


#a Source

a :: ElemName

Creates a hyperlink element

#altGlyph Source

altGlyph :: ElemName

Defines an alternative representation of a glyph in a font

#altGlyphDef Source

altGlyphDef :: ElemName

Defines a set of glyph substitutions for an altGlyph element

#altGlyphItem Source

altGlyphItem :: ElemName

Defines a substitution for a specific glyph in an altGlyphDef element

#animate Source

animate :: ElemName

Defines an animation on an SVG element

#animateColor Source

animateColor :: ElemName

Defines an animated color change for an SVG element

#animateMotion Source

animateMotion :: ElemName

Defines an animated motion path for an SVG element

#animateTransform Source

animateTransform :: ElemName

Defines an animated transformation on an SVG element

#circle Source

circle :: ElemName

Creates a circle element

#clipPath Source

clipPath :: ElemName

Defines a clipping path for an SVG element

#colorProfile Source

colorProfile :: ElemName

Defines a color profile for an SVG document

#cursor Source

cursor :: ElemName

Defines a cursor for an SVG element

#defs Source

defs :: ElemName

Defines a set of reusable SVG elements

#desc Source

desc :: ElemName

Defines a description of an SVG element

#ellipse Source

ellipse :: ElemName

Creates an ellipse element

#feBlend Source

feBlend :: ElemName

Defines a blend mode for two input images in a filter

#feColorMatrix Source

feColorMatrix :: ElemName

Applies a color transformation to an input image

#feComponentTransfer Source

feComponentTransfer :: ElemName

Allows for component-wise remapping of input image components

#feComposite Source

feComposite :: ElemName

Combines two input images using a composition operation

#feConvolveMatrix Source

feConvolveMatrix :: ElemName

Applies a matrix convolution filter effect to an input image

#feDiffuseLighting Source

feDiffuseLighting :: ElemName

Creates a lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map

#feDisplacementMap Source

feDisplacementMap :: ElemName

Displaces the pixels in an input image according to a displacement map image

#feDistantLight Source

feDistantLight :: ElemName

Defines a distant light source for use in a lighting filter effect

#feFlood Source

feFlood :: ElemName

Fills the filter subregion with a solid color

#feFuncA Source

feFuncA :: ElemName

Defines the alpha transfer function for a component in a filter

#feFuncB Source

feFuncB :: ElemName

Defines the transfer function for a component

#feFuncG Source

feFuncG :: ElemName

Defines the transfer function for a component

#feFuncR Source

feFuncR :: ElemName

Defines the transfer function for a component

#feGaussianBlur Source

feGaussianBlur :: ElemName

Applies a Gaussian blur to an input image

#feImage Source

feImage :: ElemName

Inserts an external image into an SVG element

#feMerge Source

feMerge :: ElemName

Merges multiple input images together

#feMergeNode Source

feMergeNode :: ElemName

Specifies an input image for use with a feMerge filter

#feMorphology Source

feMorphology :: ElemName

Expands or contracts the shape of an input image

#feOffset Source

feOffset :: ElemName

Offsets the position of an input image

#fePointLight Source

fePointLight :: ElemName

Defines a point light source for use in a lighting filter effect

#feSpecularLighting Source

feSpecularLighting :: ElemName

Creates a specular lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map

#feSpotLight Source

feSpotLight :: ElemName

Defines a spotlight source for use in a lighting filter effect

#feTile Source

feTile :: ElemName

Repeats an input image to fill a filter subregion

#feTurbulence Source

feTurbulence :: ElemName

Generates a Perlin noise or turbulence pattern

#filter Source

filter :: ElemName

Defines a filter effect

#foreignObject Source

foreignObject :: ElemName

Inserts a foreign object into an SVG document

#g Source

g :: ElemName

Creates a group of SVG elements

#glyph Source

glyph :: ElemName

Defines a single glyph in an SVG font

#glyphRef Source

glyphRef :: ElemName

References a glyph in a font

#hatch Source

hatch :: ElemName

Defines a hatching pattern

#hatchpath Source

hatchpath :: ElemName

Defines the path of a hatching pattern

#image Source

image :: ElemName

Inserts an external raster image into an SVG document

#line Source

line :: ElemName

Creates a line element

#linearGradient Source

linearGradient :: ElemName

Defines a linear gradient for an SVG element

#marker Source

marker :: ElemName

Defines a marker symbol to be used with a shape or line

#mask Source

mask :: ElemName

Defines a mask for an SVG element

#metadata Source

metadata :: ElemName

The metadata element provides a container for storing non-visual data.

#missingGlyph Source

missingGlyph :: ElemName

The missing-glyph element provides a fallback for glyphs that are not available in a font.

#mpath Source

mpath :: ElemName

The mpath element provides a way to animate the motion of an object along a path.

#path Source

path :: ElemName

The path element defines a path to be drawn.

#pattern Source

pattern :: ElemName

The pattern element defines a repeating pattern to be used as a fill or stroke.

#polygon Source

polygon :: ElemName

The polygon element defines a closed shape consisting of a series of connected straight line segments.

#polyline Source

polyline :: ElemName

The polyline element defines an open shape consisting of a series of connected straight line segments.

#radialGradient Source

radialGradient :: ElemName

The radialGradient element defines a radial gradient to be used as a fill or stroke.

#rect Source

rect :: ElemName

The rect element defines a rectangle to be drawn.

#script Source

script :: ElemName

The script element contains script statements.

#set Source

set :: ElemName

The set element provides a way to animate an attribute to a given value.

#stop Source

stop :: ElemName

The stop element defines a color or gradient stop in a gradient.

#style Source

style :: ElemName

The style element contains style information for a document or part of a document.

#svg Source

svg :: ElemName

The svg element is the root element of an SVG document.

#switch Source

switch :: ElemName

The switch element allows conditional processing of SVG elements.

#symbol Source

symbol :: ElemName

The symbol element defines a reusable graphic element.

#text Source

text :: ElemName

The text element defines a block of text to be drawn.

#textPath Source

textPath :: ElemName

The textPath element provides a way to align text along a path.

#title Source

title :: ElemName

The title element provides a title for a document or part of a document.

#tref Source

tref :: ElemName

The tref element provides a way to reference a portion of text in another element.

#tspan Source

tspan :: ElemName

The tspan element provides a way to group a portion of text within a larger block of text.

#use Source

use :: ElemName

The use element provides a way to reuse a single element and apply transformations to it.

#view Source

view :: ElemName

The view element defines a rectangular portion of the SVG canvas that should be displayed.

#vkern Source

vkern :: ElemName

Defines vertical kerning for a pair of glyphs in a font.