


This module is for import by the generated .purs message modules.

#parseMessage Source

parseMessage :: forall m a r. MonadEffect m => MonadRec m => (Record r -> a) -> (Record r) -> (FieldNumberInt -> WireType -> ParserT DataView m (Builder (Record r) (Record r))) -> ByteLength -> ParserT DataView m a

The parseField argument is a parser which returns a Record builder which, when applied to a Record, will modify the Record to add the parsed field.

#UnknownField Source

data UnknownField

A message field value from an unknown .proto definition.

See Message Structure for an explanation.

  • UnknownVarInt Use Protobuf.Internal.Decode.decodeZigzag64 to interpret this as a signed integer.
  • UnknownLenDel holds a variable-length Bytes.
  • UnknownBits64 must hold Bytes of length 8.
  • UnknownBits32 must hold Bytes of length 4.

See the modules Protobuf.Internal.Encode and Protobuf.Internal.Decode for ways to operate on the Bytes.



#parseFieldUnknown Source

parseFieldUnknown :: forall m r. MonadEffect m => Int -> WireType -> ParserT DataView m (Builder ({ __unknown_fields :: Array UnknownField | r }) ({ __unknown_fields :: Array UnknownField | r }))

Parse and preserve an unknown field.

#putFieldUnknown Source

#parseLenDel Source

parseLenDel :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => (Int -> ParserT DataView m a) -> ParserT DataView m a

Parse a length, then call a parser which takes one length as its argument.

#FieldNumberInt Source

type FieldNumberInt = Int

We want an Int FieldNumber to pass to parseField so that we can pattern match on Int literals. UInt doesn't export any constructors, so we can’t pattern match on it.

#manyLength Source

manyLength :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => MonadRec m => ParserT DataView m a -> ByteLength -> ParserT DataView m (Array a)

Call a parser repeatedly until exactly N bytes have been consumed. Will fail if too many bytes are consumed.

#putLenDel Source

putLenDel :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => (a -> PutM m Unit) -> FieldNumber -> a -> PutM m Unit

#putOptional Source

putOptional :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => FieldNumberInt -> Maybe a -> (a -> Boolean) -> (FieldNumber -> a -> PutM m Unit) -> PutM m Unit

#putRepeated Source

putRepeated :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => MonadRec m => FieldNumberInt -> Array a -> (FieldNumber -> a -> PutM m Unit) -> PutM m Unit

#putPacked Source

putPacked :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => MonadRec m => FieldNumberInt -> Array a -> (a -> PutM m Unit) -> PutM m Unit

#putEnumField Source

putEnumField :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => BoundedEnum a => FieldNumber -> a -> PutM m Unit

#putEnum Source

putEnum :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => BoundedEnum a => a -> PutM m Unit

#parseEnum Source

parseEnum :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => BoundedEnum a => ParserT DataView m a

#mergeWith Source

mergeWith :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a

Merge the new left with the old right.