- Package
- purescript-css
- Repository
- purescript-contrib/purescript-css
#Background Source
class (Val a) <= Background a where
We implement the generic background property as a type class that accepts multiple value types. This allows us to combine different background aspects into a shorthand syntax.
background :: a -> CSS
#backgroundColor Source
backgroundColor :: Color -> CSS
#positioned Source
positioned :: forall a. Size a -> Size a -> BackgroundPosition
#backgroundSize Source
backgroundSize :: BackgroundSize -> CSS
#origin Source
origin :: BoxType -> BackgroundOrigin
#backgroundClip Source
backgroundClip :: BackgroundClip -> CSS
#boxClip Source
boxClip :: BoxType -> BackgroundClip
#url Source
url :: String -> BackgroundImage
#sideBottom Source
sideBottom :: Side
#sideCenter Source
sideCenter :: Side
#sideMiddle Source
sideMiddle :: Side
- Modules
- CSS.
Animation - CSS.
Background - CSS.
Border - CSS.
Box - CSS.
Color - CSS.
Common - CSS.
Cursor - CSS.
Display - CSS.
Elements - CSS.
Flexbox - CSS.
Font - CSS.
FontFace - CSS.
FontStyle - CSS.
Geometry - CSS.
Gradient - CSS.
ListStyle - CSS.
ListStyle. Image - CSS.
ListStyle. Position - CSS.
ListStyle. Type - CSS.
Media - CSS.
Overflow - CSS.
Property - CSS.
Pseudo - CSS.
Render - CSS.
Selector - CSS.
Size - CSS.
String - CSS.
Stylesheet - CSS.
Text - CSS.
Text. Direction - CSS.
Text. Overflow - CSS.
Text. Shadow - CSS.
Text. Transform - CSS.
Text. Whitespace - CSS.
TextAlign - CSS.
Time - CSS.
Transform - CSS.
Transition - CSS.