


#Component Source

data Component :: Type -> Type

A React component which can be used from JavaScript.

#ComponentInstance Source

data ComponentInstance :: Type

Represents the mounted component instance, or "this" in vanilla React.

#JSX Source

data JSX :: Type

A virtual DOM element.


#component Source

component :: forall state props. { displayName :: String, initialState :: Record state, receiveProps :: { instance_ :: ComponentInstance, isFirstMount :: Boolean, props :: Record props, setState :: SetState state, setStateThen :: SetStateThen state, state :: Record state } -> Effect Unit, render :: { instance_ :: ComponentInstance, props :: Record props, setState :: SetState state, setStateThen :: SetStateThen state, state :: Record state } -> JSX } -> Component (Record props)

Create a React component from a specification of that component.

A specification consists of a state type, an initial value for that state, a function to apply incoming props to the internal state, and a rendering function which takes props, state and a state update function.

The rendering function should return a value of type JSX, which can be constructed using the helper functions provided by the React.Basic.DOM module.

Note: This function relies on React.PureComponent internally

#stateless Source

stateless :: forall props. { displayName :: String, render :: Record props -> JSX } -> Component (Record props)

Create a stateless React component.

Removes a little bit of the react function's boilerplate when creating components which don't use state.

#element Source

element :: forall props. Component (Record props) -> Record props -> JSX

Create a JSX node from a React component, by providing the props.

#elementKeyed Source

elementKeyed :: forall props. Component (Record props) -> { key :: String | props } -> JSX

Like element, plus a key for rendering components in a dynamic list. For more information see:

#empty Source

empty :: JSX

An empty node. This is often useful when you would like to conditionally show something, but you don't want to (or can't) modify the children prop on the parent node.

#fragment Source

fragment :: Array JSX -> JSX

Render an Array of children without a wrapping component.

#fragmentKeyed Source

fragmentKeyed :: String -> Array JSX -> JSX

Render an Array of children without a wrapping component.

Provide a key when dynamically rendering multiple fragments along side each other.