


#Clappr Source

data Clappr :: Type

#Plugin Source

data Plugin :: Type

#FlashPlugin Source

data FlashPlugin :: Type

Flash backend has some global initialization. We are caching instance on window level to force only single instance.

#OptionsBase Source

type OptionsBase o = { autoPlay :: Boolean, baseUrl :: Maybe String, hideMediaControl :: Boolean, hlsRecoverAttempts :: Maybe Int, hlsjsConfig :: Maybe HlsjsConfig, mute :: Boolean, source :: String | o }

This base config is reused by Pux/React bindings

#Options Source

type Options = OptionsBase (parent :: Parent)

Change parent so it could be only HTMLElement

#clappr Source

clappr :: forall r. NativeOptions r -> Effect Clappr

#HlsjsConfig Source

type HlsjsConfig = { debug :: Boolean, liveSyncDuration :: Int, maxBufferLength :: Int, maxBufferSize :: Int }

#NativeOptionsRow Source

type NativeOptionsRow r = (autoPlay :: Boolean, baseUrl :: Nullable String, hideMediaControl :: Boolean, hlsRecoverAttempts :: Nullable Int, hlsjsConfig :: Nullable HlsjsConfig, mute :: Boolean, parent :: Nullable HTMLElement, parentId :: Nullable String, plugins :: Array Plugin, source :: String | r)

#NativeOptions Source

#clapprImpl Source

#toNativeOptions Source

toNativeOptions :: forall r. Lacks "plugins" r => Lacks "parentId" r => OptionsBase (parent :: Parent | r) -> NativeOptions r