- Package
- purescript-record
- Repository
- purescript/purescript-record
#set Source
set :: forall b a l r r2 r1. IsSymbol l => RowCons l a r r1 => RowCons l b r r2 => SProxy l -> b -> Record r1 -> Record r2
Set a property for a label which is specified using a value-level proxy for a type-level string.
For example:
set (SProxy :: SProxy "x")
:: forall r a b. a -> { x :: b | r } -> { x :: a | r }
#modify Source
modify :: forall b a l r r2 r1. IsSymbol l => RowCons l a r r1 => RowCons l b r r2 => SProxy l -> (a -> b) -> Record r1 -> Record r2
Modify a property for a label which is specified using a value-level proxy for a type-level string.
For example:
modify (SProxy :: SProxy "x")
:: forall r a b. (a -> b) -> { x :: a | r } -> { x :: b | r }
#insert Source
insert :: forall a l r2 r1. IsSymbol l => RowLacks l r1 => RowCons l a r1 r2 => SProxy l -> a -> Record r1 -> Record r2
Insert a new property for a label which is specified using a value-level proxy for a type-level string.
For example:
insert (SProxy :: SProxy "x")
:: forall r a. RowLacks "x" r => a -> { | r } -> { x :: a | r }
#delete Source
delete :: forall a l r2 r1. IsSymbol l => RowLacks l r1 => RowCons l a r1 r2 => SProxy l -> Record r2 -> Record r1
Delete a property for a label which is specified using a value-level proxy for a type-level string.
Note that the type of the resulting row must lack the specified property. Since duplicate labels are allowed, this is checked with a type class constraint.
For example:
delete (SProxy :: SProxy "x")
:: forall r a. RowLacks "x" r => { x :: a | r } -> { | r }
#rename Source
rename :: forall output inter input ty next prev. IsSymbol prev => IsSymbol next => RowCons prev ty inter input => RowLacks prev inter => RowCons next ty inter output => RowLacks next inter => SProxy prev -> SProxy next -> Record input -> Record output
Rename a property for a label which is specified using a value-level proxy for a type-level string.
Note that the type of the resulting row must lack the specified property. Since duplicate labels are allowed, this is checked with a type class constraint.
For example:
rename (SProxy :: SProxy "x") (SProxy :: SProxy "y")
:: forall a r. RowLacks "x" r => RowLacks "y" r => { x :: a | r} -> { y :: a | r}
#EqualFields Source
class EqualFields (rs :: RowList) (row :: Row Type) | rs -> row where
equalFields :: RLProxy rs -> Record row -> Record row -> Boolean
(IsSymbol name, Eq ty, RowCons name ty tailRow row, EqualFields tail row) => EqualFields (Cons name ty tail) row
EqualFields Nil row