


#runApplication Source

runApplication :: forall event state update eff. Application (FX eff) update state event -> Eff (FX eff) (Maybe (EventSystem (FX eff) update state event))

Run a Panda application. This takes a Panda application and appends it to the document.body, effectively commandeering the entire page. If this isn't what you want, chances are that you're after runApplicationIn, which will allow you to embed a Panda application inside the DOM. Note that this function returns a Maybe, depending on the presence of body, so this result should be checked to determine whether instantiation was successful.

Re-exports from Panda.Internal.Types

#Updater Source

type Updater eff update state event = ((state -> { state :: state, update :: update }) -> Eff eff Unit) -> { event :: event, state :: state } -> Eff eff Unit

Convenience synonym for defining the type of updaters within a Panda application.

#Property Source

data Property update state event

Properties are either static key/value pairs, listeners for DOM updates (that can then change the properties on an element), or producers of events (that then bubble up to the update function).

#FX Source

type FX eff = (dom :: DOM, frp :: FRP, ref :: REF | eff)

The effects that are used within Panda.

#Component Source

data Component eff update state event

A component is either a delegate (embedded sub-application), element (with properties and children and an HTML representation), or just some text.

#Application Source

type Application eff update state event = { initial :: { state :: state, update :: update }, subscription :: Event event, update :: Updater eff update state event, view :: Component eff update state event }

A Panda application is a view (written in the component DSL) that is interpreted into an element (to be attached to the DOM), an event stream (that is merged with the subscription) that feeds into the update function, that update function (which produces updates for the view), and intiial state and update.