


#sample Source

sample :: forall cel a. SodiumCell cel => cel a -> Effect a


#loopCell Source

loopCell :: forall cel a. SodiumCell cel => CellLoop a -> cel a -> Effect Unit

Resolve the loop to specify what the CellLoop was a forward reference to. It must be invoked inside the same transaction as the place where the CellLoop is used. This requires you to create an explicit transaction

#lift Source

lift :: forall cel c b a. SodiumCell cel => (a -> b -> c) -> cel a -> cel b -> Cell c

#lift3 Source

lift3 :: forall cel d c b a. SodiumCell cel => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> cel a -> cel b -> cel c -> Cell d

#lift4 Source

lift4 :: forall cel e d c b a. SodiumCell cel => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> cel a -> cel b -> cel c -> cel d -> Cell e

#lift5 Source

lift5 :: forall cel f e d c b a. SodiumCell cel => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> cel a -> cel b -> cel c -> cel d -> cel e -> Cell f

#lift6 Source

lift6 :: forall cel g f e d c b a. SodiumCell cel => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> cel a -> cel b -> cel c -> cel d -> cel e -> cel f -> Cell g

#switchC Source

switchC :: forall cel a. SodiumCell cel => cel (Cell a) -> Effect (Cell a)

#switchS Source

switchS :: forall cel a. SodiumCell cel => cel (Stream a) -> Stream a