- Package
- purescript-jack
- Repository
- jystic/purescript-jack
Re-exports from Jack.Combinators
#suchThatMaybe Source
suchThatMaybe :: forall a. Gen a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Gen (Maybe a)
Tries to generate a value that satisfies a predicate.
#oneOfRec Source
oneOfRec :: forall a. Array (Gen a) -> Array (Gen a) -> Gen a
Randomly selects from one of the jacks in either the non-recursive or the recursive array. When a selection is made from the recursive array, the size is halved. When the size gets to one or less, selections are no longer made from the recursive array. /The first argument (i.e. the non-recursive input array) must be non-empty./
#boundedInt Source
boundedInt :: Gen Int
Generates an 'Int'. The number is chosen from the entire range of valid 'Int' values, this is [-2^31, 2^31).
#boundedChar Source
boundedChar :: Gen Char
Generates a 'Char'. The character is chosen from the entire range of valid 'Char' values, this is [0, 65535].
Re-exports from Jack.Gen
#reshrinkLazy Source
reshrinkLazy :: forall a. (a -> List a) -> Gen a -> Gen a
Apply an additional shrinker to all generated trees.
Re-exports from Jack.Property
#renderResult Source
renderResult :: Result -> String
Re-exports from Jack.Runner
Re-exports from Jack.Shrink
#shrinkTowards Source
shrinkTowards :: forall a. Ord a => EuclideanRing a => a -> a -> List a
Shrink an integral by edging towards a destination number.
#shrinkList Source
shrinkList :: forall a. List a -> List (List a)
Produce a smaller permutation of the input list.
#sequenceShrinkOne Source
sequenceShrinkOne :: forall a. List (Tree a) -> Tree (List a)
Turn a list of trees in to a tree of lists, opting to shrink only the elements of the list (i.e. the size of the list will always be the same).
#sequenceShrinkList Source
sequenceShrinkList :: forall a. List (Tree a) -> Tree (List a)
Turn a list of trees in to a tree of lists, opting to shrink both the list itself and the elements in the list during traversal.
#halves Source
halves :: forall a. Ord a => EuclideanRing a => a -> List a
Produces a list containing the results of halving a number over and over again.
halves 30 == [30,15,7,3,1] halves 128 == [128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1] halves (-10) == [-10,-5,-2,-1]
Re-exports from Jack.Tree
#Tree Source
data Tree a
A rose tree which represents a random generated outcome, and all the ways in which it can be made smaller.
This tree is exactly the same as 'Data.Tree' in every way except that Applicative '<*>' and Monad '>>=' walk the tree in the reverse order. This modification is critical for shrinking to reach a minimal counterexample.
#unfoldTree Source
unfoldTree :: forall b a. (b -> a) -> (b -> List b) -> b -> Tree a
Build a 'Tree' from an unfolding function and a seed value.
#unfoldForest Source
unfoldForest :: forall b a. (b -> a) -> (b -> List b) -> b -> List (Tree a)
Build a list of trees from an unfolding function and a seed value.
#foldForest Source
foldForest :: forall x b a. (a -> x -> b) -> (List b -> x) -> List (Tree a) -> x
Fold over a list of trees.
#filterTree Source
filterTree :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Tree a -> Tree a
Recursively discard any shrinks whose outcome does not pass the predicate. /Note that the root outcome can never be discarded./
#expandTree Source
expandTree :: forall a. (a -> List a) -> Tree a -> Tree a
Apply an additional unfolding function to an existing tree.
The root outcome remains intact, only the shrinks are affected, this applies recursively, so shrinks can only ever be added using this function.
If you want to replace the shrinks altogether, try:
unfoldTree f (outcome oldTree)