


#StandaloneTsType Source

type StandaloneTsType = TsBridgeM TsType

A StandaloneTsType represents a TypeScript type with everything it needs to be placed inside complete TS program: If the type references nominal types from other modules, all information is contained that is needed to render those references.

#TsBridgeBy Source

class TsBridgeBy tok a  where

Type Class that is used by the type generator to recursively traverse types. Instances for the specific types will be defined on the user's side with a typeclass like this:

class TsBridge a where
  tsBridge :: a -> StandaloneTsType

Then the internal type class is forwarded to the one of the user. For this you need to define a token data type and an instance like this:

data Tok = Tok

instance TsBridge a => TsBridgeBy Tok a where
  tsBridgeBy _ = tsBridge

The token will then be passed to all generic functions of the library.


#TsValues Source

class TsValues :: Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass TsValues tok r  where


  • tsValues :: tok -> Record r -> TsBridgeM (Array TsDeclaration)

    Useful for declaring multiple PureScript values to be used by TypeScript. Through record punning the risk of exporting them with wrong names can be eliminated.
    tsValues Tok { foo, bar, baz }


#TsValuesRL Source

class TsValuesRL :: Type -> Row Type -> RowList Type -> Constraintclass TsValuesRL tok r rl  where



#tsOpaqueType Source

tsOpaqueType :: forall tok a. TsBridgeBy tok a => tok -> Proxy a -> TsBridgeM (Array TsDeclaration)

For rare cases where you want to manually export an opaque type. Once you export a value that contains a reference to this type, the type will be generated and exported automatically. Thus in most cases you don't need this.

#tsTypeAlias Source

tsTypeAlias :: forall tok a. TsBridgeBy tok a => tok -> String -> Proxy a -> TsBridgeM (Array TsDeclaration)

For rare cases where you want to export a type alias. References to this type alias will be fully resolved in the generated code. So it is more practical to use a newtype instead, which can be references by name.

#tsValue Source

tsValue :: forall tok a. TsBridgeBy tok a => tok -> String -> a -> TsBridgeM (Array TsDeclaration)

Exports a single PureScript value to TypeScript. tsValues may be better choice.