


#DispatchMsgFn Source

newtype DispatchMsgFn msg

Represents a function that a view can use to report both errors and messages originating from JS/DOM. Underneath it's just a function that takes an Either, but it is wrapped in a newtype in order to provide class instances for it.



#DispatchMsg Source

#DispatchError Source

#dispatchMsgFn Source

dispatchMsgFn :: forall msg. (DispatchError -> Effect Unit) -> (msg -> Effect Unit) -> DispatchMsgFn msg

Construct a DispatchMsgFn out of "on error" and "on message" handlers

#issueError Source

issueError :: forall msg. DispatchMsgFn msg -> DispatchError -> Effect Unit

Report an error via the given dispatch function

#issueMsg Source

issueMsg :: forall msg. DispatchMsgFn msg -> msg -> Effect Unit

Issue a message via the given dispatch function

#ignoreMsg Source

ignoreMsg :: forall msg2 msg1. DispatchMsgFn msg1 -> DispatchMsgFn msg2

Creates a new DispatchMsgFn that relays errors from the given DispatchMsgFn, but throws away messages

#cmapMaybe Source

cmapMaybe :: forall msg2 msg1. (msg2 -> Maybe msg1) -> DispatchMsgFn msg1 -> DispatchMsgFn msg2

Allows to optionally convert the message to another type, swallowing the message when conversion fails.

#handle Source

handle :: forall effFn fn msg. MkEventHandler msg fn effFn => MkJsCallback effFn => DispatchMsgFn msg -> fn -> JsCallback effFn

Creates a JsCallback that uses the given DispatchMsgFn to either issue a message or report an error. The fn parameter is either a message or a function that produces a message. When the JS code calls the resulting JsCallback, its parameters are validated, then the fn function is called to produce a message, which is then reported via the given DispatchMsgFn, unless the parameters passed from JS cannot be decoded, in which case an error is reported via DispatchMsgFn.

Example of intended usage with elmish-html:

 -- PureScript
 data Message = A | B Int

 view state dispatch =
   div {}
   [ button { onClick: handle dispatch A } "Click A"
   , button { onClick: handle dispatch $ B 42 } "Click B"

Example with FFIed component used as the view:

 -- PureScript
 data Message = A | B Int | C String Boolean

 view state dispatch = createElement' ffiComponent_
     { foo: "bar"
     , onA: handle dispatch A
     , onB: handle dispatch B
     , onC: handle dispatch C
     , onBaz: handle dispatch \x y -> B (x+y)

 // JSX:
 export const ffiComponent_ = args =>
         Foo is {}<br />
         <button onClick={args.onA}>A</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onB(42)}>B</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onC("hello", true)}>C</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onBaz(21, 21)}>Baz</button>

#handleMaybe Source

handleMaybe :: forall effFn fn msg. MkEventHandler (Maybe msg) fn effFn => MkJsCallback effFn => DispatchMsgFn msg -> fn -> JsCallback effFn

A version of handle (see comments there) with a possibility of not producing a message.

#MkEventHandler Source

class MkEventHandler msg fn effFn | fn -> effFn, effFn -> fn where

This type class and its instances are implementation of handle and handleMaybe. The base case is when fn ~ msg - that is when the message-producing function is not a function at all, but the message itself. The recursive instance prepends an argument a, thus allowing for curried functions with arbitrary number of parameters.



Re-exports from Data.Functor.Contravariant

#(>$<) Source

Operator alias for Data.Functor.Contravariant.cmap (left-associative / precedence 4)

#(>#<) Source

Operator alias for Data.Functor.Contravariant.cmapFlipped (left-associative / precedence 4)