- Package
- purescript-google-apps
- Repository
- BBVA/purescript-google-apps
#absolute Source
absolute :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#absolute(int).
#afterLast Source
afterLast :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#afterLast().
#beforeFirst Source
beforeFirst :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#beforeFirst().
#cancelRowUpdates Source
cancelRowUpdates :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#cancelRowUpdates().
#clearWarnings Source
clearWarnings :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#clearWarnings().
#close Source
close :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#close().
#deleteRow Source
deleteRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#deleteRow().
#findColumn Source
findColumn :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#findColumn(String).
#first Source
first :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#first().
#getArrayWithInteger Source
getArrayWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcArray
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getArray(int).
#getArrayWithString Source
getArrayWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcArray
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getArray(String).
#getBlobWithInteger Source
getBlobWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcBlob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getBlob(int).
#getBlobWithString Source
getBlobWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcBlob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getBlob(String).
#getBooleanWithInteger Source
getBooleanWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getBoolean(int).
#getBooleanWithString Source
getBooleanWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getBoolean(String).
#getClobWithInteger Source
getClobWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcClob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getClob(int).
#getClobWithString Source
getClobWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcClob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getClob(String).
#getConcurrency Source
getConcurrency :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getConcurrency().
#getCursorName Source
getCursorName :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getCursorName().
#getDateWithInteger Source
getDateWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcDate
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(int).
#getDateWithIntegerString Source
getDateWithIntegerString :: Int -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcDate
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(int, Calendar).
#getDateWithString Source
getDateWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcDate
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(String).
#getDateWithStringString Source
getDateWithStringString :: String -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcDate
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(String, Calendar).
#getDoubleWithInteger Source
getDoubleWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Number
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDouble(int).
#getDoubleWithString Source
getDoubleWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Number
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getDouble(String).
#getFetchDirection Source
getFetchDirection :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getFetchDirection().
#getFetchSize Source
getFetchSize :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getFetchSize().
#getFloatWithInteger Source
getFloatWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Number
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getFloat(int).
#getFloatWithString Source
getFloatWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Number
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getFloat(String).
#getHoldability Source
getHoldability :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getHoldability().
#getIntWithInteger Source
getIntWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getInt(int).
#getIntWithString Source
getIntWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getInt(String).
#getLongWithInteger Source
getLongWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getLong(int).
#getLongWithString Source
getLongWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getLong(String).
#getMetaData Source
getMetaData :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcResultSetMetaData
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getMetaData().
#getNClobWithInteger Source
getNClobWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcClob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getNClob(int).
#getNClobWithString Source
getNClobWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcClob
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getNClob(String).
#getNStringWithInteger Source
getNStringWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getNString(int).
#getNStringWithString Source
getNStringWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getNString(String).
#getObjectWithInteger Source
getObjectWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Foreign
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getObject(int).
#getObjectWithString Source
getObjectWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Foreign
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getObject(String).
#getRefWithInteger Source
getRefWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcRef
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getRef(int).
#getRefWithString Source
getRefWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcRef
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getRef(String).
#getRow Source
getRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getRow().
#getRowIdWithInteger Source
getRowIdWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcRowId
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getRowId(int).
#getRowIdWithString Source
getRowIdWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcRowId
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getRowId(String).
#getSqlxmlWithInteger Source
getSqlxmlWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcSqlxml
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getSQLXML(int).
#getSqlxmlWithString Source
getSqlxmlWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcSqlxml
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getSQLXML(String).
#getShortWithInteger Source
getShortWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getShort(int).
#getShortWithString Source
getShortWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getShort(String).
#getStatement Source
getStatement :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcStatement
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getStatement().
#getStringWithInteger Source
getStringWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getString(int).
#getStringWithString Source
getStringWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getString(String).
#getTimeWithInteger Source
getTimeWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTime
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(int).
#getTimeWithIntegerString Source
getTimeWithIntegerString :: Int -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTime
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar).
#getTimeWithString Source
getTimeWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTime
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(String).
#getTimeWithStringString Source
getTimeWithStringString :: String -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTime
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(String, Calendar).
#getTimestampWithInteger Source
getTimestampWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTimestamp
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(int).
#getTimestampWithIntegerString Source
getTimestampWithIntegerString :: Int -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTimestamp
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(int, Calendar).
#getTimestampWithString Source
getTimestampWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTimestamp
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(String).
#getTimestampWithStringString Source
getTimestampWithStringString :: String -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect JdbcTimestamp
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(String, Calendar).
#getType Source
getType :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Int
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getType().
#getUrlWithInteger Source
getUrlWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getURL(int).
#getUrlWithString Source
getUrlWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect String
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#getURL(String).
#getWarnings Source
getWarnings :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect (Array String)
Returns the current set of warnings reported by the driver.
#insertRow Source
insertRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#insertRow().
#isAfterLast Source
isAfterLast :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#isAfterLast().
#isBeforeFirst Source
isBeforeFirst :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#isBeforeFirst().
#isClosed Source
isClosed :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#isClosed().
#isFirst Source
isFirst :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#isFirst().
#isLast Source
isLast :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#isLast().
#last Source
last :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#first().
#moveToCurrentRow Source
moveToCurrentRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#moveToCurrentRow().
#moveToInsertRow Source
moveToInsertRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#moveToInsertRow().
#next Source
next :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#next().
#previous Source
previous :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#previous().
#refreshRow Source
refreshRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#refreshRow().
#relative Source
relative :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#relative(int).
#rowDeleted Source
rowDeleted :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#rowDeleted().
#rowInserted Source
rowInserted :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#rowInserted().
#rowUpdated Source
rowUpdated :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Boolean
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#rowUpdated().
#setFetchDirection Source
setFetchDirection :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#setFetchDirection(int).
#setFetchSize Source
setFetchSize :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#setFetchSize(int).
#updateArrayWithIntegerJdbcarray Source
updateArrayWithIntegerJdbcarray :: Int -> JdbcArray -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateArray(int, Array).
#updateArrayWithStringJdbcarray Source
updateArrayWithStringJdbcarray :: String -> JdbcArray -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateArray(String, Array).
#updateBlobWithIntegerJdbcblob Source
updateBlobWithIntegerJdbcblob :: Int -> JdbcBlob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateBlob(int, Blob).
#updateBlobWithStringJdbcblob Source
updateBlobWithStringJdbcblob :: String -> JdbcBlob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRef(String, Blob).
#updateBooleanWithIntegerBoolean Source
updateBooleanWithIntegerBoolean :: Int -> Boolean -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateBoolean(int, boolean).
#updateBooleanWithStringBoolean Source
updateBooleanWithStringBoolean :: String -> Boolean -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateBoolean(String, boolean).
#updateClobWithIntegerJdbcclob Source
updateClobWithIntegerJdbcclob :: Int -> JdbcClob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateClob(int, Clob).
#updateClobWithStringJdbcclob Source
updateClobWithStringJdbcclob :: String -> JdbcClob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateClob(String, Clob).
#updateDateWithIntegerJdbcdate Source
updateDateWithIntegerJdbcdate :: Int -> JdbcDate -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateDate(int, Date).
#updateDateWithStringJdbcdate Source
updateDateWithStringJdbcdate :: String -> JdbcDate -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateDate(String, Date).
#updateDoubleWithIntegerNumber Source
updateDoubleWithIntegerNumber :: Int -> Number -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateDouble(int, double).
#updateDoubleWithStringNumber Source
updateDoubleWithStringNumber :: String -> Number -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateDouble(String, double).
#updateFloatWithIntegerNumber Source
updateFloatWithIntegerNumber :: Int -> Number -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateFloat(int, float).
#updateFloatWithStringNumber Source
updateFloatWithStringNumber :: String -> Number -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateFloat(String, float).
#updateIntWithIntegerInteger Source
updateIntWithIntegerInteger :: Int -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateInt(int, int).
#updateIntWithStringInteger Source
updateIntWithStringInteger :: String -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateInt(String, int).
#updateLongWithIntegerInteger Source
updateLongWithIntegerInteger :: Int -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateLong(int, long).
#updateLongWithStringInteger Source
updateLongWithStringInteger :: String -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateLong(String, long).
#updateNClobWithIntegerJdbcclob Source
updateNClobWithIntegerJdbcclob :: Int -> JdbcClob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNClob(int, NClob).
#updateNClobWithStringJdbcclob Source
updateNClobWithStringJdbcclob :: String -> JdbcClob -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNClob(String, NClob).
#updateNStringWithIntegerString Source
updateNStringWithIntegerString :: Int -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNString(int, String).
#updateNStringWithStringString Source
updateNStringWithStringString :: String -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNString(String, String).
#updateNullWithInteger Source
updateNullWithInteger :: Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNull(int).
#updateNullWithString Source
updateNullWithString :: String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateNull(String).
#updateObjectWithIntegerObject Source
updateObjectWithIntegerObject :: Int -> Foreign -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateObject(int, Object).
#updateObjectWithIntegerObjectInteger Source
updateObjectWithIntegerObjectInteger :: Int -> Foreign -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateObject(int, Object, int).
#updateObjectWithStringObject Source
updateObjectWithStringObject :: String -> Foreign -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateObject(String, Object).
#updateObjectWithStringObjectInteger Source
updateObjectWithStringObjectInteger :: String -> Foreign -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateObject(String, Object, int).
#updateRefWithIntegerJdbcref Source
updateRefWithIntegerJdbcref :: Int -> JdbcRef -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRef(int, Ref).
#updateRefWithStringJdbcref Source
updateRefWithStringJdbcref :: String -> JdbcRef -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRef(String, Ref).
#updateRow Source
updateRow :: JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRow().
#updateRowIdWithIntegerJdbcrowid Source
updateRowIdWithIntegerJdbcrowid :: Int -> JdbcRowId -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRowId(int, RowId).
#updateRowIdWithStringJdbcrowid Source
updateRowIdWithStringJdbcrowid :: String -> JdbcRowId -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateRowId(String, RowId).
#updateSqlxmlWithIntegerJdbcsqlxml Source
updateSqlxmlWithIntegerJdbcsqlxml :: Int -> JdbcSqlxml -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateSQLXML(int, SQLXML).
#updateSqlxmlWithStringJdbcsqlxml Source
updateSqlxmlWithStringJdbcsqlxml :: String -> JdbcSqlxml -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateSQLXML(String, SQLXML).
#updateShortWithIntegerInteger Source
updateShortWithIntegerInteger :: Int -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateShort(int, short).
#updateShortWithStringInteger Source
updateShortWithStringInteger :: String -> Int -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateShort(String, short).
#updateStringWithIntegerString Source
updateStringWithIntegerString :: Int -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateString(int, String).
#updateStringWithStringString Source
updateStringWithStringString :: String -> String -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateString(String, String).
#updateTimeWithIntegerJdbctime Source
updateTimeWithIntegerJdbctime :: Int -> JdbcTime -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateTime(int, Time).
#updateTimeWithStringJdbctime Source
updateTimeWithStringJdbctime :: String -> JdbcTime -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateTime(String, Time).
#updateTimestampWithIntegerJdbctimestamp Source
updateTimestampWithIntegerJdbctimestamp :: Int -> JdbcTimestamp -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateTimestamp(int, Timestamp).
#updateTimestampWithStringJdbctimestamp Source
updateTimestampWithStringJdbctimestamp :: String -> JdbcTimestamp -> JdbcResultSet -> Effect Unit
For documentation of this method, see java.sql.ResultSet#updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp).
- Modules
- Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Blob - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Browser - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Logger - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Menu - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. PromptResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. RgbColor - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Session - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. Ui - Control.
Google. Apps. Base. User - Control.
Google. Apps. Cache. Cache - Control.
Google. Apps. Cache. CacheService - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. Calendar - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarEvent - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarEventSeries - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. EventGuest - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. EventRecurrence - Control.
Google. Apps. Calendar. RecurrenceRule - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Action - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. AuthorizationAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. AuthorizationException - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. BorderStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Button - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ButtonSet - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CalendarEventActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CalendarEventActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Card - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardHeader - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardSection - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardService - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ComposeActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ComposeActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. DatePicker - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. DateTimePicker - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. DecoratedText - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Divider - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. DriveItemsSelectedActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. DriveItemsSelectedActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. EditorFileScopeActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. EditorFileScopeActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. FixedFooter - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Grid - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. GridItem - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. IconImage - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Image - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageButton - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageComponent - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageCropStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. KeyValue - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Navigation - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Notification - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. OpenLink - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. SelectionInput - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Suggestions - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. SuggestionsResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. SuggestionsResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Switch - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextButton - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextInput - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextParagraph - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. TimePicker - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UniversalActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UniversalActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftActionResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftBccRecipientsAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftBodyAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftCcRecipientsAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftSubjectAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftToRecipientsAction - Control.
Google. Apps. CardService. Widget - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. AreaChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. BarChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. Chart - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. ChartOptions - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. Charts - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. ColumnChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataTable - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataTableBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataViewDefinition - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataViewDefinitionBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. LineChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. NumberRangeFilterBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. PieChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. ScatterChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. StringFilterBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. TableChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. TextStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. Charts. TextStyleBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceData - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceDataBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceDataService - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceError - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceParameter - Control.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. EntryPoint - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. AddressField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. CompanyField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Contact - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ContactGroup - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ContactsApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. CustomField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. DateField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. EmailField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ImField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. PhoneField - Control.
Google. Apps. Contacts. UrlField - Control.
Google. Apps. Content. ContentService - Control.
Google. Apps. Content. TextOutput - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. BigQueryConfig - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Checkbox - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. CommunityConnector - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Config - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. DataStudioApp - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. DebugError - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Field - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Fields - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetAuthTypeResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetDataResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetSchemaResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Info - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. OptionBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SelectMultiple - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SelectSingle - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SetCredentialsResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. TextArea - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. TextInput - Control.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. UserError - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Body - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Bookmark - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. ContainerElement - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Document - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. DocumentApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Equation - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationFunction - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationSymbol - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. FooterSection - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Footnote - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. FootnoteSection - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. HeaderSection - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. HorizontalRule - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. InlineDrawing - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. InlineImage - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. ListItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. NamedRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. PageBreak - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Paragraph - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Position - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. PositionedImage - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Range - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. RangeBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. RangeElement - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Table - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. TableCell - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. TableOfContents - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. TableRow - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. Text - Control.
Google. Apps. Document. UnsupportedElement - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. DriveApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. File - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. FileIterator - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. Folder - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. FolderIterator - Control.
Google. Apps. Drive. User - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. Choice - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. DateItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. DateTimeItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. DurationItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. Form - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. FormApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. FormResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ImageItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ItemResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ListItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. MultipleChoiceItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. PageBreakItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. QuizFeedback - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. QuizFeedbackBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. ScaleItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. SectionHeaderItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. TimeItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Forms. VideoItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailAttachment - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailDraft - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailLabel - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailMessage - Control.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailThread - Control.
Google. Apps. Groups. Group - Control.
Google. Apps. Groups. GroupsApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlOutput - Control.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlOutputMetaTag - Control.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlService - Control.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlTemplate - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. Jdbc - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcArray - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcBlob - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcCallableStatement - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcClob - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcConnection - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcDatabaseMetaData - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcDate - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcParameterMetaData - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcPreparedStatement - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcRef - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcResultSet - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcResultSetMetaData - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcRowId - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcSavepoint - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcSqlxml - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcStatement - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcStruct - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcTime - Control.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcTimestamp - Control.
Google. Apps. Language. LanguageApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Lock. Lock - Control.
Google. Apps. Lock. LockService - Control.
Google. Apps. Mail. MailApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. DirectionFinder - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. DirectionFinderEnums - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. ElevationSampler - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. Geocoder - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. Maps - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. StaticMap - Control.
Google. Apps. Maps. StaticMapEnums - Control.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationConstraint - Control.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationEngine - Control.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationService - Control.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationSolution - Control.
Google. Apps. Properties. Properties - Control.
Google. Apps. Properties. PropertiesService - Control.
Google. Apps. Properties. ScriptProperties - Control.
Google. Apps. Properties. UserProperties - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. AuthorizationInfo - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. CalendarTriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. ClockTriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. DocumentTriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. FormTriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. ScriptApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. Service - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. StateTokenBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. Trigger - Control.
Google. Apps. Script. TriggerBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. Attachment - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. Column - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. Comment - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. ListItem - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. Page - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. Site - Control.
Google. Apps. Sites. SitesApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. AffineTransform - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. AffineTransformBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. AutoText - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Autofit - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Border - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Color - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. ColorScheme - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. ConnectionSite - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Fill - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Group - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Image - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Layout - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Line - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. LineFill - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Link - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. List - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. ListStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Master - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. NotesMaster - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. NotesPage - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Page - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageBackground - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageElement - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageElementRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Paragraph - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. ParagraphStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. PictureFill - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Point - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Presentation - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Selection - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Shape - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. SheetsChart - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Slide - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. SlidesApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. SolidFill - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Table - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableCell - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableCellRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableColumn - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableRow - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. ThemeColor - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. Video - Control.
Google. Apps. Slides. WordArt - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Banding - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BigQueryDataSourceSpec - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BooleanCondition - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Color - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ColorBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ConditionalFormatRule - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ContainerInfo - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataExecutionStatus - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSource - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceChart - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceColumn - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceFormula - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceParameter - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourcePivotTable - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceRefreshSchedule - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceRefreshScheduleFrequency - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSheet - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSheetFilter - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSpec - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSpecBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTable - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTableColumn - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTableFilter - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataValidation - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataValidationBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DateTimeGroupingRule - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadata - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataFinder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataLocation - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Drawing - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedBarChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedChart - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedComboChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedLineChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedPieChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedTableChartBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Filter - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. FilterCriteria - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. FilterCriteriaBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. GradientCondition - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Group - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. NamedRange - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. OverGridImage - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PageProtection - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotFilter - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotGroup - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotGroupLimit - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotTable - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotValue - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Protection - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Range - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RangeList - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RichTextValue - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RichTextValueBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Selection - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Sheet - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Slicer - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SortSpec - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetTheme - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextFinder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextRotation - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextStyle - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextStyleBuilder - Control.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ThemeColor - Control.
Google. Apps. UrlFetch. HttpResponse - Control.
Google. Apps. UrlFetch. UrlFetchApp - Control.
Google. Apps. Utilities. Utilities - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Attribute - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Cdata - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Comment - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. DocType - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Document - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Element - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. EntityRef - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Format - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Namespace - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. ProcessingInstruction - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Text - Control.
Google. Apps. XmlService. XmlService - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Blob - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. BlobSource - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Browser - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Button - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. ButtonSet - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. ColorType - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Logger - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Menu - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. MimeType - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Month - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. PromptResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. RgbColor - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Session - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Ui - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. User - Data.
Google. Apps. Base. Weekday - Data.
Google. Apps. Cache. Cache - Data.
Google. Apps. Cache. CacheService - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. Calendar - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarEvent - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. CalendarEventSeries - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. Color - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. EventColor - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. EventGuest - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. EventRecurrence - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. GuestStatus - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. RecurrenceRule - Data.
Google. Apps. Calendar. Visibility - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Action - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. AuthorizationAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. AuthorizationException - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. BorderStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. BorderType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Button - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ButtonSet - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CalendarEventActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CalendarEventActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Card - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardHeader - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardSection - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. CardService - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ComposeActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ComposeActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ComposedEmailType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ContentType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DatePicker - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DateTimePicker - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DecoratedText - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DisplayStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Divider - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DriveItemsSelectedActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. DriveItemsSelectedActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. EditorFileScopeActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. EditorFileScopeActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. FixedFooter - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Grid - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. GridItem - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. GridItemLayout - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. HorizontalAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Icon - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. IconImage - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Image - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageButton - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageComponent - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageCropStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageCropType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. ImageStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. KeyValue - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. LoadIndicator - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Navigation - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Notification - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. OnClose - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. OpenAs - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. OpenLink - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. SelectionInput - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. SelectionInputType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Suggestions - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. SuggestionsResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. SuggestionsResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Switch - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. SwitchControlType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextButton - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextButtonStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextInput - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. TextParagraph - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. TimePicker - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UniversalActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UniversalActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftActionResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftBccRecipientsAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftBodyAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftBodyType - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftCcRecipientsAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftSubjectAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. UpdateDraftToRecipientsAction - Data.
Google. Apps. CardService. Widget - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. AreaChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. BarChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. Chart - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ChartHiddenDimensionStrategy - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ChartMergeStrategy - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ChartOptions - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ChartType - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. Charts - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ColumnChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ColumnType - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. CurveStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataTable - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataTableBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataTableSource - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataViewDefinition - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. DataViewDefinitionBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. LineChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. MatchType - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. NumberRangeFilterBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. Orientation - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. PickerValuesLayout - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. PieChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. PointStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. Position - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. ScatterChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. StringFilterBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. TableChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. TextStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Charts. TextStyleBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceData - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceDataBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceDataService - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceError - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceErrorType - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. ConferenceParameter - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. EntryPoint - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. EntryPointFeature - Data.
Google. Apps. ConferenceData. EntryPointType - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. AddressField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. CompanyField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Contact - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ContactGroup - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ContactsApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. CustomField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. DateField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. EmailField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ExtendedField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Field - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Gender - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. ImField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. PhoneField - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Priority - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. Sensitivity - Data.
Google. Apps. Contacts. UrlField - Data.
Google. Apps. Content. ContentService - Data.
Google. Apps. Content. MimeType - Data.
Google. Apps. Content. TextOutput - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. AggregationType - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. AuthType - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. BigQueryConfig - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. BigQueryParameterType - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Checkbox - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. CommunityConnector - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Config - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. DataStudioApp - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. DebugError - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Field - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. FieldType - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Fields - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetAuthTypeResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetDataResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. GetSchemaResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. Info - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. OptionBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SelectMultiple - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SelectSingle - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. SetCredentialsResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. TextArea - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. TextInput - Data.
Google. Apps. DataStudio. UserError - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Attribute - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Body - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Bookmark - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. ContainerElement - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Document - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. DocumentApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Element - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. ElementType - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Equation - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationFunction - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationFunctionArgumentSeparator - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. EquationSymbol - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. FontFamily - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. FooterSection - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Footnote - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. FootnoteSection - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. GlyphType - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. HeaderSection - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. HorizontalAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. HorizontalRule - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. InlineDrawing - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. InlineImage - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. ListItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. NamedRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. PageBreak - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Paragraph - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. ParagraphHeading - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Position - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. PositionedImage - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. PositionedLayout - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Range - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. RangeBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. RangeElement - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Table - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. TableCell - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. TableOfContents - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. TableRow - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. Text - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. TextAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. UnsupportedElement - Data.
Google. Apps. Document. VerticalAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. Access - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. DriveApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. File - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. FileIterator - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. Folder - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. FolderIterator - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. Permission - Data.
Google. Apps. Drive. User - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. Alignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxGridValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. CheckboxValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. Choice - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. DateItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. DateTimeItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. DestinationType - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. DurationItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. FeedbackType - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. Form - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. FormApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. FormResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. GridValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ImageItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. Item - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ItemResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ItemType - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ListItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. MultipleChoiceItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. PageBreakItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. PageNavigationType - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ParagraphTextValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. QuizFeedback - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. QuizFeedbackBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. ScaleItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. SectionHeaderItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. TextValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. TimeItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Forms. VideoItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailAttachment - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailDraft - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailLabel - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailMessage - Data.
Google. Apps. Gmail. GmailThread - Data.
Google. Apps. Groups. Group - Data.
Google. Apps. Groups. GroupsApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Groups. Role - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlOutput - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlOutputMetaTag - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlService - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. HtmlTemplate - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. SandboxMode - Data.
Google. Apps. Html. XFrameOptionsMode - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. Jdbc - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcArray - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcBlob - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcCallableStatement - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcClob - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcConnection - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcDatabaseMetaData - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcDate - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcParameterMetaData - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcPreparedStatement - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcRef - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcResultSet - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcResultSetMetaData - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcRowId - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcSavepoint - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcSqlxml - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcStatement - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcStruct - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcTime - Data.
Google. Apps. Jdbc. JdbcTimestamp - Data.
Google. Apps. Language. LanguageApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Lock. Lock - Data.
Google. Apps. Lock. LockService - Data.
Google. Apps. Mail. MailApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Avoid - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Color - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. DirectionFinder - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. DirectionFinderEnums - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. ElevationSampler - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Format - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Geocoder - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Maps - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. MarkerSize - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Mode - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. StaticMap - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. StaticMapEnums - Data.
Google. Apps. Maps. Type - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationConstraint - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationEngine - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationService - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. LinearOptimizationSolution - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. Status - Data.
Google. Apps. Optimization. VariableType - Data.
Google. Apps. Properties. Properties - Data.
Google. Apps. Properties. PropertiesService - Data.
Google. Apps. Properties. ScriptProperties - Data.
Google. Apps. Properties. UserProperties - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. AuthMode - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. AuthorizationInfo - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. AuthorizationStatus - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. CalendarTriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. ClockTriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. DocumentTriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. EventType - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. FormTriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. InstallationSource - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. ScriptApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. Service - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. SpreadsheetTriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. StateTokenBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. Trigger - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. TriggerBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Script. TriggerSource - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. Attachment - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. AttachmentType - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. Column - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. Comment - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. ListItem - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. Page - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. PageType - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. Site - Data.
Google. Apps. Sites. SitesApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AffineTransform - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AffineTransformBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AlignmentPosition - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ArrowStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AutoText - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AutoTextType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Autofit - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. AutofitType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Border - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. CellMergeState - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Color - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ColorScheme - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ConnectionSite - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ContentAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. DashStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Fill - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. FillType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Group - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Image - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Layout - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Line - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. LineCategory - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. LineFill - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. LineFillType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. LineType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Link - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. LinkType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. List - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ListPreset - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ListStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Master - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. NotesMaster - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. NotesPage - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Page - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageBackground - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageBackgroundType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageElement - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageElementRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageElementType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PageType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Paragraph - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ParagraphAlignment - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ParagraphStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PictureFill - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PlaceholderType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Point - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. PredefinedLayout - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Presentation - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Selection - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SelectionType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Shape - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ShapeType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SheetsChart - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SheetsChartEmbedType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Slide - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SlideLinkingMode - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SlidePosition - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SlidesApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SolidFill - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. SpacingMode - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Table - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableCell - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableCellRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableColumn - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TableRow - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextBaselineOffset - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextDirection - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. TextStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ThemeColor - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. ThemeColorType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. Video - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. VideoSourceType - Data.
Google. Apps. Slides. WordArt - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. AutoFillSeries - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Banding - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BandingTheme - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BigQueryDataSourceSpec - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BigQueryDataSourceSpecBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BooleanCondition - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BooleanCriteria - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. BorderStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Color - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ColorBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ConditionalFormatRule - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ContainerInfo - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. CopyPasteType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataExecutionErrorCode - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataExecutionState - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataExecutionStatus - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSource - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceChart - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceColumn - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceFormula - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceParameter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceParameterType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourcePivotTable - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceRefreshSchedule - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceRefreshScheduleFrequency - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceRefreshScope - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSheet - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSheetFilter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSpec - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceSpecBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTable - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTableColumn - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceTableFilter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataSourceType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataValidation - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataValidationBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DataValidationCriteria - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DateTimeGroupingRule - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DateTimeGroupingRuleType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadata - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataFinder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataLocation - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataLocationType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. DeveloperMetadataVisibility - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Dimension - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Direction - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Drawing - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedAreaChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedBarChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedChart - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedColumnChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedComboChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedHistogramChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedLineChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedPieChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedScatterChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. EmbeddedTableChartBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Filter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. FilterCriteria - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. FilterCriteriaBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. FrequencyType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. GradientCondition - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Group - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. GroupControlTogglePosition - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. InterpolationType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. NamedRange - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. OverGridImage - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PageProtection - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotFilter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotGroup - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotGroupLimit - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotTable - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotTableSummarizeFunction - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotValue - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. PivotValueDisplayType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Protection - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ProtectionType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Range - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RangeList - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RecalculationInterval - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RelativeDate - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RichTextValue - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. RichTextValueBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Selection - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Sheet - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SheetType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Slicer - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SortOrder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SortSpec - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. SpreadsheetTheme - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextDirection - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextFinder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextRotation - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextStyle - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextStyleBuilder - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. TextToColumnsDelimiter - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ThemeColor - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. ThemeColorType - Data.
Google. Apps. Spreadsheet. WrapStrategy - Data.
Google. Apps. UrlFetch. HttpResponse - Data.
Google. Apps. UrlFetch. UrlFetchApp - Data.
Google. Apps. Utilities. Charset - Data.
Google. Apps. Utilities. DigestAlgorithm - Data.
Google. Apps. Utilities. MacAlgorithm - Data.
Google. Apps. Utilities. RsaAlgorithm - Data.
Google. Apps. Utilities. Utilities - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Attribute - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Cdata - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Comment - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Content - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. ContentType - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. DocType - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Document - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Element - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. EntityRef - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Format - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Namespace - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. ProcessingInstruction - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. Text - Data.
Google. Apps. XmlService. XmlService