


#RenderSpec Source

type RenderSpec h r = { removeChild :: forall o p g f s. r s f g p o -> Effect Unit, render :: forall o p g f s. (forall x. InputF x (f x) -> Effect Unit) -> (ComponentSlot h g Aff p (f Unit) -> Effect (RenderStateX r)) -> h (ComponentSlot h g Aff p (f Unit)) (f Unit) -> Maybe (r s f g p o) -> Effect (r s f g p o), renderChild :: forall o p g f s. r s f g p o -> r s f g p o }

RenderSpec allows for alternative driver implementations without the need to provide all of the driver machinery again, focusing just on the code needed to render components.

The type variables are as follows:

  • h is the type of value being rendered (Halogen.HTML.Core.HTML, for example).
  • r is the type for the "render state" for the driver. This is a value that is stored for each component, that allows the driver to persist state between each rendering of a component. This will differ entirely for each driver. r accepts a number of parameters that will be explained below.
  • eff is the type variable for the openect row.

The "inner" type variables, used by r and the other functions are as follows:

  • s is the state type for the component.
  • f is the query algebra for the component.
  • g is the query algebra for the component's children.
  • p is the slot address value type.
  • o is the output message type for the component.

Note that none of these variables can escape RenderSpec's functions. They need to be instantiated with each function call, as the same RenderSpec is used to deal with all components in the hierarchy.

The render function is the main part of the spec, it accepts:

  • A "handler" function, for evaluating component queries. This is used to implement event handlers in HTML-based drivers.
  • A "child" function for dealing with the rendering of children, returning the render state for the child component in an existentially hidden package. This return value would commonly be used to extract the rendered subtree for the child to graft it in place of the child slot. The existential package can be unwrapped with Halogen.Aff.Driver.State.unRenderStateX.
  • The h value to render, parameterised by the slot type for the component's children. This slot type is what the "child" function accepts.
  • The previous render state for the component. If the component has not previously been initalized, this will be Nothing.

The render function then returns the updated (or initial) render state for the component, which will be fed back into render the next time the component needs to update.

The renderChild function's behaviour will be highly dependant on the particular driver implementing RenderSpec. Its purpose is to take a driver render state for a component and produce a new one that may remap the rendered value to be something more suitable for grafting during render of the parent. For the built-in halogen-vdom driver this is just id. For the virtual-dom driver it wraps the rendered HTML in a widget, to prevent the virtual-dom algorithm from re-diffing values that we know are unchanged.

The removeChild function is for drivers that need to perform some special cleanup when removing a component from the hierarchy. In the halogen-vdom driver this actually performs the removeChild from the DOM. For the virtual-dom driver nothing needs to happen here, so it is const (pure unit).

#runUI Source

runUI :: forall o i f r h. RenderSpec h r -> Component h f i o Aff -> i -> Aff (HalogenIO f o Aff)

Re-exports from Halogen

#HalogenIO Source

type HalogenIO f o m = { query :: f ~> m, subscribe :: Consumer o m Unit -> m Unit }

A record produced when the root component in a Halogen UI has been run. query allows external sources to query the root component and subscribe allows external consumers to receive messages raised by the root component.