


Corresponds to the Screeps API RoomPosition

#FindContext Source

#tryPure Source

tryPure :: forall a. Eff (exception :: EXCEPTION) a -> Either Error a

#ClosestPathOptions Source

type ClosestPathOptions = PathOptions (algorithm :: Maybe FindAlgorithm, filter :: Maybe (forall a. a -> Boolean))

#FindAlgorithm Source

#unwrapContext Source

unwrapContext :: forall b a. FindContext a -> b

#createConstructionSite Source

#createFlag Source

createFlag :: forall e. RoomPosition -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, err :: EXCEPTION | e) ReturnCode

#createFlagWithName Source

createFlagWithName :: forall e. RoomPosition -> String -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, err :: EXCEPTION | e) ReturnCode

#createFlagWithColor Source

createFlagWithColor :: forall e. RoomPosition -> String -> Color -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, err :: EXCEPTION | e) ReturnCode

#createFlagWithColors Source

createFlagWithColors :: forall e. RoomPosition -> String -> Color -> Color -> Eff (cmd :: CMD, err :: EXCEPTION | e) ReturnCode

#findClosestByPath Source

#findClosestByRange Source

#findClosestByRange' Source

#findInRange Source

#findInRange' Source

#getDirectionTo Source

#getRangeTo Source

getRangeTo :: forall a. RoomPosition -> TargetPosition a -> Int

May return Infinity

#inRangeTo Source

#isEqualTo Source

#isNearTo Source

#lookFor Source

lookFor :: forall a. RoomPosition -> LookType a -> Either Error (Array a)