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genericShow :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericShow rep => a -> String
A Generic
implementation of the show
member from the Show
type class.
genericShow' :: forall a. GenericShow a => a -> String
show :: forall a. Show a => a -> String
toJsonString :: forall t. EncodeJson t => t -> String
Encode and stringify a type in one step.
encodeJSON :: forall a. Encode a => a -> String
Encode a JSON string using an Encode
unsafeStringify :: forall a. a -> String
writeJSON :: forall a. WriteForeign a => a -> String
Write a JSON string from a type a
unsafeStringify :: forall a. a -> String
writeJSON :: forall a. WriteForeign a => a -> String
Write a JSON string from a type a
defaultMessage :: forall error. error -> String
defaultName :: forall error. error -> String
message :: forall error. Error error => error -> String
name :: forall error. Error error => error -> String
toAttrib :: forall a. IsAttrib a => a -> String
toAttrib :: forall a. IsAttrib a => a -> String
code :: forall error. NodeError error => error -> String
defaultCode :: forall error. error -> String
defaultStack :: forall error. error -> String
localName :: forall el. IsElement el => el -> String
nodeName :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> String
For elements this is the tag name, for document types this is the doctype
name, for processing instructions this is the target, for all other nodes
it is a string like "#text"
, `"#comment", etc. depending on the node
stack :: forall error. NodeError error => error -> String
tagName :: forall el. IsElement el => el -> String
typeOf :: forall a. a -> String
Gets the type of an object with javascript typeof
unsafeJsonStringify :: forall a. a -> String
fmtVar :: forall a. FormatVar a => a -> String
renderValue :: forall a. Value a => a -> String
stringifyKey :: forall a. GrainKey a => a -> String
toHeader :: forall x. ToHeader x => x -> String
toPathPiece :: forall x. ToPathPiece x => x -> String
innerHTML :: forall e. IsElement e => e -> String
name :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> String
textContent :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> String
toColorRep :: forall color. CanvasColor color => color -> String
toText :: forall a. DotLang a => a -> String
type' :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> String
A string descriptor of the event name (lowercase, no on
encodeKey :: forall a. EncodeKey a => a -> String
getKey :: forall a. HasKey a => a -> String
mergeDecl :: forall a. IsDecl a => a -> String
renderEJson :: forall t. Recursive t EJsonF => t -> String
structName :: forall a. a -> String
Gets the contructor name for the type
toString :: forall a. Serializable a => a -> String
unsafeEventValue :: forall event. event -> String
_alignmentFocusName :: forall p. IsPanel p => p -> String
_background :: forall g. IsGraphObject g => g -> String
_category :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_currentCursor :: forall d. IsDiagram d => d -> String
_cursor :: forall g. IsGraphObject g => g -> String
_dataFormat :: forall m. IsModel m => m -> String
_defaultCursor :: forall d. IsDiagram d => d -> String
_defaultRowSeparatorStroke :: forall p. IsPanel p => p -> String
_layerName :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_linkingCursor :: forall t. IsLinkingBaseTool t => t -> String
_locationObjectName :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_name :: forall g. IsGraphObject g => g -> String
_name :: forall m. IsModel m => m -> String
_name :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> String
_nodeKeyProperty :: forall m. IsModel m => m -> String
_renderer :: forall d. IsDiagram d => d -> String
_resizeObjectName :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_rotateObjectName :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_selectionObjectName :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_shadowColor :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
_text :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> String
animationName :: forall a. IsAnimation a => a -> String
classNames :: forall a. ClassNames a => a -> String
code :: forall a. IsKeyboard a => a -> String
d :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String
Day of month - with digits
dd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String
Day of month - two digits
ddd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String
Day of month short text - like Mon, Tue ...
dddd :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String
Day of month full text - like Monday, Tuesday, ...
defaultEncodeJSON :: forall b a. Generic a b => GenericEncode b => a -> String
defaultHttpVersion :: forall message. message -> String
defaultPrintEnum :: forall a ty. CustomEnum a ty => a -> String
encode :: forall a. CookieEncoder a => a -> String
encode' :: forall a. EncodeJson a => a -> String
encodeBody :: forall body. EncodeBody body => body -> String
encodeJSON :: forall a. Encode a => a -> String
Encode a JSON string using an Encode
encodeParam :: forall a. EncodeParam a => a -> String
encodeResponse :: forall response. IsResponse response => response -> String
encodeYml :: forall a. EncodeJson a => a -> String
encodeYml :: forall a. EncodeJson a => a -> String
fmt :: forall @sym sym' head tail replace. Parse DefaultConfig head tail replace => Append sym EOF sym' => Cons head tail sym' => replace -> String
fmtWith :: forall @config @sym config' sym' head tail replace. Parse config' head tail replace => Append sym EOF sym' => Cons head tail sym' => EvalConfigSpec config config' => replace -> String
format :: forall a. Format a => a -> String
formatQueryString :: forall b a. Newtype a b => ToQueryString b => a -> String
from :: forall a. StringArg a => a -> String
genericPrintEnum :: forall a g. Generic a g => GenericCustomEnum g => a -> String
genericPrintEnum' :: forall a. GenericCustomEnum a => a -> String
getAddress :: forall a. Address a => a -> String
getKey :: forall a. Storable a => a -> String
Given a storable a
will produce the key that it would have in storage.
getTagName :: forall a. GetTagName a => a -> String
getTagNameImpl :: forall rep. GetTagNameImpl rep => rep -> String
getVarsTypeNames :: forall query. VarsTypeChecked query => query -> String
hh :: forall a. HasTime a => a -> String
Hours with two digits - in 24h format
httpVersion :: forall message. IncomingMessage message => message -> String
inspect :: forall a. HasInspect a => a -> String
jsonStringify :: forall a. a -> String
key :: forall a. Storable a => a -> String
Produces a key from the given a
. This is most appropriately an id
or something like it.
key :: forall a. IsKeyboard a => a -> String
m :: forall a. HasDate a => a -> String
Month with digits