- Package
- purescript-web3
- Repository
- f-o-a-m/purescript-web3
Re-exports from Data.ByteString
#ByteString Source
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.AbiEncoding
#ABIDecode Source
class ABIDecode a where
fromDataParser :: Parser String a
ABIDecode BigNumber
ABIDecode Boolean
ABIDecode Int
ABIDecode Address
ABIDecode ByteString
ABIDecode String
(ByteSize n) => ABIDecode (BytesN n)
(ABIDecode a, KnownNat n) => ABIDecode (Vector n a)
(ABIDecode a) => ABIDecode (Array a)
(IntSize n) => ABIDecode (UIntN n)
(IntSize n) => ABIDecode (IntN n)
(ABIDecode a) => ABIDecode (Tagged s a)
#ABIEncode Source
class ABIEncode a where
Class representing values that have an encoding and decoding instance to/from a solidity type.
toDataBuilder :: a -> HexString
ABIEncode BigNumber
ABIEncode Boolean
ABIEncode Int
ABIEncode Address
ABIEncode ByteString
ABIEncode String
(ByteSize n) => ABIEncode (BytesN n)
(ABIEncode a, KnownNat n) => ABIEncode (Vector n a)
(ABIEncode a) => ABIEncode (Array a)
(IntSize n) => ABIEncode (UIntN n)
(IntSize n) => ABIEncode (IntN n)
(ABIEncode a) => ABIEncode (Tagged s a)
#fromData Source
fromData :: forall a. ABIDecode a => HexString -> Either ParseError a
Parse encoded value, droping the leading 0x
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Bytes
#unBytesN Source
unBytesN :: forall n. KnownSize n => BytesN n -> ByteString
Access the underlying raw bytestring
#proxyBytesN Source
proxyBytesN :: forall n. KnownSize n => BytesN n
#fromByteString Source
fromByteString :: forall n. KnownSize n => ByteString -> Maybe (BytesN n)
Attempt to coerce a bytestring into one of the appropriate size
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Event
#DecodeEvent Source
class (IndexedEvent a b c) <= DecodeEvent a b c | c -> a b where
decodeEvent :: Change -> Maybe c
(ArrayParser aargs, ToRecordFields aargs afields al, Generic a (Constructor aname aargs), ArgsToRowListProxy aargs al, ListToRow al afields, ToRecordFields bargs bfields bl, Generic b (Constructor bname bargs), GenericABIDecode bargs, ArgsToRowListProxy bargs bl, ListToRow bl bfields, Union bfields afields cfields, Newtype c (Record cfields), IndexedEvent a b c) => DecodeEvent a b c
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Generic
#ArgsToRowListProxy Source
class ArgsToRowListProxy args (l :: RowList) | args -> l, l -> args
ArgsToRowListProxy NoArguments Nil
ArgsToRowListProxy (Argument (Tagged (SProxy s) a)) (Cons s a Nil)
(ArgsToRowListProxy as l) => ArgsToRowListProxy (Product (Argument (Tagged (SProxy s) a)) as) (Cons s a l)
#GenericABIDecode Source
class GenericABIDecode a
A class for decoding generically composed datatypes from their abi encoding
(EncodingType a, ABIDecode a) => GenericABIDecode (Argument a)
GenericABIDecode NoArguments
(EncodingType b, ABIDecode b, GenericABIDecode a) => GenericABIDecode (Product (Argument b) a)
(GenericABIDecode a) => GenericABIDecode (Constructor name a)
#GenericABIEncode Source
class GenericABIEncode a
A class for encoding generically composed datatypes to their abi encoding
(ABIData a) => GenericABIEncode (Constructor name a)
#ToRecordFields Source
class ToRecordFields args fields (rowList :: RowList) | args -> rowList, rowList -> args fields where
toRecordFields :: RLProxy rowList -> args -> Record fields
(IsSymbol s, RowCons s a () r, RowLacks s ()) => ToRecordFields (Argument (Tagged (SProxy s) a)) r (Cons s a Nil)
ToRecordFields NoArguments () Nil
(ToRecordFields as r1 (Cons ls la ll), RowCons s a r1 r2, RowLacks s r1, IsSymbol s, ListToRow (Cons ls la ll) r1) => ToRecordFields (Product (Argument (Tagged (SProxy s) a)) as) r2 (Cons s a (Cons ls la ll))
#genericFromData Source
genericFromData :: forall rep a. Generic a rep => GenericABIDecode rep => HexString -> Either ParseError a
#genericABIEncode Source
genericABIEncode :: forall rep a. Generic a rep => GenericABIEncode rep => a -> HexString
Encode a generic type into its abi encoding, works only for types of the form
Constructor name (Product (Argument a1) (Product ... (Argument an)))
#genericABIDecode Source
genericABIDecode :: forall rep a. Generic a rep => GenericABIDecode rep => Parser String a
Encode a generic type into its abi encoding, works only for types of the form
Constructor name (Product (Argument a1) (Product ... (Argument an)))
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Int
#intNFromBigNumber Source
intNFromBigNumber :: forall n. KnownSize n => BigNumber -> Maybe (IntN n)
Attempt to coerce an signed BigNumber
into a statically sized one
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Size
#NumCons Source
data NumCons a b
(KnownSize new, KnownSize old) => KnownSize (NumCons new old)
IntSize (NumCons D1 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D2 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D3 D2)
IntSize (NumCons D4 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D4 D8)
IntSize (NumCons D5 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D6 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D7 D2)
IntSize (NumCons D8 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D8 D8)
IntSize (NumCons D9 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D0 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D1 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D3 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D4 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D5 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D7 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D8 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D9 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D1 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D2 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D3 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D5 D6))
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D2)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D3)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D4)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D5)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D6)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D7)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D8)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D9)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D2)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D3)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D4)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D5)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D6)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D7)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D8)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D9)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D2)
#D8 Source
data D8
KnownSize D8
IntSize D8
IntSize (NumCons D4 D8)
IntSize (NumCons D8 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D8 D8)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D8 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D8))
ByteSize D8
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D8)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D8)
#D6 Source
data D6
KnownSize D6
IntSize (NumCons D1 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D5 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D6 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D9 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D3 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D7 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D1 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D5 D6))
ByteSize D6
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D6)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D6)
#D4 Source
data D4
KnownSize D4
IntSize (NumCons D2 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D4 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D4 D8)
IntSize (NumCons D6 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D0 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D4 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D8 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D2 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D8))
ByteSize D4
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D4)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D4)
#D2 Source
data D2
KnownSize D2
IntSize (NumCons D2 D4)
IntSize (NumCons D3 D2)
IntSize (NumCons D7 D2)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D1 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D5 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D9 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D1 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D2 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D3 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D5 D6))
ByteSize D2
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D2)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D2)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D3)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D4)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D5)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D6)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D7)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D8)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D9)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D2)
#D1 Source
data D1
KnownSize D1
IntSize (NumCons D1 D6)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D0 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D1 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D3 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D4 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D5 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D7 D6))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D8 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D9 D2))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D1 D6))
ByteSize D1
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D2)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D3)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D4)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D5)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D6)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D7)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D8)
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D9)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D1)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D1)
#D0 Source
data D0
KnownSize D0
IntSize (NumCons D4 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D8 D0)
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D0 D4))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D2 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D1 (NumCons D6 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D0))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D0 D8))
IntSize (NumCons D2 (NumCons D4 D0))
ByteSize (NumCons D1 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D2 D0)
ByteSize (NumCons D3 D0)
#type (:&) Source
Operator alias for Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Size.NumCons (right-associative / precedence 6)
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Tuple
#Tuple16 Source
data Tuple16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
Tuple16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
Generic (Tuple16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p) _
(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n, Show o, Show p) => Show (Tuple16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p)
(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n, Eq o, Eq p) => Eq (Tuple16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p)
#Tuple15 Source
data Tuple15 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
Tuple15 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
Generic (Tuple15 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o) _
(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n, Show o) => Show (Tuple15 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)
(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n, Eq o) => Eq (Tuple15 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)
#Tuple14 Source
data Tuple14 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Tuple14 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
Generic (Tuple14 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n) _
(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n) => Show (Tuple14 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n)
(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n) => Eq (Tuple14 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n)
#Tuple13 Source
data Tuple13 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Tuple13 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Generic (Tuple13 a b c d e f g h i j k l m) _
(Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m) => Show (Tuple13 a b c d e f g h i j k l m)
(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m) => Eq (Tuple13 a b c d e f g h i j k l m)
#Tuple12 Source
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.UInt
#uIntNFromBigNumber Source
uIntNFromBigNumber :: forall n. KnownSize n => BigNumber -> Maybe (UIntN n)
Attempt to coerce an unsigned integer into a statically sized one
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Vector
#vectorLength Source
vectorLength :: forall n a. KnownNat n => Vector n a -> Int
Get the length of a statically sized vector
#(:<) Source
Operator alias for Network.Ethereum.Web3.Solidity.Vector.vCons (right-associative / precedence 6)
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types
- Modules
- Network.
Ethereum. Web3 - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Api - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Contract - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Contract. Internal - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. JsonRPC - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. AbiEncoding - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Bytes - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. EncodingType - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Event - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Generic - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Int - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Size - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Tuple - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. UInt - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Vector - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. BigNumber - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. EtherUnit - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Provider - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Sha3 - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Types - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Utils