


#BootRecord Source

type BootRecord props = { hydrate :: String -> props -> Effect Unit, mount :: String -> props -> Effect Unit, renderToString :: props -> String }

Support for the most common case entry point - i.e. mounting an Elmish component (i.e. ComponentDef structure) to an HTML DOM element with a known ID, with support for server-side rendering.

The function boot returns what we call BootRecord - a record of three functions:

  • mount - takes HTML element ID and props¹, creates an instance of the component, and mounts it to the HTML element in question
  • hydrate - same as mount, but expects the HTML element to already contain pre-rendered HTML inside. See React docs for more on server-side rendering:
  • renderToString - meant to be called on the server (e.g. by running the code under NodeJS) to perform the server-side render. Takes props¹ and returns a String containing the resulting HTML.

The idea is that the PureScript code would export such BootRecord for consumption by bootstrap JavaScript code in the page and/or server-side NodeJS code (which could be written in PureScript or not). For "plain React" scenario, the JavaScript code in the page would just call mount. For "server-side rendering", the server would first call renderToString and serve the HTML to the client, and then the client-side JavaScript code would call hydrate.

¹ "props" here is a parameter used to instantiate the component (see example below). It is recommended that this parameter is a JavaScript record (hence the name "props"), because it would likely need to be supplied by some bootstrap JavaScript code.


-- PureScript:
module Foo(bootRecord) where

type Props = { hello :: String, world :: Int }

component :: Props -> ComponentDef Aff Message State
component = ...

bootRecord :: BootRecord Props
bootRecord = boot component

// Server-side JavaScript NodeJS code
const foo = require('output/Foo/index.js')
const fooHtml = foo.bootRecord.renderToString({ hello: "Hi!", world: 42 })
serveToClient("<html><body><div id='foo'>" + fooHtml + "</div></body></html>")

// Client-side HTML + JS:
     <div id='foo'>
       ... server-side-rendered HTML goes here
   <script src="foo_bundle.js" />
     Foo.bootRecord.hydrate('foo', { hello: "Hi!", world: 42 })

#boot Source

boot :: forall props state msg. (props -> ComponentDef Aff msg state) -> BootRecord props

Creates a boot record for the given component. See comments for BootRecord.

#defaultMain Source

defaultMain :: forall state msg. { def :: ComponentDef Aff msg state, elementId :: String } -> Effect Unit

This function supports the simplest (almost toy?) use case where there is no server, no server-side rendering, all that exists is an HTML page that loads the JS bundle (compiled from PureScript), and expects the bundle to breath life into the page. For this case, declare your bundle entry point (i.e. your main function) as a call to defaultMain, passing it DOM element ID to bind to and the UI component to bind to it.


module Main
import MyComponent(def)
import Elmish.Boot as Boot

main :: Effect Unit
main = Boot.defaultMain { elementId: "app", def: def }