


#Path Source

data Path f



#star Source

star :: Selector

The star selector applies to all elements. Maps to * in CSS.

#element Source

element :: String -> Selector

Select elements by name.

#deep Source

deep :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector

The deep selector composer. Maps to sel1 sel2 in CSS.

#(|*) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.deep (non-associative / precedence 6)

#child Source

child :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector

The child selector composer. Maps to sel1 > sel2 in CSS.

#(|>) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.child (non-associative / precedence 6)

#adjacent Source

adjacent :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector

The adjacent selector composer. Maps to sel1 + sel2 in CSS.

#(|+) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.adjacent (non-associative / precedence 6)

#with Source

with :: Selector -> Refinement -> Selector

The filter selector composer, adds a filter to a selector. Maps to something like sel#filter, sel.filter or sel:filter in CSS, depending on the filter.

#(&) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.with (non-associative / precedence 6)

#byId Source

byId :: String -> Refinement

Filter elements by id.

#byClass Source

byClass :: String -> Refinement

Filter elements by class.

#pseudo Source

pseudo :: String -> Refinement

Filter elements by pseudo selector or pseudo class. The preferred syntax is to use :pseudo-selector or use one of the predefined ones from CSS.Pseudo.

#func Source

func :: String -> Array String -> Refinement

Filter elements by pseudo selector functions. The preferred way is to use one of the predefined functions from CSS.Pseudo.

#attr Source

attr :: String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute.

#attrVal Source

attrVal :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute with the specified value.

#(@=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrVal (non-associative / precedence 6)

#attrBegins Source

attrBegins :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that begins with the selected value.

#(^=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrBegins (non-associative / precedence 6)

#attrEnds Source

attrEnds :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that ends with the specified value.

#($=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrEnds (non-associative / precedence 6)

#attrContains Source

attrContains :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that contains the specified value as a substring.

#(*=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrContains (non-associative / precedence 6)

#attrSpace Source

attrSpace :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that have the specified value contained in a space separated list.

#(~=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrSpace (non-associative / precedence 6)

#attrHyph Source

attrHyph :: String -> String -> Refinement

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that have the specified value contained in a hyphen separated list.

#(|=) Source

Operator alias for CSS.Selector.attrHyph (non-associative / precedence 6)