- Package
- purescript-halogen
- Repository
- slamdata/purescript-halogen
The base Halogen module re-exports most of the library's useful types and
combinators, aside from the HTML
-building functionality - the HTML
modules export a large number of commonly named values that are likely to
#HalogenIO Source
type HalogenIO f o m = { query :: f ~> m, subscribe :: Consumer o m Unit -> m Unit }
A record produced when the root component in a Halogen UI has been run.
allows external sources to query the root component and subscribe
allows external consumers to receive messages raised by the root component.
Re-exports from Data.Lazy
Re-exports from Halogen.Component
#ParentLifecycleComponentSpec Source
type ParentLifecycleComponentSpec h s f g p i o m = { eval :: f ~> (HalogenM s f g p o m), finalizer :: Maybe (f Unit), initialState :: i -> s, initializer :: Maybe (f Unit), receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit), render :: s -> h (ComponentSlot h g m p (f Unit)) (f Unit) }
A spec for a parent component, including lifecycle inputs.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the component's statef
is the query algebra for the component itselfg
is the query algebra for child componentsp
is the slot type for addressing child componentso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#ParentHTML Source
type ParentHTML f g p m = HTML (ComponentSlot HTML g m p (f Unit)) (f Unit)
A convenience synonym for the output type of a render
function, for a
parent component that renders HTML.
#ParentComponentSpec Source
type ParentComponentSpec h s f g p i o m = { eval :: f ~> (HalogenM s f g p o m), initialState :: i -> s, receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit), render :: s -> h (ComponentSlot h g m p (f Unit)) (f Unit) }
A spec for a component.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the component's statef
is the query algebra for the component itselfg
is the query algebra for child componentsp
is the slot type for addressing child componentso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#LifecycleComponentSpec Source
type LifecycleComponentSpec h s f i o m = { eval :: f ~> (ComponentDSL s f o m), finalizer :: Maybe (f Unit), initialState :: i -> s, initializer :: Maybe (f Unit), receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit), render :: s -> h Void (f Unit) }
A spec for a component with no possible children, including lifecycle inputs.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the component's statef
is the query algebrai
is the input value type that will be mapped to anf
whenever the parent of this component renderso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#ComponentSpec Source
type ComponentSpec h s f i o m = { eval :: f ~> (ComponentDSL s f o m), initialState :: i -> s, receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit), render :: s -> h Void (f Unit) }
A spec for a component with no possible children.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the component's statef
is the query algebrai
is the input value type that will be mapped to anf
whenever the parent of this component renderso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#ComponentSlot Source
data ComponentSlot (h :: Type -> Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) p q
Bifunctor (ComponentSlot h g m)
Functor (ComponentSlot h g m p)
#ComponentHTML Source
type ComponentHTML f = HTML Void (f Unit)
A convenience synonym for the output type of a render
function, for a
childless component that renders HTML.
#ComponentDSL Source
type ComponentDSL s f = HalogenM s f (Const Void) Void
A synonym for HalogenM
with some type parameters populated that are not
relevant for childless components.
#Component' Source
type Component' h s f g p i o m = { eval :: f ~> (HalogenM s f g p o m), finalizer :: Maybe (f Unit), initialState :: i -> s, initializer :: Maybe (f Unit), mkOrdBox :: p -> OrdBox p, receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit), render :: s -> h (ComponentSlot h g m p (f Unit)) (f Unit) }
The "private" type for a component.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the component's statef
is the query algebra for the component itselfg
is the query algebra for child componentsp
is the slot type for addressing child componentsi
is the input value type that will be mapped to anf
whenever the parent of this component renderso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#Component Source
data Component (h :: Type -> Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) i o (m :: Type -> Type)
The "public" type for a component, with details of the component internals existentially hidden.
is the type that will be rendered by the component, usuallyHTML
is the query algebrai
is the input value type that will be mapped to anf
whenever the parent of this component renderso
is the type for the component's output messagesm
is the monad used for non-component-state effects
#unComponentSlot Source
unComponentSlot :: forall r q p m g h. (forall o j z. p -> Component h z j o m -> j -> (j -> Maybe (g Unit)) -> (o -> Maybe q) -> (forall x. g x -> Maybe (z x)) -> r) -> ComponentSlot h g m p q -> r
#unComponent Source
unComponent :: forall r m o i f h. (forall p g s. Component' h s f g p i o m -> r) -> Component h f i o m -> r
Exposes the inner details of a component to a function to produce a new result. The inner details will not be allowed to be revealed in the result of the function - the compiler will complain about an escaped skolem.
#parentComponent Source
parentComponent :: forall m o i p g f s h. Ord p => ParentComponentSpec h s f g p i o m -> Component h f i o m
Builds a component that allows for children.
#mkComponentSlot Source
mkComponentSlot :: forall o q j p m z g h. p -> (Component h z j o m) -> j -> (j -> Maybe (g Unit)) -> (o -> Maybe q) -> (forall x. g x -> Maybe (z x)) -> ComponentSlot h g m p q
#mkComponent Source
mkComponent :: forall m o i p g f s h. Component' h s f g p i o m -> Component h f i o m
Makes a Component
from a Component'
, existentially hiding details about
the component's state and potential children.
#lifecycleParentComponent Source
lifecycleParentComponent :: forall m o i p g f s h. Ord p => ParentLifecycleComponentSpec h s f g p i o m -> Component h f i o m
Builds a component with lifecycle inputs that allows for children.
#lifecycleComponent Source
lifecycleComponent :: forall m o i f s h. Bifunctor h => LifecycleComponentSpec h s f i o m -> Component h f i o m
Builds a component with lifecycle inputs and no possible children.
#component Source
component :: forall m o i f s h. Bifunctor h => ComponentSpec h s f i o m -> Component h f i o m
Builds a component with no possible children.
Re-exports from Halogen.HTML.Core
Re-exports from Halogen.Query
#SubscribeStatus Source
data SubscribeStatus
The status of an EventSource
subscription. When a query raised by an
evaluates to Done
the producer will be unsubscribed from.
#Request Source
type Request f a = (a -> a) -> f a
Type synonym for an "request" - a request can cause effects as well as fetching some information from a component.
In a query algebra, an action is any constructor that carries the algebra's type variable as the return value of a function. For example:
data Query a = SomeRequest (Boolean -> a)
#HalogenM Source
newtype HalogenM s (f :: Type -> Type) g p o m a
Functor (HalogenM s f g p o m)
Apply (HalogenM s f g p o m)
Applicative (HalogenM s f g p o m)
Bind (HalogenM s f g p o m)
Monad (HalogenM s f g p o m)
(MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (HalogenM s f g p o m)
(MonadAff m) => MonadAff (HalogenM s f g p o m)
Parallel (HalogenAp s f g p o m) (HalogenM s f g p o m)
MonadTrans (HalogenM s f g p o)
MonadRec (HalogenM s f g p o m)
MonadState s (HalogenM s f g p o m)
(MonadAsk r m) => MonadAsk r (HalogenM s f g p o m)
(MonadTell w m) => MonadTell w (HalogenM s f g p o m)
#HalogenF Source
data HalogenF s (f :: Type -> Type) g p o m a
The Halogen component algebra
State (s -> Tuple a s)
Subscribe (EventSource f m) a
Lift (m a)
Halt String
GetSlots (List p -> a)
CheckSlot p (Boolean -> a)
ChildQuery p (Coyoneda g a)
Raise o a
Par (HalogenAp s f g p o m a)
Fork (Fork (HalogenM s f g p o m) a)
GetRef RefLabel (Maybe Element -> a)
#EventSource Source
newtype EventSource f m
#Action Source
type Action f = Unit -> f Unit
Type synonym for an "action" - An action only causes effects and has no result value.
In a query algebra, an action is any constructor that carries the algebra's type variable as a value. For example:
data Query a
= SomeAction a
| SomeOtherAction String a
| NotAnAction (Boolean -> a)
Both SomeAction
and SomeOtherAction
have a
as a value so they are
considered actions, whereas NotAnAction
has a
as the result of a
function so is considered to be a "request" (see below).
#subscribe Source
subscribe :: forall m o p g f s. EventSource f m -> HalogenM s f g p o m Unit
Provides a way of having a component subscribe to an EventSource
within an Eval
#put Source
put :: forall s m. MonadState s m => s -> m Unit
Set the state.
#modify_ Source
modify_ :: forall m s. MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m Unit
#modify Source
modify :: forall m s. MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m s
Modify the state by applying a function to the current state. The returned value is the new state value.
#liftEffect Source
liftEffect :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => Effect a -> m a
#lift Source
lift :: forall t a m. MonadTrans t => Monad m => m a -> t m a
#gets Source
gets :: forall a m s. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
Get a value which depends on the current state.
#getHTMLElementRef Source
getHTMLElementRef :: forall m o p g f s. RefLabel -> HalogenM s f g p o m (Maybe HTMLElement)
#get Source
get :: forall s m. MonadState s m => m s
Get the current state.
#eventSource_ Source
eventSource_ :: forall m f. MonadAff m => (Effect Unit -> Effect Unit) -> f SubscribeStatus -> EventSource f m
Creates an EventSource
for a callback that accepts no arguments.
- The first argument is the function that attaches the listener.
- The second argument is the query to raise whenever the listener is triggered.
#eventSource Source
eventSource :: forall a m f. MonadAff m => ((a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit) -> (a -> Maybe (f SubscribeStatus)) -> EventSource f m
Creates an EventSource
for a callback that accepts one argument.
- The first argument is the function that attaches the listener.
- The second argument is a handler that optionally produces a value in
- Modules
- Halogen
- Halogen.
Aff - Halogen.
Aff. Driver - Halogen.
Aff. Driver. Eval - Halogen.
Aff. Driver. State - Halogen.
Aff. Util - Halogen.
Component - Halogen.
Component. ChildPath - Halogen.
Component. Profunctor - Halogen.
Data. OrdBox - Halogen.
Data. Prism - Halogen.
HTML - Halogen.
HTML. Core - Halogen.
HTML. Elements - Halogen.
HTML. Elements. Keyed - Halogen.
HTML. Events - Halogen.
HTML. Properties - Halogen.
HTML. Properties. ARIA - Halogen.
Query - Halogen.
Query. EventSource - Halogen.
Query. ForkF - Halogen.
Query. HalogenM - Halogen.
Query. InputF - Halogen.
VDom. Driver