


See the SelectionFoldableWithData module docs for function comments, as all of the functions in this module are convenience aliases for the ones in that module (for the case where there is no data).

#SelectionFoldable Source

type SelectionFoldable f a = SelectionFoldableWithData f Unit a

A Foldable where at most one item is selected. This is an alias for a SelectionFoldableWithData that has no associated data.

  • f is the type of the Foldable that will contain the items.
  • a is the type of the items.

#fromFoldable Source

fromFoldable :: forall a f. Foldable f => f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#toFoldable Source

toFoldable :: forall a f. Foldable f => SelectionFoldable f a -> f a

#select Source

select :: forall a f. Foldable f => Eq a => a -> SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#selectWith Source

selectWith :: forall a f. Foldable f => (a -> IsSelected) -> SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#selectIndex Source

selectIndex :: forall a f i. FoldableWithIndex i f => Eq i => i -> SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#selectWithIndex Source

selectWithIndex :: forall a f i. FoldableWithIndex i f => (i -> a -> IsSelected) -> SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#deselect Source

deselect :: forall a f. SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f a

#selected Source

selected :: forall a f. SelectionFoldable f a -> Maybe a

#mapSelected Source

mapSelected :: forall b a f. Foldable f => Functor f => Eq a => (IsSelected -> a -> b) -> SelectionFoldable f a -> SelectionFoldable f b

#foldrSelected Source

foldrSelected :: forall b a f. Foldable f => Eq a => (IsSelected -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> SelectionFoldable f a -> b

#foldrWithIndexSelected Source

foldrWithIndexSelected :: forall b a f i. FoldableWithIndex i f => Eq a => (IsSelected -> i -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> SelectionFoldable f a -> b

#foldlSelected Source

foldlSelected :: forall b a f. Foldable f => Eq a => (IsSelected -> b -> a -> b) -> b -> SelectionFoldable f a -> b

#foldlWithIndexSelected Source

foldlWithIndexSelected :: forall b a f i. FoldableWithIndex i f => Eq a => (IsSelected -> i -> b -> a -> b) -> b -> SelectionFoldable f a -> b