


Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Contract

#EventFilter Source

class EventFilter a  where


#call Source

call :: forall selector a b e. CallMethod selector a b => IsSymbol selector => TransactionOptions NoPay -> ChainCursor -> Tagged (SProxy selector) a -> Web3 e (Either CallError b)

Constant call given contract 'Address' in mode and given input data

#sendTx Source

sendTx :: forall selector a u e. TxMethod selector a => TokenUnit (Value (u ETHER)) => IsSymbol selector => TransactionOptions u -> Tagged (SProxy selector) a -> Web3 e HexString

Send a transaction for given contract 'Address', value and input data

#mkDataField Source

mkDataField :: forall l fields args name a selector. IsSymbol selector => Generic a (Constructor name args) => RecordFieldsIso args fields l => GenericABIEncode (Constructor name args) => Proxy (Tagged (SProxy selector) a) -> Record fields -> HexString

#event' Source

event' :: forall ni i a e. DecodeEvent i ni a => Filter a -> Int -> (a -> ReaderT Change (Web3 e) EventAction) -> Web3 e Unit

Takes a Filter and a handler, as well as a windowSize. It runs the handler over the eventLogs using reduceEventStream. If no TerminateEvent is thrown, it then transitions to polling.

#event Source

event :: forall ni i a e. DecodeEvent i ni a => Filter a -> (a -> ReaderT Change (Web3 e) EventAction) -> Web3 e Unit

run event' one block at a time.

#deployContract Source

deployContract :: forall t e rep a. Generic a rep => GenericABIEncode rep => TransactionOptions NoPay -> HexString -> Tagged t a -> Web3 e HexString

Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity

#Vector Source

newtype Vector (n :: DigitList) a

Represents a statically sized vector of length n. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.


#UIntN Source

newtype UIntN (n :: DigitList)

Represents a statically sized unsigned integer of size n. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.


#DOne Source

data DOne :: Digit -> DigitList


#DLProxy Source

data DLProxy (d :: DigitList)

For types of kind Type there is already Type.Proxy. this is basicity the same thing but for types of kind DigitList. Documentation of Type.Proxy module has motivation for why would one need a Proxy for some type which we will not cover here.


#DCons Source

data DCons :: Digit -> DigitList -> DigitList


#BytesN Source

newtype BytesN (n :: DigitList)

See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.


#ByteSize Source

class (KnownSize n) <= ByteSize n 

ByteSize is empty class, if there is instance of ByteSize for some number it means there is solidity type bytes of that size specific number in like bytes1, bytes2 ... bytes32


#Inc Source

class Inc (input :: DigitList) (output :: DigitList) | input -> output

This is like inc but in type-level for DigitList, it computes increment of it's input. It could be used like this for example:

cons :: forall a n nInc. Inc n nInc => a -> Vector n a -> Vector nInc a
uncons :: forall a n nDec. Inc nDec n => Vector n a -> { head :: a, tail :: Vector nDec a }

see Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Vector


#IntSize Source

class (KnownSize n) <= IntSize n 

IntSize is empty class, if there is instance of IntSize for some number it means there is solidity type int of that size specific number in like int16, int24 ... int256


#KnownSize Source

class KnownSize (d :: DigitList)  where


  • sizeVal :: DLProxy d -> Int

    Given proxy of a Digit returns a number it represents

    1995 == sizeVal (DLProxy :: DLProxy (D1 :& D9 :& D9 :% D5))


#vCons Source

vCons :: forall nInc n a. Inc n nInc => a -> Vector n a -> Vector nInc a

Dependently typed cons

#unUIntN Source

unUIntN :: forall n. KnownSize n => UIntN n -> BigNumber

Access the raw underlying unsigned integer

#unIntN Source

unIntN :: forall n. KnownSize n => IntN n -> BigNumber

Access the raw underlying integer

#unBytesN Source

unBytesN :: forall n. KnownSize n => BytesN n -> ByteString

Access the underlying raw bytestring

#uIntNFromBigNumber Source

uIntNFromBigNumber :: forall n. KnownSize n => DLProxy n -> BigNumber -> Maybe (UIntN n)

Attempt to coerce an unsigned integer into a statically sized one. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.

#toVector Source

toVector :: forall n a. KnownSize n => DLProxy n -> Array a -> Maybe (Vector n a)

Attempt to coerce an array into a statically sized array. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.

#nilVector Source

nilVector :: forall a. Vector (DOne D0) a

Array of length 0

#intNFromBigNumber Source

intNFromBigNumber :: forall n. KnownSize n => DLProxy n -> BigNumber -> Maybe (IntN n)

Attempt to coerce an signed BigNumber into a statically sized one. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.

#fromData Source

fromData :: forall a. ABIDecode a => HexString -> Either ParseError a

Parse encoded value, droping the leading 0x

#fromByteString Source

fromByteString :: forall n. KnownSize n => DLProxy n -> ByteString -> Maybe (BytesN n)

Attempt to coerce a bytestring into one of the appropriate size. See module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Sizes for some predefined sizes.

#(:<) Source

Operator alias for Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Vector.vCons (right-associative / precedence 6)

#type (:&) Source

Operator alias for Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Size.DCons (right-associative / precedence 6)

#type (:%) Source

Operator alias for Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Size.DTwo (right-associative / precedence 6)

Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types

#Web3 Source

newtype Web3 e a

A monad for asynchronous Web3 actions


#Value Source

newtype Value (a :: TokenUnit)

A value of some token in specific denomination


#TransactionReceipt Source

newtype TransactionReceipt



#Transaction Source

newtype Transaction



#FilterId Source

newtype FilterId

Used by the ethereum client to identify the filter you are querying


#Filter Source

newtype Filter a

Low-level event filter data structure


#EventAction Source

data EventAction

EventAction Represents a flag to continue or discontinue listening to the filter



#ETH Source

data ETH :: Effect


#Change Source

newtype Change

Changes pulled by low-level call 'eth_getFilterChanges', 'eth_getLogs', and 'eth_getFilterLogs'



#ChainCursor Source

data ChainCursor

Refers to a particular block time, used when making calls, transactions, or watching for events.



#CallError Source

data CallError



#Block Source

newtype Block



#Address Source

#fromMinorUnit Source

fromMinorUnit :: forall a. TokenUnit a => BigNumber -> a

#toMinorUnit Source

toMinorUnit :: forall a. TokenUnit a => a -> BigNumber

#throwWeb3 Source

throwWeb3 :: forall a e. Error -> Web3 e a

#runWeb3 Source

runWeb3 :: forall a e. Provider -> Web3 e a -> Aff (eth :: ETH | e) (Either Web3Error a)

Run an asynchronous ETH action

#mkValue Source

mkValue :: forall a. TokenUnitSpec a => BigNumber -> Value a

Convert a big number into value, first using floor function to take the integer part

#formatValue Source

formatValue :: forall a. TokenUnitSpec a => Value a -> String

#forkWeb3' Source

forkWeb3' :: forall a e. Web3 e a -> Web3 e (Fiber (eth :: ETH | e) (Either Web3Error a))

Fork an asynchronous ETH action inside Web3 monad

#forkWeb3 Source

forkWeb3 :: forall a e. Provider -> Web3 e a -> Aff (eth :: ETH | e) (Fiber (eth :: ETH | e) (Either Web3Error a))

Fork an asynchronous ETH action

#embed Source

embed :: forall a r. Algebra a r => r -> a

#defaultFilter Source

defaultFilter :: forall a. Filter a

#convert Source

convert :: forall b a. TokenUnit a => TokenUnit b => a -> b

Convert between two denominations

#_topics Source

_topics :: forall a. Lens' (Filter a) (Maybe (Array (Maybe HexString)))

#_toBlock Source

_toBlock :: forall a. Lens' (Filter a) ChainCursor

#_fromBlock Source

#_address Source

_address :: forall a. Lens' (Filter a) (Maybe Address)

Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.Provider

#Provider Source

data Provider :: Type

Represents a connection to an ethereum client

#metamaskProvider Source

metamaskProvider :: forall e. Eff (exception :: EXCEPTION | e) Provider

Produces reference to Metamas provider

#httpProvider Source

httpProvider :: forall e. String -> Eff e Provider

Connect to an ethereum client at a given address, eg "http://localhost:8545"