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A parser of type-level domain representations.


As LLMs get better at writing in DSLs, from JSON to HTML to SQL to GraphQL, they've become a fast and relatively error-free way to develop software.

Many libraries, like ORMs, act as a typing layer between a DSL and an application.

This library aims to bridge that gap, providing the copy-and-paste-ability of LLM-generated DSL code with the type-safety of an ORM.

How it works

Let's examine how purescript-tldr works by creating a parser for a subset of JSON, called MySON. It's like JSON, but has no floats and strings can only be alphanumeric.

Data types

We'll first create data types that our data will parse to. For example, 1 and 42 will parse to MyInt (Proxy "1") and MyInt (Proxy "42").

data MyInt a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyInt" a) doc => ShowParser (MyInt a) doc


In the MyInt, we saw that ShowParser is used to document our parser. This must be done for every data type to which you parse, otherwise parsing will fail. This library is intended to provide the most helpful parsing errors possible, and that can't be done without rich error messages for any data it parses.

A convenient way to do this is to use SP1, SP2 ... based on the arity of the type, which will generate a sensible automatic representation.


After defining our data types, we match them against whatever we want to parse. In the example below, we use WS to ignore optional whitespace around an int, and then match against at least one value between 0 and 9.

type ParseInt = WS (MyInt (M.Some M.Match09))

We'll go over all of the matchers and combinators in the API section.

Full example

module Test.Readme where

import Prelude

import Prim.TypeError (Text)
import TLDR.Combinators (ParseAndThenIgnore)
import TLDR.Combinators as C
import TLDR.Combinators.Class (class FailOnFail, class Parse, class ShowParser, SP1, SP2)
import TLDR.Matchers as M
import TLDR.Sugar (Bracket, DQ, L4, L5, WS, WSM)
import Type.Function (type ($))
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))

data MySONFix

instance ShowParser MySONFix (Text "MySONFix")

data MyInt a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyInt" a) doc => ShowParser (MyInt a) doc

data MyString a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyString" a) doc => ShowParser (MyString a) doc

data MyBoolean a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyBoolean" a) doc => ShowParser (MyBoolean a) doc

data MyArray a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyArray" a) doc => ShowParser (MyArray a) doc

data MyObjectEntry k v

instance ShowParser (SP2 "MyObjectEntry" a b) doc => ShowParser (MyObjectEntry a b) doc

data MyObject a

instance ShowParser (SP1 "MyObject" a) doc => ShowParser (MyObject a) doc

type ParseInt = WS (MyInt (M.Some M.Match09))

type ParseString = WS (DQ (MyString (M.Some M.MatchAlphanumeric)))

type ParseBoolean = WS
  $ MyBoolean
  $ M.Or (L4 "t" "r" "u" "e") (L5 "f" "a" "l" "s" "e")

type ParseArray a = WS
  $ Bracket (M.Literal "[")
      (MyArray (C.SepBy a (WSM (M.Literal ","))))
      (M.Literal "]")

type ObjectPair (a :: Type) = WS
  $ MyObjectEntry
      ( ParseAndThenIgnore
          (WS (DQ (M.Some M.MatchAlphanumeric)))
          (M.Literal ":")

type ParseObject a = WS
  $ Bracket (M.Literal "{")
      (MyObject (C.SepBy (ObjectPair a) (WSM (M.Literal ","))))
      (M.Literal "}")

type MySON = WS
  $ C.Fix
      ( mySONFix ::
          C.Or ParseInt
            $ C.Or ParseString
            $ C.Or ParseBoolean
            $ C.Or (ParseArray (Proxy "mySONFix")) (ParseObject (Proxy "mySONFix"))

myson0' :: forall a. Parse "1" MySON Unit a Unit => Unit -> Proxy a
myson0' _ = Proxy

myson0 = myson0' unit

  :: forall a
   . Parse
  => Unit
  -> Proxy a
myson1' _ = Proxy

myson1 = myson1' unit

  :: forall a
   . Parse
  {"username":"mikesol", "pw":1234, "tags":["bored", "tired"] }
  => Unit
  -> Proxy a
myson2' _ = Proxy

myson2 = myson2' unit

Now, when we hover over the ide for the definitions of myson0, myson1, and myson2, we get the following:

Proxy (Success (MyInt (Proxy "1")) "")

Proxy (Success (MyArray (Cons (MyInt (Proxy "1")) (Cons (MyString (Proxy "true")) (Cons (MyBoolean (Proxy "false")) Nil)))) "")

Proxy (Success (MyObject (Cons (MyObjectEntry (Proxy "username") (MyString (Proxy "mikesol"))) (Cons (MyObjectEntry (Proxy "pw") (MyInt (Proxy "1234"))) (Cons (MyObjectEntry (Proxy "tags") (MyArray (Cons (MyString (Proxy "bored")) (Cons (MyString (Proxy "tired")) Nil)))) Nil)))) "")

From there, you can consume your typelevel ADT in downstream constraints.

Visualizing errors

When parsing fails, we can print a reasonably nice error messages using the FailOnFail class. Otherwise, the type variable a can carry the failure forward for downstream processing.

Take for example:

  :: forall a
   . Parse
  => FailOnFail a
  => Unit
  -> Proxy a
mysonFail' _ = Proxy

mysonFail = mysonFail' unit

You get:

  Custom error:

    Could not match } against 1


The generated documentation for type-level libraries on Pursuit is notoriously difficult to read. So here's the API. It's split into Parse, matchers, combinators, and sugar.

  • class Parse is how you parse a typelevel string.
  • TLDR.Matchers constains roughly the same stuff as Parsing.String.
  • TLDR.Combinators contains roughyl the same stuff as Parsing.Combinators.
  • TLDR.Sugar contains some stuff I was too lazy to write out by hand over and over.


As seen in the MySON example, the signature of Parse is:

Parse sym combinator inState result outState

We'll see how to use state in a bit. In the MySON example, it's just Unit and it isn't touched.


Matcher What it does
Match09 Matches a char in the range 0-9
Matchaz Matches a char in the range a-z
MatchAZ Matches a char in the range A-Z
MatchAlpha Matches a char in the range a-zA-Z
MatchAlphanumeric Matches a char in the range a-zA-Z0-0
Matchaz09 Matches a char in the range a-z0-9
MatchAZ09 Matches a char in the range A-Z0-9
MatchHex Matches a char in the range a-f0-9
MatchWhitespace Matches a whitespace char
Literal char Matches a literal. Will fail on anything longer than 1 char!
Match2 match Matches two consective chars matching match
Match3 match Matches three consective chars matching match
Match4 match Matches four consective chars matching match
Match5 match Matches five consective chars matching match
Match6 match Matches six consective chars matching match
Match7 match Matches seven consective chars matching match
Match8 match Matches eight consective chars matching match
Match9 match Matches nine consective chars matching match
Many match Matches 0 or more match
Some match Matches 1 or more match
Except no yes Matches yes except anything matching to no
Or left right Matches either left or right
And left right Consumes left, then right, and concatenates them
Noop Doesn't match anything, no input is consumed
EOF Matches ""
Any Matches any single char

Note that PureScript typelevel strings don't have a proper Char representation, so when I use "char" above, I mean any head that is produced by Symbol.Cons head tail string. For example, Symbol.Cons head tail "hello" produces "h" for head.


Combinators take matchers and use them to populate our data types.

At the most basic level, any data type that accepts Type arguments and with a ShowParser instance can be a combinator. For example, MyBoolean is a combinator below.

 type ParseBoolean = MyBoolean $ M.Or (L4 "t" "r" "u" "e") (L5 "f" "a" "l" "s" "e")

In a term-level parsing library, you'd achieve a similar result with mapping, ie:

parseBoolean = MyBoolean <$> or (l4 "t" "r" "u" "e") (l5 "f" "a" "l" "s" "e")

Here are the combinators. Fix is a mind-melt, so there'll be a whole section on that in a bit.

Combinator What it does
IgnoreAndThenParse ignore parse Ignore matcher ignore and then parse combinator parse.
ParseAndThenIgnore parse ignore Parse combinator parse and then ignore matcher ignore.
Many a Accumulates 0 or more of combinator a into a typelevel list.
Some a Accumulates 1 or more of combinator a into a typelevel list.
Const a Consume no input and output a.
Or left right Parses to either left or right
SepBy a sep Parse phrases delimited by a separator.
SepBy1 a sep Parse phrases delimited by a separator, requiring at least one match.
SepEndBy a sep Parse phrases delimited and optionally terminated by a separator.
SepEndBy1 a sep Parse phrases delimited and optionally terminated by a separator, requiring at least one match.
EndBy a sep Parse phrases delimited and terminated by a separator.
EndBy1 a sep Parse phrases delimited and terminated by a separator, requiring at least one match.
Fix selfs A fixed point. See below.


Fixed points are essential in parsing because they allow you to parse arbitrarily nested structures. The MySON example above uses one, and most parsing tasks eventually require a fixed point.

The way Fix selfs works is that you define a row of types for selfs. In the MySON example, it's a row with entry mySONFix. Then, in a, you refer to Proxy "mySONFix" whenever you want to parse a. This is how objects and arrays are expressed in the MySON example.

To achieve mutual recursion, you can add more keys to the row. In this case, the combinator with the key that comes first in the alphabet is used for parsing.

State management

There are three state-management combinators for keeping and using an internal state.

Combinator What it does
ModifyStateAfterSuccessOnConstant constant combinator Modify the state upon a successful parsing outcome with a constant value.
ModifyStateAfterSuccessWithResult functor combinator Modify the state upon a successful parsing outcome with the result of the parsing operation as the argument to functor.
BranchOnState branches otherwise Branch to different parsers depending on the internal state.

There are examples of all four of these in the tests.

In general, state management should be considered an advanced feature. Most often, it's not needed, and you can do all stateful tasks it in a second step. For example, in XML parsing, you can use state management to determine if open tags are closed. But you can also do this in a second step after successfully parsing to a data type. While the latter is slower, it's easier to read and implement.


  1. Some combinators have the same names as data types. For example, Or in matcher-land matches either of two symbols, whereas Or in combinator-land matches either of two data types.
  2. Some combinators take other combinators, some take matchers, and some like SepBy take both - a combinator for the thing to match and a matcher for the separator. Getting this wrong can lead to funky error messages.


What fun would life be without syntactic sugar? Probably healthier and cavity-free. But still, we can indulge ourselves from time to time with these useful, delectable tidbits.

Sugar What it does
WS combinator Allows for optional whitespace before and after a combinator.
WSM match Allows for optional whitespace before and after a match.
DQ combinator Puts a combinator in double quotes.
DQM match Puts a match in double quotes.
Bracket left combinator right Brackets a combinator between two ignorable matches.
L1 ... L10 Matches a literal with 1 to 10 arguments, ie L4 "t" "r" "u" "e".