- Package
- purescript-css
- Repository
- purescript-contrib/purescript-css
Re-exports from CSS.Animation
#IterationCount Source
#AnimationName Source
#AnimationDirection Source
#animation Source
animation :: AnimationName -> Time -> TimingFunction -> Time -> IterationCount -> AnimationDirection -> FillMode -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Background
#Background Source
class (Val a) <= Background a where
We implement the generic background property as a type class that accepts multiple value types. This allows us to combine different background aspects into a shorthand syntax.
background :: a -> CSS
#url Source
url :: String -> BackgroundImage
#sideMiddle Source
sideMiddle :: Side
#sideCenter Source
sideCenter :: Side
#sideBottom Source
sideBottom :: Side
#positioned Source
positioned :: forall a. Size a -> Size a -> BackgroundPosition
#origin Source
origin :: BoxType -> BackgroundOrigin
#boxClip Source
boxClip :: BoxType -> BackgroundClip
#backgroundSize Source
backgroundSize :: BackgroundSize -> CSS
#backgroundColor Source
backgroundColor :: Color -> CSS
#backgroundClip Source
backgroundClip :: BackgroundClip -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Border
#outlineWidth Source
outlineWidth :: Size LengthUnit -> CSS
#outlineStyle Source
outlineStyle :: Stroke -> CSS
#outlineOffset Source
outlineOffset :: Size LengthUnit -> CSS
#outlineColor Source
outlineColor :: Color -> CSS
#borderSpacing Source
borderSpacing :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#borderRight Source
borderRight :: Stroke -> Size LengthUnit -> Color -> CSS
#borderLeft Source
borderLeft :: Stroke -> Size LengthUnit -> Color -> CSS
#borderColor Source
borderColor :: Color -> CSS
#borderBottom Source
borderBottom :: Stroke -> Size LengthUnit -> Color -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Box
#paddingBox Source
paddingBox :: BoxType
#boxShadow Source
boxShadow :: NonEmpty Array BoxShadow -> CSS
This function will usually take a singleton list, but requiring a (non-empty) list
prevents accidentally applying the modifiers (bsInset
, bsColor
) incorrectly.
(from "Data.NonEmpty") creates a singleton list.
boxShadow $ singleton $ shadow (px 1.0) (px 1.0)
For supplying multiple BoxShadow
boxShadow $
red `bsColor` shadow (px 3.0) (px 3.0) :|
[olive `bsColor` shadowWithBlur (em (-1.0)) (em 0.0) (em 0.4)]
Re-exports from CSS.Color
#ColorSpace Source
data ColorSpace
Definition of a color space.
: red, green, blueHSL
: hue, saturation, lightnessLCh
: Lightness, chroma, hueLab
: Lightness, a, b
#Color Source
data Color
The representation of a color.
- The
instance compares twoColor
s by comparing their (integer) RGB values. This is different from comparing the HSL values (for example, HSL has many different representations of black (arbitrary hue and saturation values). - Colors outside the sRGB gamut which cannot be displayed on a typical
computer screen can not be represented by
#xyz Source
xyz :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Color
Create a Color
from XYZ coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space. Note
that a Color
always represents a color in the sRGB gamut (colors that
can be represented on a typical computer screen) while the XYZ color space
is bigger. This function will tend to create fully saturated colors at the
edge of the sRGB gamut if the coordinates lie outside the sRGB range.
#toXYZ Source
#toHexString Source
toHexString :: Color -> String
Return a hexadecimal representation of the color in the forms #rrggbb
or #rrggbbaa
, where rr
, gg
, bb
, and aa
refer to hexadecimal
digits corresponding to the RGBA channel values between 00
and ff
. The
alpha channel is only represented when it has a value less than 100%.
#mix Source
mix :: ColorSpace -> Interpolator
Mix two colors by linearly interpolating between them in the specified color space. For the HSL colorspace, the shortest path is chosen along the circle of hue values.
#luminance Source
luminance :: Color -> Number
The relative brightness of a color (normalized to 0.0 for darkest black and 1.0 for lightest white), according to the WCAG definition.
See: https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef
#lch Source
#isReadable Source
isReadable :: Color -> Color -> Boolean
Determine whether text of one color is readable on a background of a
different color (see contrast
). This function is symmetric in both
isReadable c1 c2 = contrast c1 c2 > 4.5
#fromHexString Source
fromHexString :: String -> Maybe Color
Parse a hexadecimal RGB code of the form #rgb
or #rrggbb
. The #
character is required. Each hexadecimal digit is of the form [0-9a-fA-F]
(case insensitive). Returns Nothing
if the string is in a wrong format.
#distance Source
#desaturate Source
desaturate :: Number -> Color -> Color
Decrease the saturation of a color by subtracting a certain amount (number between -1.0 and 1.0) from the saturation channel. If the number is negative, the color is saturated.
#cssStringRGBA Source
cssStringRGBA :: Color -> String
A CSS representation of the color in the form rgb(..)
or rgba(...)
#cssStringHSLA Source
cssStringHSLA :: Color -> String
A CSS representation of the color in the form hsl(..)
or hsla(...)
#contrast Source
contrast :: Color -> Color -> Number
The contrast ratio of two colors. A minimum contrast ratio of 4.5 is
recommended to ensure that text is readable on a colored background. The
contrast ratio is symmetric on both arguments:
contrast c1 c2 == contrast c2 c1
See http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#contrast-ratiodef
#complementary Source
complementary :: Color -> Color
Get the complementary color (hue rotated by 180°).
#brightness Source
brightness :: Color -> Number
The percieved brightness of the color (A number between 0.0 and 1.0).
Re-exports from CSS.Cursor
Re-exports from CSS.Display
#visibility Source
visibility :: Visibility -> CSS
#floatRight Source
floatRight :: Float
#clear Source
clear :: ClearFloat -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Elements
Re-exports from CSS.Flexbox
#JustifyContentValue Source
#FlexDirection Source
#AlignSelfValue Source
#AlignItemsValue Source
#AlignContentValue Source
#SpaceAround Source
#SpaceBetween Source
#row Source
row :: FlexDirection
#flexShrink Source
flexShrink :: Number -> CSS
#flexDirection Source
flexDirection :: FlexDirection -> CSS
#alignSelf Source
alignSelf :: AlignSelfValue -> CSS
#alignItems Source
alignItems :: AlignItemsValue -> CSS
#alignContent Source
alignContent :: AlignContentValue -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Font
#GenericFontFamily Source
#FontWeight Source
#weight Source
weight :: Number -> FontWeight
#fontWeight Source
fontWeight :: FontWeight -> CSS
#fontFamily Source
fontFamily :: Array String -> NonEmpty Array GenericFontFamily -> CSS
#bolder Source
bolder :: FontWeight
#bold Source
bold :: FontWeight
Re-exports from CSS.FontFace
#FontFaceSrc Source
#FontFaceFormat Source
#formatName Source
formatName :: FontFaceFormat -> String
#fontFaceSrc Source
fontFaceSrc :: NonEmpty Array FontFaceSrc -> CSS
#fontFaceFamily Source
fontFaceFamily :: String -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.FontStyle
Re-exports from CSS.Geometry
#paddingTop Source
paddingTop :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#paddingRight Source
paddingRight :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#paddingLeft Source
paddingLeft :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#paddingBottom Source
paddingBottom :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#marginRight Source
marginRight :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#marginLeft Source
marginLeft :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#marginBottom Source
marginBottom :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
#lineHeight Source
lineHeight :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Gradient
#vRepeatingGradient Source
vRepeatingGradient :: Color -> Color -> BackgroundImage
#repeatingRadialGradient Source
repeatingRadialGradient :: forall l. Loc l => l -> Radial -> Ramp -> BackgroundImage
#radialGradient Source
radialGradient :: forall l. Loc l => l -> Radial -> Ramp -> BackgroundImage
#linearGradient Source
linearGradient :: Direction -> Ramp -> BackgroundImage
#hRepeatingGradient Source
hRepeatingGradient :: Color -> Color -> BackgroundImage
Re-exports from CSS.Property
Re-exports from CSS.Pseudo
#hover Source
hover :: Refinement
Re-exports from CSS.Render
#mediaQuery Source
mediaQuery :: MediaQuery -> String
Re-exports from CSS.Selector
#Refinement Source
#pseudo Source
pseudo :: String -> Refinement
Filter elements by pseudo selector or pseudo class.
The preferred syntax is to use :pseudo-selector
use one of the predefined ones from CSS.Pseudo
#func Source
func :: String -> Array String -> Refinement
Filter elements by pseudo selector functions.
The preferred way is to use one of the predefined functions from CSS.Pseudo
#byId Source
byId :: String -> Refinement
Filter elements by id.
#byClass Source
byClass :: String -> Refinement
Filter elements by class.
#attr Source
attr :: String -> Refinement
Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute.
Re-exports from CSS.Size
Re-exports from CSS.String
Re-exports from CSS.Stylesheet
#MediaQuery Source
Re-exports from CSS.Text
#TextDecoration Source
#textDecoration Source
textDecoration :: TextDecoration -> CSS
#letterSpacing Source
letterSpacing :: forall a. Size a -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Text.Direction
#direction Source
direction :: TextDirection -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Text.Overflow
#textOverflow Source
textOverflow :: TextOverflow -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Text.Transform
#textTransform Source
textTransform :: TextTransform -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Text.Whitespace
#textWhitespace Source
textWhitespace :: TextWhitespace -> CSS
Re-exports from CSS.Time
Re-exports from CSS.Transform
#Transformation Source
#TransformOriginOffset Source
#TransformOrigin Source
#transforms Source
transforms :: Array Transformation -> CSS
#transformOrigin Source
transformOrigin :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a -> TransformOriginOffset a -> Size a -> CSS
#transform Source
transform :: Transformation -> CSS
#rotate Source
rotate :: forall a. Angle a -> Transformation
#offsetTop Source
offsetTop :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a
#offsetRight Source
offsetRight :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a
#offsetLeft Source
offsetLeft :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a
#offsetCenter Source
offsetCenter :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a
#offsetBottom Source
offsetBottom :: forall a. TransformOriginOffset a
#offset Source
offset :: forall a. Size a -> TransformOriginOffset a
Re-exports from CSS.Transition
#transitionProperty Source
transitionProperty :: String -> CSS
#transitionDuration Source
transitionDuration :: String -> CSS
#transitionDelay Source
transitionDelay :: Time -> CSS
#transition Source
transition :: String -> Time -> TimingFunction -> Time -> CSS
#steps Source
steps :: Int -> TimingStepsValue -> TimingFunction
#cubicBezier Source
cubicBezier :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> TimingFunction
- Modules
- CSS.
Animation - CSS.
Background - CSS.
Border - CSS.
Box - CSS.
Color - CSS.
Common - CSS.
Cursor - CSS.
Display - CSS.
Elements - CSS.
Flexbox - CSS.
Font - CSS.
FontFace - CSS.
FontStyle - CSS.
Geometry - CSS.
Gradient - CSS.
ListStyle - CSS.
ListStyle. Image - CSS.
ListStyle. Position - CSS.
ListStyle. Type - CSS.
Media - CSS.
Overflow - CSS.
Property - CSS.
Pseudo - CSS.
Render - CSS.
Selector - CSS.
Size - CSS.
String - CSS.
Stylesheet - CSS.
Text - CSS.
Text. Direction - CSS.
Text. Overflow - CSS.
Text. Shadow - CSS.
Text. Transform - CSS.
Text. Whitespace - CSS.
TextAlign - CSS.
Time - CSS.
Transform - CSS.
Transition - CSS.