


This module tries to be analogous to the zermq4-simple Haskell library.

#Socket Source

data Socket :: Type -> Type -> Location -> Type

#socket Source

socket :: forall loc to from. IsLegal from to => from -> to -> Effect (Socket from to loc)

#ZMQ_Option Source

#setOption Source

setOption :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> ZMQ_Option -> Buffer -> Effect Unit

#getOption Source

getOption :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> ZMQ_Option -> Effect (Maybe Buffer)

#bind' Source

bind' :: forall to from. Bindable from => Socket from to Bound -> String -> Aff Unit

#unbind Source

unbind :: forall to from. Bindable from => Socket from to Bound -> String -> Aff Unit

#bindSync Source

bindSync :: forall to from. Bindable from => Socket from to Bound -> String -> Effect Unit

#unbindSync Source

unbindSync :: forall to from. Bindable from => Socket from to Bound -> String -> Effect Unit

#connect Source

connect :: forall to from. Connectable from => Socket from to Connected -> String -> Effect Unit

#disconnect Source

disconnect :: forall to from. Connectable from => Socket from to Connected -> String -> Effect Unit

#subscribe Source

subscribe :: forall loc to from. Subscriber from => Socket from to loc -> String -> Effect Unit

#unsubscribe Source

unsubscribe :: forall loc to from. Subscriber from => Socket from to loc -> String -> Effect Unit

#Subscriber Source

class Subscriber from 


#monitor Source

monitor :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> Milliseconds -> Int -> Effect Unit

#unmonitor Source

unmonitor :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> Effect Unit

#addMonitorListener Source

addMonitorListener :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> MonitorEvent -> (Foreign -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

#removeAllMonitorListeners Source

removeAllMonitorListeners :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> MonitorEvent -> Effect Unit

#Flag Source

newtype Flag


#sendMore Source

#dontWait Source

#close Source

close :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> Effect Unit

#sendJson Source

sendJson :: forall loc a aux to from. Sendable from to aux => EncodeJson a => aux -> Socket from to loc -> a -> Effect Unit

#readJson Source

readJson :: forall a loc aux to from. Receivable from to aux => DecodeJson a => Socket from to loc -> Aff (Maybe { aux :: aux, msg :: a })

#readJson' Source

readJson' :: forall a loc aux to from. Receivable from to aux => DecodeJson a => Socket from to loc -> Aff (Maybe (Either String { aux :: aux, msg :: a }))

#addReceiveListener Source

addReceiveListener :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> (Array Buffer -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

#removeAllReceiveListeners Source

removeAllReceiveListeners :: forall loc to from. Socket from to loc -> Effect Unit

#proxy Source

proxy :: forall loc3 to3 from3 to2 from2 to1 from1. Socket from1 to1 Bound -> Socket from2 to2 Bound -> Maybe (Socket from3 to3 loc3) -> Effect Unit

#Location Source

data Location :: Type

#Bound Source

data Bound :: Location

#Connected Source
