


#retry Source

retry :: forall a o e. Int -> Selenium e o a -> Selenium e o a

Retry computation until it successed but not more then n times

#tryFind Source

tryFind :: forall o e. String -> Selenium e o Element

Tries to find element by string checks: css, xpath, id, name and classname

#waitUntilJust Source

waitUntilJust :: forall a o e d. Duration d => Selenium e o (Maybe a) -> d -> Selenium e o a

#checker Source

checker :: forall o e. Selenium e o Boolean -> Selenium e o Boolean

#getElementByCss Source

getElementByCss :: forall o e. String -> Selenium e o Element

#checkNotExistsByCss Source

checkNotExistsByCss :: forall o e. String -> Selenium e o Unit

#contra Source

contra :: forall a o e. Selenium e o a -> Selenium e o Unit

#tryToFind' Source

tryToFind' :: forall o e d. Duration d => d -> Selenium e o Locator -> Selenium e o Element

Repeatedly attempts to find an element using the provided selector until the provided timeout elapses.

#tryToFind Source

tryToFind :: forall o e. Selenium e o Locator -> Selenium e o Element

Repeatedly tries to find an element using the provided selector until the provided Selenium's defaultTimeout elapses.

#await Source

await :: forall o e d. Duration d => d -> Selenium e o Boolean -> Selenium e o Unit

Repeatedly tries to evaluate check (third arg) for timeout ms (first arg) finishes when check evaluates to true. If there is an error during check or it constantly returns false throws error with message (second arg)

#awaitUrlChanged Source

awaitUrlChanged :: forall o e. String -> Selenium e o Boolean