- Package
- purescript-droplet
- Repository
- easafe/purescript-droplet
Definition of SQL columns types as well conversions from and to columns
Do not import this module directly, it will break your code and make it not type safe. Use the sanitized Droplet.Language
#ForeignKey Source
data ForeignKey :: Symbol -> Type -> Type
data ForeignKey (field :: Symbol) (table :: Type)
#Joined Source
data Joined (t :: Type)
A trick to mark left joined columns as nullable
(UnwrapDefinition t u) => UnwrapDefinition (Joined t) u
IsNullable (Joined t)
#PrimaryKey Source
data PrimaryKey
#Constraint Source
data Constraint :: forall n. n -> Type -> Type
data Constraint name t
#Column Source
data Column (t :: Type) (constraint :: Type)
UnwrapDefinition (Column t c) t
IsNullable (Column (Maybe t) c)
#IsNullable Source
class IsNullable (t :: Type)
IsNullable (Column (Maybe t) c)
IsNullable (Maybe t)
IsNullable (Joined t)
#UnwrapNullable Source
class UnwrapNullable (w :: Type) (t :: Type) | w -> t
Convenience to remove nullable wrappers
UnwrapNullable (Maybe t) t
UnwrapNullable t t
#ToParameters Source
class ToParameters :: Row Type -> RowList Type -> Constraint
class ToParameters record (list :: RowList Type) where
ToParameters record Nil
(IsSymbol name, Reflectable name String, ToValue t, Cons name t e record, ToParameters record rest) => ToParameters record (Cons name t rest)
#UnwrapDefinition Source
class UnwrapDefinition (w :: Type) (t :: Type) | w -> t
Convenience to remove type wrappers
UnwrapDefinition (Column t c) t
(UnwrapDefinition t u) => UnwrapDefinition (Joined t) u
UnwrapDefinition t t
#AppendPath Source
class AppendPath :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Constraint
class AppendPath (alias :: Symbol) (name :: Symbol) (fullPath :: Symbol) | alias name -> fullPath
Simplify append qualifying column names
(Append alias Dot path, Append path name fullPath) => AppendPath alias name fullPath
- Modules
- Droplet.
Driver - Droplet.
Driver. Internal. Migration - Droplet.
Driver. Internal. Pool - Droplet.
Driver. Internal. Query - Droplet.
Driver. Migration - Droplet.
Driver. Unsafe - Droplet.
Language - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Condition - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Definition - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Function - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Syntax - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Token - Droplet.
Language. Internal. Translate