


#globalSettingForKey Source

globalSettingForKey :: forall a. Decode a => String -> Effect (Either (NonEmptyList ForeignError) a)

Gets the value of a Sketch setting for a given key.

#setGlobalSettingForKey Source

setGlobalSettingForKey :: forall a. Encode a => String -> a -> Effect Unit

Stores a value of a Sketch setting for a given key.

#settingForKey Source

settingForKey :: forall a. Decode a => String -> Effect (Either (NonEmptyList ForeignError) a)

Gets the value of a setting scoped to your plugin for a given key.

#setSettingForKey Source

setSettingForKey :: forall a. Encode a => String -> a -> Effect Unit

Stores a value of a setting scoped to your plugin for a given key.

#sessionVariable Source

sessionVariable :: forall a. Decode a => String -> Effect (Either (NonEmptyList ForeignError) a)

Gets the value of a variable which is persisted when the plugin finishes to run but is not persisted when Sketch closes. It is useful when you want to keep a value between plugin’s runs.

#setSessionVariable Source

setSessionVariable :: forall a. Encode a => String -> a -> Effect Unit

Store a value of a variable which is persisted when the plugin finishes to run but is not persisted when Sketch closes. It is useful when you want to keep a value between plugin’s runs.