataPropsRL from to) => MaybeWithoutDataPropRL False propName propVal from (Cons propName propVal to)
(WithoutDataPropsRL from to) => MaybeWithoutDataPropRL True propName propVal from to
#WithoutDataProps Source
class WithoutDataProps props without where
unsafeHideDataProps :: props -> without
(RowToList r rl, ListToRow withoutRL without, WithoutDataPropsRL rl withoutRL) => WithoutDataProps (Record r) (Record without)
#DoesStartWith Source
class DoesStartWith :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Boolean -> Constraint
class DoesStartWith (prefix :: Symbol) (full :: Symbol) (match :: Boolean) | prefix full -> match
A class that ensures a key in a row starts with a prefix.
DoesStartWith "" full True
DoesStartWith prefix "" False
(Cons prefixH prefixT prefix, Cons fullH fullT full, DoesStartWithChar prefixH prefixT fullH fullT match) => DoesStartWith prefix full match
#DoesStartWithChar Source
class DoesStartWithChar :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Boolean -> Constraint
class DoesStartWithChar (prefixH :: Symbol) (prefixT :: Symbol) (fullH :: Symbol) (fullT :: Symbol) (match :: Boolean) | prefixH prefixT fullH fullT -> match
(DoesStartWith prefix full match) => DoesStartWithChar c prefix c full match
DoesStartWithChar prefixH prefixT fullH fullT False
- Modules
- Beta.
DOM - Beta.
DOM. Attributes - Beta.
DOM. Attributes. AutoCapitalize - Beta.
DOM. Attributes. Dir - Beta.
DOM. Attributes. InputMode - Beta.
DOM. Attributes. Target - Beta.
DOM. Attributes. YesOrNo - Beta.
DOM. Client - Beta.
DOM. Event - Beta.
DOM. HTML - Beta.
DOM. HTML. A - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Abbr - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Address - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Area - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Article - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Aside - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Audio - Beta.
DOM. HTML. B - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Base - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Bdi - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Bdo - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Blockquote - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Body - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Br - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Button - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Canvas - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Caption - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Cite - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Code - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Col - Beta.
DOM. HTML. ColGroup - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Data - Beta.
DOM. HTML. DataList - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Dd - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Del - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Details - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Dfn - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Dialog - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Div - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Dl - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Dt - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Em - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Embed - Beta.
DOM. HTML. FieldSet - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Figcaption - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Figure - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Footer - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Form - Beta.
DOM. HTML. H - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Head - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Header - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Hr - Beta.
DOM. HTML. I - Beta.
DOM. HTML. IFrame - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Img - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Input - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Kbd - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Label - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Legend - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Li - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Link - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Main - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Map - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Mark - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Menu - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Meta - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Meter - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Nav - Beta.
DOM. HTML. NoScript - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Object - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Ol - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Optgroup - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Option - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Output - Beta.
DOM. HTML. P - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Param - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Picture - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Pre - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Progress - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Q - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Rp - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Rt - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Ruby - Beta.
DOM. HTML. S - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Samp - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Script - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Section - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Select - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Small - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Source - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Span - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Strong - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Style - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Sub - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Summary - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Sup - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Table - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Tbody - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Td - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Template - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Textarea - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Tfoot - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Th - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Thead - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Time - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Title - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Tr - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Track - Beta.
DOM. HTML. U - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Ul - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Var - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Video - Beta.
DOM. HTML. Wbr - Beta.
DOM. Handler - Beta.
DOM. Internal - Beta.
DOM. Server