- Package
- purescript-strongcheckDEPRECATED
- Repository
- purescript-contrib/purescript-strongcheck
#GenT Source
newtype GenT f a
(Monad f) => Functor (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Apply (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Applicative (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Semigroup (GenT f a)
(Monad f) => Monoid (GenT f a)
(Monad f) => Bind (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Monad (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Alt (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Plus (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Alternative (GenT f)
(Monad f) => MonadZero (GenT f)
(Monad f) => MonadPlus (GenT f)
(MonadRec f) => MonadRec (GenT f)
(Monad f) => Lazy (GenT f a)
(Monad f) => MonadGen (GenT f)
#Gen Source
type Gen a = GenT Trampoline a
#allInArray Source
allInArray :: forall a f. Monad f => Array a -> GenT f a
A deterministic generator that produces values from the specified array, in sequence.
#collectAll Source
collectAll :: forall a f. Monad f => GenState -> GenT f a -> f (Array a)
Drains a finite generator of all values. Or blows up if you called it on an infinite generator.
#foldGen' Source
foldGen' :: forall b a f. Monad f => (b -> a -> Maybe b) -> b -> GenState -> GenT f a -> f (Tuple b (GenT f a))
Folds over a generator to produce a value. Either the generator or the user-defined function may halt the fold. Returns not just the value created through folding, but also the successor generator.
#interleave Source
interleave :: forall a f. Monad f => GenT f a -> GenT f a -> GenT f a
Fairly interleaves two generators.
#repeatable Source
repeatable :: forall b a. (a -> Gen b) -> Gen (a -> b)
Creates a function generator that will always generate the same output for the same input.
#showSample Source
showSample :: forall a. Show a => Gen a -> Effect Unit
Shows a sample of values generated from the specified generator.
#shuffleArray Source
shuffleArray :: forall a f. Monad f => Array a -> GenT f (Array a)
Creates a generator that produces shuffled versions of the provided array.
#toLazyList Source
toLazyList :: forall a. Gen a -> GenState -> ListT Lazy a
Converts the generator into a function that, given the initial state, returns a lazy list.
#updateSeedState Source
updateSeedState :: GenState -> GenState
#wrapEffect Source
wrapEffect :: forall a f. Monad f => f a -> GenT f a
Wraps an effect in a generator that ignores the input state.
- Modules
- Test.
StrongCheck - Test.
StrongCheck. Arbitrary - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. AlphaNumString - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. ApproxNumber - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. ArbBoundedEnum - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. ArbDateTime - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. Negative - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. NonZero - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. Positive - Test.
StrongCheck. Data. Signum - Test.
StrongCheck. Gen - Test.
StrongCheck. LCG - Test.
StrongCheck. Landscape - Test.
StrongCheck. Perturb