- Package
- purescript-record-extra-srghma
- Repository
- srghma/purescript-record-extra-srghma
#mapValuesWithIndex Source
mapValuesWithIndex :: forall row xs a b row'. RowToList row xs => MapValuesWithIndex xs row a b () row' => (String -> a -> b) -> Record row -> Record row'
#MapValuesWithIndex Source
class MapValuesWithIndex (xs :: RowList Type) (row :: Row Type) a b (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) | xs -> row a b from to where
mapValuesWithIndexBuilder :: Proxy xs -> (String -> a -> b) -> Record row -> Builder (Record from) (Record to)
(IsSymbol name, Cons name a trash row, MapValuesWithIndex tail row a b from from', Lacks name from', Cons name b from' to) => MapValuesWithIndex (Cons name a tail) row a b from to
MapValuesWithIndex Nil row a b () ()
- Modules
- Record.
ExtraSrghma - Record.
ExtraSrghma. CompareRecord - Record.
ExtraSrghma. FoldlValues - Record.
ExtraSrghma. FoldlValuesWithIndex - Record.
ExtraSrghma. FoldrValues - Record.
ExtraSrghma. FoldrValuesLazy - Record.
ExtraSrghma. FoldrValuesWithIndex - Record.
ExtraSrghma. Keys - Record.
ExtraSrghma. MapIndex - Record.
ExtraSrghma. MapRecord - Record.
ExtraSrghma. MapValuesWithIndex - Record.
ExtraSrghma. ParSequenceRecord - Record.
ExtraSrghma. SequenceRecord - Record.
ExtraSrghma. ValuesToUnfoldableLazy - Record.
ExtraSrghma. ZipRecord