- Package
- purescript-chameleon
- Repository
- thought2/purescript-chameleon
#altGlyphDef_ Source
altGlyphDef_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines a set of glyph substitutions for an altGlyph element [No Attributes]
#altGlyphItem_ Source
altGlyphItem_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines a substitution for a specific glyph in an altGlyphDef element [No Attributes]
#animateColor Source
animateColor :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines an animated color change for an SVG element
#animateColor_ Source
animateColor_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines an animated color change for an SVG element [No Attributes]
#animateMotion Source
animateMotion :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines an animated motion path for an SVG element
#animateMotion_ Source
animateMotion_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines an animated motion path for an SVG element [No Attributes]
#animateTransform Source
animateTransform :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines an animated transformation on an SVG element
#animateTransform_ Source
animateTransform_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines an animated transformation on an SVG element [No Attributes]
#colorProfile_ Source
colorProfile_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines a color profile for an SVG document [No Attributes]
#feColorMatrix Source
feColorMatrix :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Applies a color transformation to an input image
#feColorMatrix_ Source
feColorMatrix_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Applies a color transformation to an input image [No Attributes]
#feComponentTransfer Source
feComponentTransfer :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Allows for component-wise remapping of input image components
#feComponentTransfer_ Source
feComponentTransfer_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Allows for component-wise remapping of input image components [No Attributes]
#feComposite Source
feComposite :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Combines two input images using a composition operation
#feComposite_ Source
feComposite_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Combines two input images using a composition operation [No Attributes]
#feConvolveMatrix Source
feConvolveMatrix :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Applies a matrix convolution filter effect to an input image
#feConvolveMatrix_ Source
feConvolveMatrix_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Applies a matrix convolution filter effect to an input image [No Attributes]
#feDiffuseLighting Source
feDiffuseLighting :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Creates a lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map
#feDiffuseLighting_ Source
feDiffuseLighting_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Creates a lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map [No Attributes]
#feDisplacementMap Source
feDisplacementMap :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Displaces the pixels in an input image according to a displacement map image
#feDisplacementMap_ Source
feDisplacementMap_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Displaces the pixels in an input image according to a displacement map image [No Attributes]
#feDistantLight Source
feDistantLight :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines a distant light source for use in a lighting filter effect
#feDistantLight_ Source
feDistantLight_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines a distant light source for use in a lighting filter effect [No Attributes]
#feGaussianBlur Source
feGaussianBlur :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Applies a Gaussian blur to an input image
#feGaussianBlur_ Source
feGaussianBlur_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Applies a Gaussian blur to an input image [No Attributes]
#feMergeNode Source
feMergeNode :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Specifies an input image for use with a feMerge filter
#feMergeNode_ Source
feMergeNode_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Specifies an input image for use with a feMerge filter [No Attributes]
#feMorphology Source
feMorphology :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Expands or contracts the shape of an input image
#feMorphology_ Source
feMorphology_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Expands or contracts the shape of an input image [No Attributes]
#fePointLight Source
fePointLight :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines a point light source for use in a lighting filter effect
#fePointLight_ Source
fePointLight_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines a point light source for use in a lighting filter effect [No Attributes]
#feSpecularLighting Source
feSpecularLighting :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Creates a specular lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map
#feSpecularLighting_ Source
feSpecularLighting_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Creates a specular lighting effect using the alpha channel as a bump map [No Attributes]
#feSpotLight Source
feSpotLight :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Defines a spotlight source for use in a lighting filter effect
#feSpotLight_ Source
feSpotLight_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines a spotlight source for use in a lighting filter effect [No Attributes]
#feTurbulence Source
feTurbulence :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
Generates a Perlin noise or turbulence pattern
#feTurbulence_ Source
feTurbulence_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Generates a Perlin noise or turbulence pattern [No Attributes]
#foreignObject_ Source
foreignObject_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Inserts a foreign object into an SVG document [No Attributes]
#hatchpath_ Source
hatchpath_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
Defines the path of a hatching pattern [No Attributes]
#linearGradient_ Source
linearGradient_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines a linear gradient for an SVG element [No Attributes]
#missingGlyph Source
missingGlyph :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> html a
The missing-glyph element provides a fallback for glyphs that are not available in a font.
#missingGlyph_ Source
missingGlyph_ :: forall html a. Html html => html a
The missing-glyph element provides a fallback for glyphs that are not available in a font. [No Attributes]
#radialGradient_ Source
radialGradient_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
The radialGradient element defines a radial gradient to be used as a fill or stroke. [No Attributes]
- Modules
- Chameleon
- Chameleon.
Class - Chameleon.
HTML - Chameleon.
HTML. Attributes - Chameleon.
HTML. ElemNames - Chameleon.
HTML. Elements - Chameleon.
HTML. Events - Chameleon.
HTML. KeyedElements - Chameleon.
Impl. TestHtml - Chameleon.
SVG. Attributes - Chameleon.
SVG. ElemNames - Chameleon.
SVG. Elements - Chameleon.
SVG. KeyedElements - Chameleon.