


Re-exports from Freedom.Markup.Handler

#onWheel Source

onWheel :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onWaiting Source

onWaiting :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onVolumeChange Source

onVolumeChange :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onToggle Source

onToggle :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onTimeUpdate Source

onTimeUpdate :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onSuspend Source

onSuspend :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onSubmit Source

onSubmit :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onStalled Source

onStalled :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onSelect Source

onSelect :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onSeeking Source

onSeeking :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onSeeked Source

onSeeked :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onScroll Source

onScroll :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onReset Source

onReset :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onRateChange Source

onRateChange :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onProgress Source

onProgress :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerUp Source

onPointerUp :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerOver Source

onPointerOver :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerOut Source

onPointerOut :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerMove Source

onPointerMove :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerLeave Source

onPointerLeave :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerEnter Source

onPointerEnter :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerDown Source

onPointerDown :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPointerCancel Source

onPointerCancel :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPlaying Source

onPlaying :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPlay Source

onPlay :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onPause Source

onPause :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseUp Source

onMouseUp :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseOver Source

onMouseOver :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseOut Source

onMouseOut :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseMove Source

onMouseMove :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseLeave Source

onMouseLeave :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseEnter Source

onMouseEnter :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onMouseDown Source

onMouseDown :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onLoadedMetadata Source

onLoadedMetadata :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onLoadedData Source

onLoadedData :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onLoadStart Source

onLoadStart :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onLoad Source

onLoad :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onKeyUp Source

onKeyUp :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onKeyPress Source

onKeyPress :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onKeyDown Source

onKeyDown :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onInvalid Source

onInvalid :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onInput Source

onInput :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onFocus Source

onFocus :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onError Source

onError :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onEnded Source

onEnded :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onEmptied Source

onEmptied :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDurationChange Source

onDurationChange :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDrop Source

onDrop :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDragStart Source

onDragStart :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDragOver Source

onDragOver :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDragLeave Source

onDragLeave :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDragEnter Source

onDragEnter :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDragEnd Source

onDragEnd :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDrag Source

onDrag :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onDoubleClick Source

onDoubleClick :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onCueChange Source

onCueChange :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onContextMenu Source

onContextMenu :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onClick Source

onClick :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onChange Source

onChange :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onCancel Source

onCancel :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onCanPlayThrough Source

onCanPlayThrough :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onCanPlay Source

onCanPlay :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onBlur Source

onBlur :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

#onAbort Source

onAbort :: forall state. (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Re-exports from Freedom.Markup.Prop

#wrap Source

wrap :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#width Source

width :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#value Source

value :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#useMap Source

useMap :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#type_ Source

type_ :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#title Source

title :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#target Source

target :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#tabIndex Source

tabIndex :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#style Source

style :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#step Source

step :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#start Source

start :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#srclang Source

srclang :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#srcdoc Source

srcdoc :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#src Source

src :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#spellcheck Source

spellcheck :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#size Source

size :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#shape Source

shape :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#selected Source

selected :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#scope Source

scope :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#sandbox Source

sandbox :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#rows Source

rows :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#rowSpan Source

rowSpan :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#reversed Source

reversed :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#required Source

required :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#rel Source

rel :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#readOnly Source

readOnly :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#preload Source

preload :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#poster Source

poster :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#placeholder Source

placeholder :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#ping Source

ping :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#pattern Source

pattern :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#noValidate Source

noValidate :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#name Source

name :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#multiple Source

multiple :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#minLength Source

minLength :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#min Source

min :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#method Source

method :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#media Source

media :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#maxLength Source

maxLength :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#max Source

max :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#loop Source

loop :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#list Source

list :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#lang Source

lang :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#kind_ Source

kind_ :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#isMap Source

isMap :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#id Source

id :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#htmlFor Source

htmlFor :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#hreflang Source

hreflang :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#href Source

href :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#hidden Source

hidden :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#height Source

height :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#headers Source

headers :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#formAction Source

formAction :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#enctype Source

enctype :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#dropzone Source

dropzone :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#draggable Source

draggable :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#download Source

download :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#disabled Source

disabled :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#dir Source

dir :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#defaultValue Source

defaultValue :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#default Source

default :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#dateTime Source

dateTime :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#css Source

css :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

Define styles with CSS string.

It generates a hash string as class name from CSS string, and the generated class name is used automatically.

justDiv :: forall state. VNode state
justDiv =
  H.div # H.css styles

styles :: String
styles =
  .& {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
  .&:hover {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
  .&:hover .selected {
    color: blue;

& in the CSS string is replaced with the generated class name, and output it as stylesheet.

Like this:

.dz66dqm {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
.dz66dqm:hover {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
.dz66dqm:hover .selected {
  color: blue;

#coords Source

coords :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#controls Source

controls :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#contentEditable Source

contentEditable :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#cols Source

cols :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#colSpan Source

colSpan :: forall state. Int -> VNode state -> VNode state

#classNames Source

classNames :: forall state. Array String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#className Source

className :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#checked Source

checked :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#autoplay Source

autoplay :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#autofocus Source

autofocus :: forall state. Boolean -> VNode state -> VNode state

#autocomplete Source

autocomplete :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#alt Source

alt :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#action Source

action :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#accessKey Source

accessKey :: forall state. Char -> VNode state -> VNode state

#acceptCharset Source

acceptCharset :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

#accept Source

accept :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

Re-exports from Freedom.Markup.Tag

#wbr Source

wbr :: forall state. VNode state

#video Source

video :: forall state. VNode state

#var Source

var :: forall state. VNode state

#ul Source

ul :: forall state. VNode state

#u Source

u :: forall state. VNode state

#track Source

track :: forall state. VNode state

#tr Source

tr :: forall state. VNode state

#time Source

time :: forall state. VNode state

#thead Source

thead :: forall state. VNode state

#th Source

th :: forall state. VNode state

#tfoot Source

tfoot :: forall state. VNode state

#textarea Source

textarea :: forall state. VNode state

#td Source

td :: forall state. VNode state

#tbody Source

tbody :: forall state. VNode state

#table Source

table :: forall state. VNode state

#sup Source

sup :: forall state. VNode state

#summary Source

summary :: forall state. VNode state

#sub Source

sub :: forall state. VNode state

#strong Source

strong :: forall state. VNode state

#span Source

span :: forall state. VNode state

#source Source

source :: forall state. VNode state

#small Source

small :: forall state. VNode state

#select Source

select :: forall state. VNode state

#section Source

section :: forall state. VNode state

#samp Source

samp :: forall state. VNode state

#s Source

s :: forall state. VNode state

#ruby Source

ruby :: forall state. VNode state

#rt Source

rt :: forall state. VNode state

#rp Source

rp :: forall state. VNode state

#q Source

q :: forall state. VNode state

#progress Source

progress :: forall state. VNode state

#pre Source

pre :: forall state. VNode state

#param Source

param :: forall state. VNode state

#p Source

p :: forall state. VNode state

#output Source

output :: forall state. VNode state

#option Source

option :: forall state. VNode state

#optgroup Source

optgroup :: forall state. VNode state

#ol Source

ol :: forall state. VNode state

#object Source

object :: forall state. VNode state

#nav Source

nav :: forall state. VNode state

#meter Source

meter :: forall state. VNode state

#menu Source

menu :: forall state. VNode state

#math Source

math :: forall state. VNode state

#mark Source

mark :: forall state. VNode state

#main_ Source

main_ :: forall state. VNode state

#li Source

li :: forall state. VNode state

#legend Source

legend :: forall state. VNode state

#label Source

label :: forall state. VNode state

#kbd Source

kbd :: forall state. VNode state

#ins Source

ins :: forall state. VNode state

#input Source

input :: forall state. VNode state

#img Source

img :: forall state. VNode state

#iframe Source

iframe :: forall state. VNode state

#i Source

i :: forall state. VNode state

#hr Source

hr :: forall state. VNode state

#header Source

header :: forall state. VNode state

#h6 Source

h6 :: forall state. VNode state

#h5 Source

h5 :: forall state. VNode state

#h4 Source

h4 :: forall state. VNode state

#h3 Source

h3 :: forall state. VNode state

#h2 Source

h2 :: forall state. VNode state

#h1 Source

h1 :: forall state. VNode state

#form Source

form :: forall state. VNode state

#footer Source

footer :: forall state. VNode state

#figure Source

figure :: forall state. VNode state

#figcaption Source

figcaption :: forall state. VNode state

#fieldset Source

fieldset :: forall state. VNode state

#embed Source

embed :: forall state. VNode state

#em Source

em :: forall state. VNode state

#dt Source

dt :: forall state. VNode state

#dl Source

dl :: forall state. VNode state

#div Source

div :: forall state. VNode state

#dfn Source

dfn :: forall state. VNode state

#details Source

details :: forall state. VNode state

#del Source

del :: forall state. VNode state

#dd Source

dd :: forall state. VNode state

#datalist Source

datalist :: forall state. VNode state

#colgroup Source

colgroup :: forall state. VNode state

#col Source

col :: forall state. VNode state

#code Source

code :: forall state. VNode state

#cite Source

cite :: forall state. VNode state

#caption Source

caption :: forall state. VNode state

#canvas Source

canvas :: forall state. VNode state

#button Source

button :: forall state. VNode state

#br Source

br :: forall state. VNode state

#blockquote Source

blockquote :: forall state. VNode state

#bdo Source

bdo :: forall state. VNode state

#bdi Source

bdi :: forall state. VNode state

#b Source

b :: forall state. VNode state

#audio Source

audio :: forall state. VNode state

#aside Source

aside :: forall state. VNode state

#article Source

article :: forall state. VNode state

#address Source

address :: forall state. VNode state

#abbr Source

abbr :: forall state. VNode state

#a Source

a :: forall state. VNode state

Re-exports from Freedom.UI

#tag Source

tag :: forall state. String -> VNode state

Create a VNode of specified tag element.

#t Source

t :: forall state. String -> VNode state

Create a VNode of text.

#renderingManually Source

renderingManually :: forall state. VNode state -> VNode state

If you want to render children manually, you should use this.

#prop Source

prop :: forall state. String -> String -> VNode state -> VNode state

Add a property.

#kids Source

kids :: forall state. Array (VNode state) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Add children.

#key Source

key :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

Add a key to VNode.

#handle Source

handle :: forall state. String -> (Event -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Bind an event handler.

#fingerprint Source

fingerprint :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state

Fingerprint to check equality of elements.

If it is same as previous rendered element's one, renderer skips rendering.

#didUpdate Source

didUpdate :: forall state. (Element -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Bind didUpdate lifecycle.

#didDelete Source

didDelete :: forall state. (Element -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Bind didDelete lifecycle.

#didCreate Source

didCreate :: forall state. (Element -> Operation state -> Effect Unit) -> VNode state -> VNode state

Bind didCreate lifecycle.