


#TimeHeadroom Source

type TimeHeadroom = { headroom :: Number, time :: Number }

#makeLoopingPiecewise Source

makeLoopingPiecewise :: Number -> NonEmpty List (Number /\ Number) -> ASDR

From a non-empty list of times and values, make a cofree comonad that emits audio parameters the first number is how much time to add when looping Based on a current time and a look-ahead

#makePiecewise Source

makePiecewise :: NonEmpty List (Number /\ Number) -> ASDR

From a non-empty list of times and values, make a cofree comonad that emits audio parameters Based on a current time and a look-ahead

#NonEmptyToCofree Source

type NonEmptyToCofree a b = { time :: Number, value :: a } -> Cofree (Function { time :: Number, value :: a }) b

#NonEmptyToCofree' Source

#nonEmptyToCofree' Source

#nonEmptyToCofree Source

nonEmptyToCofree :: forall a b. Maybe (a -> b) -> NonEmpty List ((Number -> Boolean) /\ (a -> b)) -> { time :: Number, value :: a } -> Cofree (Function { time :: Number, value :: a }) b

#nonEmptyToCofreeFull Source

nonEmptyToCofreeFull :: forall a b. Maybe ({ time :: Number, value :: a } -> b) -> NonEmpty List ((Number -> Boolean) /\ ({ time :: Number, value :: a } -> b)) -> { time :: Number, value :: a } -> Cofree (Function { time :: Number, value :: a }) b