


Re-exports from Data.Generic.Rep

#Generic Source

class Generic a rep | a -> rep

The Generic class asserts the existence of a type function from types to their representations using the type constructors defined in this module.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Body

#toString Source

toString :: forall m. MonadAff m => RequestBody -> m String

Turn RequestBody into a String

This drains the Readable stream in RequestBody for the first time and returns cached result from then on.

#toStream Source

toStream :: RequestBody -> Readable ()

Return the Readable stream directly from RequestBody

#toBuffer Source

toBuffer :: forall m. MonadAff m => RequestBody -> m Buffer

Turn RequestBody into a Buffer

This drains the Readable stream in RequestBody for the first time and returns cached result from then on.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Cont

#usingCont Source

usingCont :: forall output m. Applicative m => ContT output m output -> m output

Run the continuation

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Headers

#ResponseHeaders Source

newtype ResponseHeaders

The ResponseHeaders type is a wrapper for a map that represents the set of headers in an HTTP response. A response header can contain multiple values per key, e.g. in the case of multiple Set-Cookie directives.


  • Semigroup ResponseHeaders

    Allow one ResponseHeaders objects to be appended to another.

  • Show ResponseHeaders

    Allow a ResponseHeaders to be represented as a string. This string is formatted in HTTP headers format.

  • Eq ResponseHeaders

    Compare two ResponseHeaders objects by comparing the underlying Objects.

#RequestHeaders Source

newtype RequestHeaders

The RequestHeaders type is a wrapper for a map that represents the set of headers in an HTTP request. A request header contains maximum one value per key.


#headers Source

headers :: forall r. ToHeaders r => r -> ResponseHeaders

Create ResponseHeaders from a record, an Array (Tuple String String) or an Array (Tuple String (Array String))

#header Source

header :: String -> String -> ResponseHeaders

Create a singleton header from a key-value pair.

#empty Source

empty :: ResponseHeaders

Return a ResponseHeaders containing no headers.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Json

#JsonEncoder Source

newtype JsonEncoder json



#JsonDecoder Source

newtype JsonDecoder err json



#toJson Source

toJson :: forall (json :: Type). JsonEncoder json -> json -> String

Serialise a type to json using the given driver.

#fromJson Source

fromJson :: forall (err :: Type) (json :: Type) (m :: Type -> Type). MonadAff m => JsonDecoder err json -> RequestBody -> ContT Response m json

Parse the RequestBody as json using the provided JsonDecoder. If it fails, an empty bad request is returned Returns a continuation

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Lookup

#lookup Source

lookup :: forall c k r. Lookup c k r => c -> k -> Maybe r

Given some type and a key on that type, extract some value that corresponds to that key.

#has Source

has :: forall c k r. Lookup (c r) k r => c r -> k -> Boolean

This simple helper works on any Lookup instance, where the container set has a single type variable, and returns a Boolean indicating if the given key matches any value in the given container.

#at Source

at :: forall c k r. Monoid r => Lookup c k r => c -> k -> r

This simple helper works on any Lookup instance where the return type is a Monoid, and is the same as lookup except that it returns a t instead of a Maybe t. If lookup would return Nothing, then at returns mempty.

#(!@) Source

Operator alias for (left-associative / precedence 8)

Expose at as the infix operator !@

#(!?) Source

Operator alias for HTTPurple.Lookup.has (left-associative / precedence 8)

Expose has as the infix operator !?

#(!!) Source

Operator alias for HTTPurple.Lookup.lookup (left-associative / precedence 8)

!! is inspired by !! in Data.Array, but note that it differs from !! in Data.Array in that you can use !! for any other instance of Lookup.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Method

#Method Source

data Method

These are the HTTP methods that HTTPurple understands.



  • Eq Method

    If two Methods are the same constructor, they are equal.

  • Show Method

    Convert a constructor to a String.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Middleware

#MiddlewareM Source

type MiddlewareM :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Typetype MiddlewareM m route extIn extOut = (ExtRequest route extOut -> m Response) -> ExtRequest route extIn -> m Response

#Middleware Source

type Middleware :: Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Typetype Middleware route extIn extOut = MiddlewareM Aff route extIn extOut

Re-exports from HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware

#NodeMiddlewareStack Source

newtype NodeMiddlewareStack :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Typenewtype NodeMiddlewareStack input output



#NodeMiddleware Source

#MiddlewareResultR Source

type MiddlewareResultR :: Row Typetype MiddlewareResultR = (middlewareResult :: NextInvocation, request :: IncomingMessage IMServer, response :: ServerResponse)

#MiddlewareResult Source

newtype MiddlewareResult :: forall k. k -> Typenewtype MiddlewareResult input



#UsingMiddleware Source

class UsingMiddleware :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass UsingMiddleware input thru output | input thru -> output where



#dontCallNext Source

dontCallNext :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Applicative m => m Unit

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Path

#Path Source

type Path = Array String

The Path type is just sugar for an Array of String segments that are sent in a request and indicates the path of the resource being requested. Note that this type has an implementation of Lookup for Int keys defined by lookupArray in Lookup.purs because lookupArray is defined for any Array of Monoids. So you can do something like path !! 2 to get the path segment at index 2.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Query

#Query Source

type Query = Object String

The Query type is a Object of Strings, with one entry per query parameter in the request. For any query parameters that don't have values (/some/path?query or /some/path?query=), the value in the Object for that parameter will be the an empty string. Note that this type has an implementation of Lookup for String keys defined by lookupObject in Lookup.purs because lookupObject is defined for any Object of Monoids. So you can do something like query !! "foo" to get the value of the query parameter "foo".

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Request

#RequestR Source

type RequestR :: Type -> Row Type -> Row Typetype RequestR route r = (body :: RequestBody, headers :: RequestHeaders, httpVersion :: Version, method :: Method, path :: Path, query :: Query, route :: route, url :: String | r)

#Request Source

type Request route = Record (RequestR route ())

The Request type is a Record type that includes fields for accessing the different parts of the HTTP request.

#ExtRequest Source

type ExtRequest :: Type -> Row Type -> Typetype ExtRequest route ext = Record (RequestR route ext)

Like Request, but can contain additional fields

#fullPath Source

fullPath :: forall r. { path :: Path, query :: Query | r } -> String

Return the full resolved path, including query parameters. This may not match the requested path--for instance, if there are empty path segments in the request--but it is equivalent.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Response

#ResponseM Source

type ResponseM = Aff Response

The ResponseM type simply conveniently wraps up an HTTPurple monad that returns a response. This type is the return type of all router/route methods.

#Response Source

type Response = { headers :: ResponseHeaders, status :: Status, writeBody :: ServerResponse -> Aff Unit }

A Response is a status code, headers, and a body.

#variantAlsoNegotiates' Source

variantAlsoNegotiates' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

506 with headers

#variantAlsoNegotiates Source

variantAlsoNegotiates :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#useProxy' Source

useProxy' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

305 with headers

#useProxy Source

useProxy :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#upgradeRequired' Source

upgradeRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

426 with headers

#upgradeRequired Source

upgradeRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#unsupportedMediaType' Source

unsupportedMediaType' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

415 with headers

#unsupportedMediaType Source

unsupportedMediaType :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#unprocessableEntity' Source

unprocessableEntity' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

422 with headers

#unprocessableEntity Source

unprocessableEntity :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#unavailableForLegalReasons' Source

unavailableForLegalReasons' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

451 with headers

#unavailableForLegalReasons Source

#unauthorized' Source

unauthorized' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

401 with headers

#unauthorized Source

unauthorized :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#uRITooLong' Source

uRITooLong' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

414 with headers

#uRITooLong Source

uRITooLong :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#tooManyRequests' Source

tooManyRequests' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

429 with headers

#tooManyRequests Source

tooManyRequests :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#temporaryRedirect' Source

temporaryRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

307 with headers

#temporaryRedirect Source

temporaryRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#switchingProtocols' Source

switchingProtocols' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

101 with headers

#switchingProtocols Source

switchingProtocols :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#serviceUnavailable' Source

serviceUnavailable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

503 with headers

#serviceUnavailable Source

serviceUnavailable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#seeOther' Source

seeOther' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

303 with headers

#seeOther Source

seeOther :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#response' Source

response' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

The same as response but with headers.

#response Source

response :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Status -> b -> m Response

For custom response statuses or providing a body for response codes that don't typically send one.

#resetContent' Source

resetContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

205 with headers

#resetContent Source

resetContent :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#requestTimeout' Source

requestTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

408 with headers

#requestTimeout Source

requestTimeout :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' Source

requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

431 with headers

#requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge Source

#rangeNotSatisfiable' Source

rangeNotSatisfiable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

416 with headers

#rangeNotSatisfiable Source

rangeNotSatisfiable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#proxyAuthenticationRequired' Source

proxyAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

407 with headers

#proxyAuthenticationRequired Source

#processing' Source

processing' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

102 with headers

#processing Source

processing :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#preconditionRequired' Source

preconditionRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

428 with headers

#preconditionRequired Source

preconditionRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#preconditionFailed' Source

preconditionFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

412 with headers

#preconditionFailed Source

preconditionFailed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#permanentRedirect' Source

permanentRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

308 with headers

#permanentRedirect Source

permanentRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#paymentRequired' Source

paymentRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

402 with headers

#paymentRequired Source

paymentRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#payloadTooLarge' Source

payloadTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

413 with headers

#payloadTooLarge Source

payloadTooLarge :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#partialContent' Source

partialContent' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

206 with headers

#partialContent Source

partialContent :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#ok' Source

ok' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

200 with headers

#ok Source

ok :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#notModified' Source

notModified' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

304 with headers

#notModified Source

notModified :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#notImplemented' Source

notImplemented' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

501 with headers

#notImplemented Source

notImplemented :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#notFound' Source

notFound' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

404 with headers

#notFound Source

notFound :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#notExtended' Source

notExtended' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

510 with headers

#notExtended Source

notExtended :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#notAcceptable' Source

notAcceptable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

406 with headers

#notAcceptable Source

notAcceptable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#nonAuthoritativeInformation' Source

nonAuthoritativeInformation' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

203 with headers

#nonAuthoritativeInformation Source

nonAuthoritativeInformation :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#noContent' Source

noContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

204 with headers

#noContent Source

noContent :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#networkAuthenticationRequired' Source

networkAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

511 with headers

#networkAuthenticationRequired Source

#multipleChoices' Source

multipleChoices' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

300 with headers

#multipleChoices Source

multipleChoices :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#multiStatus' Source

multiStatus' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

207 with headers

#multiStatus Source

multiStatus :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#movedPermanently' Source

movedPermanently' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

301 with headers

#movedPermanently Source

movedPermanently :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#misdirectedRequest' Source

misdirectedRequest' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

421 with headers

#misdirectedRequest Source

misdirectedRequest :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#methodNotAllowed' Source

methodNotAllowed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

405 with headers

#methodNotAllowed Source

methodNotAllowed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#loopDetected' Source

loopDetected' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

508 with headers

#loopDetected Source

loopDetected :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#locked' Source

locked' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

423 with headers

#locked Source

locked :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#lengthRequired' Source

lengthRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

411 with headers

#lengthRequired Source

lengthRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#internalServerError' Source

internalServerError' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

500 with headers

#internalServerError Source

internalServerError :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#insufficientStorage' Source

insufficientStorage' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

507 with headers

#insufficientStorage Source

insufficientStorage :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#imATeapot' Source

imATeapot' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

418 with headers

#imATeapot Source

imATeapot :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#iMUsed' Source

iMUsed' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

226 with headers

#iMUsed Source

iMUsed :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#hTTPVersionNotSupported' Source

hTTPVersionNotSupported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

505 with headers

#hTTPVersionNotSupported Source

hTTPVersionNotSupported :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#gone' Source

gone' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

410 with headers

#gone Source

gone :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#gatewayTimeout' Source

gatewayTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

504 with headers

#gatewayTimeout Source

gatewayTimeout :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#found' Source

found' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

302 with headers

#found Source

found :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#forbidden' Source

forbidden' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

403 with headers

#forbidden Source

forbidden :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#failedDependency' Source

failedDependency' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

424 with headers

#failedDependency Source

failedDependency :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#expectationFailed' Source

expectationFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

417 with headers

#expectationFailed Source

expectationFailed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#emptyResponse' Source

emptyResponse' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> m Response

The same as emptyResponse but with headers.

#emptyResponse Source

emptyResponse :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status -> m Response

The same as response but without a body.

#created' Source

created' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

201 with headers

#created Source

created :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#continue' Source

continue' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

100 with headers

#continue Source

continue :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#conflict' Source

conflict' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

409 with headers

#conflict Source

conflict :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#badRequest' Source

badRequest' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => ResponseHeaders -> b -> m Response

400 with headers

#badRequest Source

badRequest :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response


#badGateway' Source

badGateway' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

502 with headers

#badGateway Source

badGateway :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#alreadyReported' Source

alreadyReported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

208 with headers

#alreadyReported Source

alreadyReported :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


#accepted' Source

accepted' :: forall m. MonadAff m => ResponseHeaders -> m Response

202 with headers

#accepted Source

accepted :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response


Re-exports from HTTPurple.Routes

#orElse Source

orElse :: forall left right. (Request left -> ResponseM) -> (Request right -> ResponseM) -> Request (left <+> right) -> ResponseM

Combine two request handlers.

#mkRoute Source

mkRoute :: forall i iGen r. Generic i iGen => GRouteDuplex iGen r => Record r -> RouteDuplex i i

Make a route from a RoudeDuplex definition.

#combineRoutes Source

combineRoutes :: forall left right. RouteDuplex' left -> RouteDuplex' right -> RouteDuplex' (Either left right)

Combine two routes

#catchAll Source

catchAll :: RouteDuplex' (Array String)

A catch-all route that matches any request.

#(<+>) Source

Operator alias for HTTPurple.Routes.combineRoutes (right-associative / precedence 3)

Infix operator for orElse

#type (<+>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Either.Either (right-associative / precedence 0)

Type-level operator two combine two route definitions.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Server

#ServerM Source

type ServerM = Effect (Effect Unit -> Effect Unit)

The ServerM is just an Effect containing a callback to close the server. This type is the return type of the HTTPurple serve and related methods.

#RoutingSettingsR Source

type RoutingSettingsR :: Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Typetype RoutingSettingsR route output r = (route :: RouteDuplex' route, router :: ExtRequest route output -> ResponseM | r)

#MiddlewareSettingsR Source

type MiddlewareSettingsR :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Typetype MiddlewareSettingsR input output = (nodeMiddleware :: NodeMiddlewareStack input output)

#ListenOptionsR Source

type ListenOptionsR :: Row Typetype ListenOptionsR = (backlog :: Maybe Int, certFile :: Maybe String, closingHandler :: Maybe ClosingHandler, hostname :: Maybe String, keyFile :: Maybe String, notFoundHandler :: Maybe (Request Unit -> ResponseM), onStarted :: Maybe (Effect Unit), port :: Maybe Int)

#ExtRoutingSettings Source

type ExtRoutingSettings :: Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Typetype ExtRoutingSettings route input output = Record (RoutingSettingsR route output) + (MiddlewareSettingsR input output)

#BasicRoutingSettings Source

type BasicRoutingSettings route = Record (RoutingSettingsR route () ())

#serveNodeMiddleware Source

serveNodeMiddleware :: forall route from fromRL via missing missingList input output outputRL thru. RowToList missing missingList => FillableFields missingList () missing => Union via missing (ListenOptionsR) => RowToList from fromRL => JustifiableFields fromRL from () via => Union output thru output => RowToList output outputRL => KeysRL outputRL => Nub (RequestR route output) (RequestR route output) => Record from -> ExtRoutingSettings route input output -> ServerM

#serve Source

serve :: forall route from fromRL via missing missingList. RowToList missing missingList => FillableFields missingList () missing => Union via missing (ListenOptionsR) => RowToList from fromRL => JustifiableFields fromRL from () via => Record from -> BasicRoutingSettings route -> ServerM

#defaultMiddlewareErrorHandler Source

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Status

#Status Source

type Status = Int

The Status type enumerates all valid HTTP response status codes.

Re-exports from HTTPurple.Validation

#fromValidatedE Source

fromValidatedE :: forall input err validated m. MonadAff m => (input -> Either err validated) -> (err -> m Response) -> input -> ContT Response m validated

Validate an input using a validate function. If validation fails, the error handler is called. Returns a continuation

#fromValidated Source

fromValidated :: forall input err validated m. MonadAff m => (input -> Either err validated) -> input -> ContT Response m validated

Validate an input using a validate function. If validation fails, a bad request is resturned. Returns a continuation

Re-exports from Routing.Duplex

#RouteDuplex' Source

type RouteDuplex' a = RouteDuplex a a

A type restricted variant of RouteDuplex where input and output are the same type. This type will typically be your custom Route data type representing valid routes within your application.

#RouteDuplex Source

data RouteDuplex i o

The core abstraction of this library. The values of this type can be used both for parsing values of type o from String as well as printing values of type i into String.

For most purposes, you'll likely want RouteDuplex' which uses the same type for both parameters.



#RouteDuplexBuildParams Source

class RouteDuplexBuildParams :: RowList Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass RouteDuplexBuildParams (rl :: RowList Type) (r1 :: Row Type) (r2 :: Row Type) (r3 :: Row Type) (r4 :: Row Type) | rl -> r1 r2 r3 r4 where



#RouteDuplexParams Source

class RouteDuplexParams :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass RouteDuplexParams (r1 :: Row Type) (r2 :: Row Type) | r1 -> r2 where


  • params :: Record r1 -> RouteDuplex' (Record r2)

    Builds a RouteDuplex from a record of query parameter parsers/printers, where each property corresponds to a query parameter with the same name.

    search =
        { page: int
        , filter: optional <<< string
    parse search "?page=3&filter=Galaxy%20Quest" ==
      Right { page: 3, filter: Just "Galaxy Quest" }


#suffix Source

suffix :: forall a b. RouteDuplex a b -> String -> RouteDuplex a b

Similar to prefix. Strips (when parsing) or adds (when printing) a given string segment from the end of the path. The same precautions for prefix apply here.

#string Source

string :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' String

This does nothing (internally it's defined as identity). It can be used to restrict a type parameter of a polymorphic RouteDuplex' a to String.

#segment Source

segment :: RouteDuplex' String

Consumes or prints a single path segment. Note: URI encoding and decoding is done automatically.

parse segment "abc"         == Right "abc"
parse segment "abc%20def"   == Right "abc def" -- automatic decoding of uri components
parse segment "abc/def"     == Right "abc"
parse segment "/abc"        == Right "" -- the empty string before the first '/'
parse (root segment) "/abc" == Right "abc"

print segment "hello there" == "hello%20there"
print segment "" == "/"

#root Source

root :: forall a b. RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex a b

Modifies a given codec to require a prefix of '/'. You can think of it as stripping and adding the '/' at the beginning of path, failing if it's not there.

parse (root segment) "/abc" == Right "abc"
parse (root segment) "abc" == Left (Expected "" "abc")

print (root segment) "abc" == "/abc"

#rest Source

rest :: RouteDuplex' (Array String)

Consumes or prints all the remaining segments.

parse rest "" == Right []
parse (path "a/b" rest) "a/b/c/d" == Right ["c", "d"]

print rest ["a", "b"] == "a/b"

#record Source

record :: forall r. RouteDuplex r (Record ())

Combined with prop or :=, builds a Record where the order of parsing and printing matters.

date =
    # prop (Proxy :: _ "year") (int segment)
    # prop (Proxy :: _ "month") (int segment)
    # prop (Proxy :: _ "day") (int segment)

parse (path "blog" date) "blog/2019/1/2" ==
  Right { year: 2019, month: 1, day: 2 }

#prop Source

prop :: forall sym a b r1 r2 r3 rx. IsSymbol sym => Cons sym a rx r1 => Cons sym b r2 r3 => Lacks sym r2 => Proxy sym -> RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex (Record r1) (Record r2) -> RouteDuplex (Record r1) (Record r3)

See record.

#print Source

print :: forall i o. RouteDuplex i o -> i -> String

Renders a value of type i into a String representation of URI path, query and fragment (hash).

#prefix Source

prefix :: forall a b. String -> RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex a b

Strips (when parsing) or adds (when printing) a given string segment of the path. Note: this combinator only deals with a single segment. If you pass it a string containing '/' it will percent encode it and treat it as single segment. E.g. prefix "/api/v1" will attempt to match single segment "%2Fapi%2Fv1" which is probably not what you want. See path if you want to deal with prefixes consisting of multiple segments.

parse (prefix "api" segment) "api/a" == Right "a"

parse (prefix "/api/v1" segment)) "/api/v1/a" == Left (Expected "/api/v1" "")

-- contrast with `path`
parse (path "/api/v1" segment)) "/api/v1/a" == Right "a"

#path Source

path :: forall a b. String -> RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex a b

Strips (when parsing) or adds (when printing) a given String prefix, potentially consisting of multiple path segments. Constrast this with prefix, which only deals with single segment.

parse (path "/api/v1" segment) "/api/v1/a" == Right "a"
parse (path "/api/v1" segment) "/api/v2/a" == Left (Expected "v1" "v2")

#parse Source

parse :: forall i o. RouteDuplex i o -> String -> Either RouteError o

Uses a given codec to parse a value of type o out of String representing the path, query and fragment (hash) of a URI (see URI - generic syntax) or produce a RouteError if parsing fails.

#param Source

param :: String -> RouteDuplex' String

param name consumes or prints a query parameter with the given name. Parsing will fail if the parameter is not there.

parse (param "search") "?search=keyword" == Right "keyword"
parse (param "search") "/"               == Left (MissingParam "search")
parse (optional (param "search")) "/"    == Right Nothing

#optional Source

optional :: forall a b. RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex (Maybe a) (Maybe b)

Augments the behavior of a given codec by making it return Nothing if parsing fails, or Just value if it succeeds.

parse (optional segment) "a"        == Right (Just "a")
parse (optional segment) ""         == Right Nothing

print (optional segment) (Just "a") == "a"
print (optional segment) Nothing    == ""

#many1 Source

many1 :: forall f a b. Foldable f => Alt f => Applicative f => RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex (f a) (f b)

Repeatedly applies a given codec to parse one or more values from path segments. Parsing will fail if no segment can be parsed.

parse (many1 (int segment)) "1/2/3/x" == Right [1,2,3]
parse (many1 (int segment)) "x",      == Left (Expected "Int" "x") :: Either RouteError (Array Int)

#many Source

many :: forall f a b. Foldable f => Alternative f => RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex (f a) (f b)

Similar to many1, except also succeeds when no values can be parsed.

parse (many (int segment)) "1/2/3/x" == Right [1,2,3]
parse (many (int segment)) "x",      == Right []

#int Source

int :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Int

Refines a codec of Strings to Ints.

parse (int segment) "1"  == Right 1
parse (int segment) "x"  == Left (Expected "Int" "x")

print (int segment) 1    == "1"

#flag Source

flag :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Boolean

Consumes or prints a query flag (i.e. parameter without value). Note: that this combinator ignores the value of the parameter. It only cares about its presence/absence. Presence is interpreted as true, absence as false.

parse (flag (param "x")) "?x"        == Right true
parse (flag (param "x")) "?x=true",  == Right true
parse (flag (param "x")) "?x=false", == Right true -- value is ignored, what matters is presence of the parameter x
parse (flag (param "x")) "?y",       == Right false

#end Source

end :: forall a b. RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex a b

end codec will only suceed if codec succeeds and there are no additional path segments remaining to be processed.

parse (end segment) "abc" == Right "abc"
parse (end segment) "abc/def" == Left (ExpectedEndOfPath "def")

#default Source

default :: forall a b. b -> RouteDuplex a b -> RouteDuplex a b

Sets a default value which will be returned when parsing fails. Does not influence printing in any way.

parse (default 0 $ int segment) "1" == Right 1
parse (default 0 $ int segment) "x" == Right 0

#boolean Source

boolean :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Boolean

Refines a codec of Strings to Booleans, where true and false are the strings "true" and "false", and other strings are rejected.

parse (boolean segment) "true"  == Right true
parse (boolean segment) "x"     == Left (Expected "Boolean" "x")

print (boolean segment) true    == "true"

#as Source

as :: forall s a b. (a -> s) -> (String -> Either String b) -> RouteDuplex s String -> RouteDuplex a b

Builds a codec for a custom type out of printer and parser functions.

data Sort = Asc | Desc

sortToString :: Sort -> String
sortToString = case _ of
  Asc -> "asc"
  Desc -> "desc"

sortFromString :: String -> Either String Sort
sortFromString = case _ of
  "asc" -> Right Asc
  "desc" -> Right Desc
  val -> Left $ "Not a sort: " <> val

sort :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Sort
sort = as sortToString sortFromString

#(:=) Source

Operator alias for Routing.Duplex.prop (non-associative / precedence 2)

Re-exports from Routing.Duplex.Generic

#GRouteDuplex Source

class GRouteDuplex :: Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass GRouteDuplex rep (r :: Row Type) | rep -> r


#sum Source

sum :: forall a rep r. Generic a rep => GRouteDuplex rep r => Record r -> RouteDuplex' a

Builds a parser/printer from a record, where each record field corresponds to a constructor name for your data type.

Note: this implicitly inserts calls to end for each constructor, making the parser only valid for parsing URI suffixes. To parse URI prefixes, or to just have more explicit control, use sumPrefix.

#product Source

#(~) Source

Operator alias for Routing.Duplex.Generic.product (right-associative / precedence 0)

Re-exports from Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax

#gparams Source

gparams :: forall a b c. GParams a b c => a -> b -> RouteDuplex' c

#gsep Source

gsep :: forall a b c. GSep a b c => a -> b -> RouteDuplex' c

#(?) Source

Operator alias for Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax.gparams (non-associative / precedence 8)

#(/) Source

Operator alias for Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax.gsep (right-associative / precedence 1)