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bottom :: forall a. Bounded a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded
ff :: forall a. HeytingAlgebra a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra
genericBottom :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericBottom rep => a

A Generic implementation of the bottom member from the Bounded type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded.Generic
genericBottom' :: forall a. GenericBottom a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded.Generic
genericFF :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a

A Generic implementation of the ff member from the HeytingAlgebra type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
genericFF' :: forall a. GenericHeytingAlgebra a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
genericMempty :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericMonoid rep => a

A Generic implementation of the mempty member from the Monoid type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.Monoid.Generic
genericMempty' :: forall a. GenericMonoid a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Monoid.Generic
genericOne :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a

A Generic implementation of the one member from the Semiring type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring.Generic
genericOne' :: forall a. GenericSemiring a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring.Generic
genericTop :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericTop rep => a

A Generic implementation of the top member from the Bounded type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded.Generic
genericTop' :: forall a. GenericTop a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded.Generic
genericTT :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a

A Generic implementation of the tt member from the HeytingAlgebra type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
genericTT' :: forall a. GenericHeytingAlgebra a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
genericZero :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a

A Generic implementation of the zero member from the Semiring type class.

P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring.Generic
genericZero' :: forall a. GenericSemiring a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring.Generic
mempty :: forall m. Monoid m => m
P purescript-prelude M Data.Monoid
one :: forall a. Semiring a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring
top :: forall a. Bounded a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Bounded
tt :: forall a. HeytingAlgebra a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.HeytingAlgebra
zero :: forall a. Semiring a => a
P purescript-prelude M Data.Semiring
crash :: forall a. Partial => a

A partial function which crashes on any input with a default message.

P purescript-partial M Partial
undefined :: forall a. a
P purescript-typelevel M Data.Typelevel.Undefined
all :: forall a. All a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
auto :: forall a. Auto a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
baseline :: forall a. Baseline a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
bottom :: forall a. Bottom a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
center :: forall a. Center a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
flexEnd :: forall a. FlexEnd a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Flexbox
flexStart :: forall a. FlexStart a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Flexbox
hidden :: forall a. Hidden a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
inherit :: forall a. Inherit a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
initial :: forall a. Initial a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
middle :: forall a. Middle a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
none :: forall a. None a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
normal :: forall a. Normal a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
spaceAround :: forall a. SpaceAround a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Flexbox
spaceBetween :: forall a. SpaceBetween a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Flexbox
stretch :: forall a. Stretch a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Flexbox
top :: forall a. Top a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
unset :: forall a. Unset a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
visible :: forall a. Visible a => a
P purescript-css M CSS.Common
undefined :: forall anything. anything
P purescript-undefined M Undefined
idm :: forall m. Monoid m => m

Trivial option modifier.

P purescript-optparse M Options.Applicative.Builder
mzeroL :: forall x r. LeftModule x r => x
P purescript-modules M Data.Ring.Module
mzeroR :: forall x r. RightModule x r => x
P purescript-modules M Data.Ring.Module
zero :: forall a. Zero a => a
P purescript-read M Data.String.Read
def :: forall a. Default a => a
P purescript-data-default M Data.Default
animationEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
bottom :: forall a. BoundedJoinSemilattice a => a
P purescript-lattice M Data.Lattice
clipboardEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
compositionEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
dragEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
empty :: forall l. MList l => l

The /empty/ heterogeneous list of type @l@. Of course, @empty

P purescript-monoid-extras M Data.Monoid.MList
event :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
focusEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
hashChangeEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
historyEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
imageEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
keyboardEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
mediaEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
mouseEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
pageTransitionEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
pointerEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
popStateEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
progressEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
root :: forall m. XPathLike m => m

The root XPath representation.

P purescript-xpath-like M Data.XPath
selectionEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
start :: forall s c. HasStart c s => s
P purescript-subcategory M Control.Subcategory.HasStart
storageEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
todo :: forall a. a

A placeholder to use when you want your code to compile without finishing something. You will immediately get an error when trying to run any code with a todo, so you won't forget about it and run into errors later.

P purescript-debuggest M Debug
toggleEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
top :: forall a. BoundedMeetSemilattice a => a
P purescript-lattice M Data.Lattice
touchEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
transitionEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
uiEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
unit :: forall u c. HasUnit c u => u
P purescript-subcategory M Control.Subcategory.HasUnit
unsafeTodo :: forall a. a

Like todo but it doesn't throw an error.

P purescript-debuggest M Debug
wheelEvent :: forall a. a
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
bottom :: forall a. BoundedJoinSemilattice a => a
P purescript-colehaus-lattice M Data.Lattice
bottom :: forall a. Bottom a => a
P purescript-higher-order M Data.Bottom


i :: forall a. Interp a => a

Enables string interpolation using the following syntax:

i "there are " 52 " apples." == "there are 52 apples"
i 52 " apples and " 0 " oranges." == "52 apples and 0 oranges."
i true 4 42.0 'c' "string" == "true442.0'c'string"
P purescript-interpolate M Data.Interpolate
mzeroL :: forall x r. LeftModule x r => x
P purescript-ring-modules M Data.Ring.Module
mzeroR :: forall x r. RightModule x r => x
P purescript-ring-modules M Data.Ring.Module
null :: forall t. Corecursive t EJsonF => t
P purescript-ejson M Data.Json.Extended
reflectProxy :: forall a. ReflectProxy a => a
P purescript-naporitan M Naporitan
reflectRecordProxy :: forall a. ReflectRecordProxy a => a
P purescript-naporitan M Naporitan
top :: forall a. BoundedMeetSemilattice a => a
P purescript-colehaus-lattice M Data.Lattice
top :: forall a. Top a => a
P purescript-higher-order M Data.Top
activator :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
ask :: forall a. Ask a => a

Retrives an implicit parameter from the context

P purescript-ask M Control.Ask
auto :: forall a. AutoEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
axes :: forall @n a. Axes n a => a
P purescript-dual-numbers M Data.Number.Dual
badge :: forall r. Variadic Badge r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Badges
big :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
bottom :: forall a. HasBottom a => a
P purescript-neon M Neon.Class.HasBottom
brandLogo :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
breadcrumb :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
browserDefault :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Defaults
button :: forall r. Variadic Button r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Buttons
card :: forall r. Variadic Card r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardAction :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardContent :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardImage :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardReveal :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardStacked :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardTabs :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
cardTitle :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Cards
carousel :: forall r. Variadic Carousel r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Media.Carousel
carouselItem :: forall r. Variadic CarouselItem r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Media.Carousel
center :: forall a. CenterEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
center :: forall nt r. Newtype nt (Variant (center :: Unit | r)) => nt
P purescript-rito M Rito.Properties
chip :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.Chips
circle :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
circleClipper :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
collection :: forall r. Variadic Collection r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Collections
collectionHeader :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Collections
collectionItem :: forall r. Variadic CollectionItem r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Collections
container :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Grid
default :: forall a. Default a => a
P purescript-kubernetes M Kubernetes.Default
default :: forall a. Default a => a
P purescript-protobuf M Protobuf.Internal.Common
defaultInput :: forall a. DefaultInput a => a
P purescript-graphqlclient M GraphQLClient.Argument
defaultValue :: forall a. DefaultValue a => a
P purescript-default-values M Data.Default
defaultValue :: forall a. DomPropType a => a
P purescript-elmish-testing-library M Elmish.Test.DomProps
determinate :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
divider :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Grid
dropdownContent :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Dropdown


e :: forall nt optional. Newtype nt (RequiredAndOptional () optional) => nt
P purescript-webgpu M Web.GPU.Internal.RequiredAndOptional
empty :: forall a. EmptyableSlot a => a
P purescript-easy-alexa M EasyAlexa
eof :: forall e. OwoifyError e => e

Representing that the source collection of strings has been exhausted.

P purescript-owoify M Data.Owoify.Internal.Parser.OwoifyParser
filePath :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
filePathWrapper :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
filledIn :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.Checkboxes
flexEnd :: forall a. FlexStartEnd a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.Styles.Flex
flexStart :: forall a. FlexStartEnd a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.Styles.Flex
floatingActionButton :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Buttons
footerCopyright :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Footer
formDefaults :: forall a. FormDefaults a => a
P purescript-lumi-components M Lumi.Components.Form.Defaults
gapPatch :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
helperText :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
hidden :: forall a. VisibilityEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
hide :: forall r. Variadic Visibility r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Visibility
indeterminate :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
initial :: forall v. Initial v => v
P purescript-formless-aj M Formless.Class.Initial
inputField :: forall r. Variadic InputField r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
invalid :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
lever :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.Checkboxes
materialIcons :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Icons
materializeTextarea :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
navbarFixed :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
navContent :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
navExtended :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
navTitle :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
navWrapper :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Navbar
noAutoInit :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.AutoInit
none :: forall a. NoneEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
noPadding :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Alignment
normal :: forall a. NormalEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
null :: forall t. Corecursive t (SqlF EJsonF) => t
P purescript-sql-squared M SqlSquared.Constructors
one :: forall a. HasOne a => a
P purescript-neon M Neon.Class.HasOne
pageFooter :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Footer
pagination :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Pagination
preloaderWrapper :: forall r. Variadic PreloaderWrapper r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
progress :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
render :: forall nt r. Newtype nt (Variant (render :: Unit | r)) => nt
P purescript-rito M Rito.Properties
rounded :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Toasts
routeEmpty :: forall r. IsRoute r => r
P purescript-intertwine M Data.Intertwine.Route
row :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Grid
secondaryContent :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Collections
section :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Grid
selectInputField :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.Select
show :: forall r. Variadic Visibility r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Visibility
sidenav :: forall r. Variadic Sidenav r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
sidenavBackground :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
sidenavClose :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
sidenavTrigger :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
slider :: forall r. Variadic Slider r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Media.Slider
sliderCaption :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Media.Slider
slides :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Media.Slider
spinnerBlue :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerBlueOnly :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerGreen :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerGreenOnly :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerLayer :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerRed :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerRedOnly :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerYellow :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
spinnerYellowOnly :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Preloader
subheader :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
switch :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.Checkboxes
textInputActive :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
todo :: forall a. a

A wildly unsafe function that can be used to stand in for any value.

todo :: Unit -- unit
todo :: Boolean -- ?

This should never end up in production, but it can be useful when developing a function.

P purescript-neon M Neon.Helper
tooltipped :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Tooltips
top :: forall a. HasTop a => a
P purescript-neon M Neon.Class.HasTop
undefined :: forall a. a
P purescript-refract M Undefined
undefinedk :: forall k. k
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Key
unsafeCopy :: forall t501. t501
P purescript-d3 M Graphics.D3.Unsafe
unsafeDomain :: forall t503. t503
P purescript-d3 M Graphics.D3.Unsafe
unsafeRange :: forall t505. t505
P purescript-d3 M Graphics.D3.Unsafe
unsafeToFunction :: forall t507. t507
P purescript-d3 M Graphics.D3.Unsafe
userView :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Sidenav
valid :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
validate :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.TextInputs
visible :: forall a. VisibilityEnum a => a
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes
waves :: forall r. Variadic Waves r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Waves
withGap :: forall r. Variadic Class r => r
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Forms.RadioButtons
zero :: forall a. HasZero a => a
P purescript-neon M Neon.Class.HasZero

No further results.