


Corresponds to the Screeps API Creep

#CreepCargo Source

#BodyPart Source

type BodyPart = { boost :: Maybe String, hits :: Int, type :: BodyPartType }

#MoveOptions Source

type MoveOptions = PathOptions (noPathFinding :: Maybe Boolean, reusePath :: Maybe Int, serializeMemory :: Maybe Boolean)

#totalAmtCarrying Source

#carryCapacity Source

#fatigue Source

#ticksToLive Source

#attackCreep Source

attackCreep :: forall e. Creep -> Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#attackStructure Source

attackStructure :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#attackController Source

attackController :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#build Source

build :: forall e. Creep -> ConstructionSite -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#cancelOrder Source

cancelOrder :: forall e. Creep -> String -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#claimController Source

claimController :: forall e. Creep -> Controller -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#dismantle Source

dismantle :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#drop Source

drop :: forall e. Creep -> ResourceType -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#dropAmt Source

dropAmt :: forall e. Creep -> ResourceType -> Int -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#getActiveBodyparts Source

#harvestSource Source

harvestSource :: forall e. Creep -> Source -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#harvestMineral Source

harvestMineral :: forall e. Creep -> Mineral -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#heal Source

heal :: forall e. Creep -> Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#getMemory Source

getMemory :: forall e a. DecodeJson a => Creep -> String -> Eff (memory :: MEMORY | e) (Either String a)

#setMemory Source

setMemory :: forall e a. EncodeJson a => Creep -> String -> a -> Eff (memory :: MEMORY | e) Unit

#move Source

move :: forall e. Creep -> Direction -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#moveByPath Source

moveByPath :: forall e. Creep -> Path -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#moveTo Source

moveTo :: forall e a. Creep -> TargetPosition a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, memory :: MEMORY | e) ReturnCode

#moveTo' Source

moveTo' :: forall e a. Creep -> TargetPosition a -> MoveOptions -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, memory :: MEMORY | e) ReturnCode

#pickup Source

pickup :: forall e. Creep -> Resource -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#rangedAttackCreep Source

rangedAttackCreep :: forall e. Creep -> Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#rangedAttackStructure Source

rangedAttackStructure :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#rangedHeal Source

rangedHeal :: forall e. Creep -> Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#rangedMassAttack Source

rangedMassAttack :: forall e. Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#repair Source

repair :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#reserveController Source

reserveController :: forall e. Creep -> Controller -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#say Source

say :: forall e. Creep -> String -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#sayPublic Source

sayPublic :: forall e. Creep -> String -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#suicide Source

suicide :: forall e. Creep -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#transferToCreep Source

transferToCreep :: forall e. Creep -> Creep -> ResourceType -> Int -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#transferToStructure Source

transferToStructure :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> ResourceType -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#transferAmtToStructure Source

transferAmtToStructure :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> ResourceType -> Int -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#refill Source

refill :: forall a e. Refillable a => Structure a => Creep -> a -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, err :: EXCEPTION | e) ReturnCode

Refill a structure that is refillable.

#upgradeController Source

upgradeController :: forall e. Creep -> Controller -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#withdraw Source

withdraw :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> ResourceType -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode

#withdrawAmt Source

withdrawAmt :: forall e a. Structure a => Creep -> a -> ResourceType -> Int -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode