


This module exports all the primitive HTML elements in a way that is friendly to CSS frameworks (such as Bootstrap), which means promoting the className prop to the first parameter and optionally dropping all other props completely. This lets us write:

div "row" $
  div "col pl-5 border-right"
    "Hello Bootstrap!"

Instead of:

div { className: "row" } $
  div { className: "col pl-5 border-right" }
    "Hello Bootstrap!"

The improvement may seem marginal, but it makes a big difference in the day-to-day UI authoring.

Each tag comes in two flavors: without any props besides the class, and with other props. The former is named after the element (e.g. div), and the latter has an extra underscore at the end (e.g. div_). This is done because, in practice, most elements don't have any props besides className, so it makes the code that much less noisy. For example:

import Elmish.HTML.Styled as H

H.div_ "row" { onClick: click } $
  H.div "col pl-5 border-right"
    [ H.img_ "img-fluid" { src: "/logo.png" }
    , H.text "Hello Elmish!"

Re-exports from Elmish.HTML.Internal

#CSS Source

data CSS

The type of style props in React elements. Construct values of this type via the css function. For example:

div { style: css { height: "50px", width: "50px" } }


#css Source

css :: forall r. Record r -> CSS

Construct a value of type CSS, which is the type of style props, out of a record. For example:

div { style: css { height: "50px", width: "50px" } }

There is currently no type safety regarding the specific fields admitted in the style, or different types of those fields. This has been deemed "good enough" for now.

#_data Source

_data :: forall r. Homogeneous r String => Record r -> Object String

A reexport of Foreign.Object.fromHomogeneous, provided here for convenience to construct dictionaries for use as value of the special _data prop. For example:

div_ "row" { _data: _data { "test-id": "foo", toggle: "autosize" } }

This will correspond to the following HTML:

<div class="row" data-test-id="foo" data-toggle="autosize">

Re-exports from Elmish.HTML.Styled.Generated

#wbr_ Source

wbr_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#video_ Source

video_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, controls :: Boolean, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, loop :: Boolean, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, muted :: Boolean, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onEnded :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onError :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onLoadedMetadata :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onPause :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onPlay :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTimeUpdate :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onVolumeChange :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, playsInline :: Boolean, poster :: String, prefix :: String, preload :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLVideoElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#video Source

video :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#var_ Source

var_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#var Source

var :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#ul_ Source

ul_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLUListElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#ul Source

ul :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#u_ Source

u_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#u Source

u :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#track_ Source

track_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, default :: Boolean, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, kind :: String, label :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTrackElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#tr_ Source

tr_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTableRowElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#tr Source

tr :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#title_ Source

title_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTitleElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#title Source

title :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#time_ Source

time_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTimeElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#time Source

time :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#thead_ Source

thead_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#thead Source

thead :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#th_ Source

th_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, headers :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTableHeaderCellElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scope :: String, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#th Source

th :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#tfoot_ Source

tfoot_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#tfoot Source

tfoot :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#textarea_ Source

textarea_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoCapitalize :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoCorrect :: String, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, cols :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, defaultValue :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onChange :: EffectFn1 TextAreaChangeEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, placeholder :: String, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTextAreaElement, required :: Boolean, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, rows :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String, wrap :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#template_ Source

template_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTemplateElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#template Source

template :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#td_ Source

td_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, headers :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTableDataCellElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scope :: String, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#td Source

td :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#tbody_ Source

tbody_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#tbody Source

tbody :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#table_ Source

table_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLTableElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, summary :: String, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#table Source

table :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#svg_ Source

svg_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, accentHeight :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, accumulate :: String, additive :: String, alignmentBaseline :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowReorder :: String, allowTransparency :: Boolean, alphabetic :: String, amplitude :: String, arabicForm :: String, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, ascent :: String, attributeName :: String, attributeType :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, autoReverse :: String, azimuth :: String, baseFrequency :: String, baseProfile :: String, baselineShift :: String, bbox :: String, begin :: String, bias :: String, by :: String, calcMode :: String, capHeight :: String, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, clip :: String, clipPath :: String, clipPathUnits :: String, clipRule :: String, colSpan :: Int, color :: String, colorInterpolation :: String, colorInterpolationFilters :: String, colorProfile :: String, colorRendering :: String, contentEditable :: Boolean, contentScriptType :: String, contentStyleType :: String, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, cursor :: String, cx :: String, cy :: String, d :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, decelerate :: String, descent :: String, diffuseConstant :: String, dir :: String, direction :: String, display :: String, divisor :: String, dominantBaseline :: String, draggable :: Boolean, dur :: String, dx :: String, dy :: String, edgeMode :: String, elevation :: String, enableBackground :: String, encType :: String, end :: String, exponent :: String, externalResourcesRequired :: String, fill :: String, fillOpacity :: String, fillRule :: String, filter :: String, filterRes :: String, filterUnits :: String, floodColor :: String, floodOpacity :: String, focusable :: String, fontFamily :: String, fontSize :: String, fontSizeAdjust :: String, fontStretch :: String, fontStyle :: String, fontVariant :: String, fontWeight :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, format :: String, frameBorder :: String, from :: String, fx :: String, fy :: String, g1 :: String, g2 :: String, glyphName :: String, glyphOrientationHorizontal :: String, glyphOrientationVertical :: String, glyphRef :: String, gradientTransform :: String, gradientUnits :: String, hanging :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, horizAdvX :: String, horizOriginX :: String, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, ideographic :: String, imageRendering :: String, in :: String, in2 :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, intercept :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, k :: String, k1 :: String, k2 :: String, k3 :: String, k4 :: String, kernelMatrix :: String, kernelUnitLength :: String, kerning :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyPoints :: String, keySplines :: String, keyTimes :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, lengthAdjust :: String, letterSpacing :: String, lightingColor :: String, limitingConeAngle :: String, local :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, markerEnd :: String, markerHeight :: String, markerMid :: String, markerStart :: String, markerUnits :: String, markerWidth :: String, mask :: String, maskContentUnits :: String, maskUnits :: String, mathematical :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, mode :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, numOctaves :: String, offset :: String, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, opacity :: String, operator :: String, order :: String, orient :: String, orientation :: String, origin :: String, overflow :: String, overlinePosition :: String, overlineThickness :: String, paintOrder :: String, panose1 :: String, pathLength :: String, patternContentUnits :: String, patternTransform :: String, patternUnits :: String, pointerEvents :: String, points :: String, pointsAtX :: String, pointsAtY :: String, pointsAtZ :: String, prefix :: String, preserveAlpha :: String, preserveAspectRatio :: String, primitiveUnits :: String, property :: String, r :: String, radioGroup :: String, radius :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, refX :: String, refY :: String, renderingIntent :: String, repeatCount :: String, repeatDur :: String, requiredExtensions :: String, requiredFeatures :: String, resource :: String, restart :: String, result :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rotate :: String, rowSpan :: Int, rx :: String, ry :: String, scale :: String, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, seed :: String, shapeRendering :: String, slope :: String, spacing :: String, specularConstant :: String, specularExponent :: String, speed :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, spreadMethod :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, startOffset :: String, stdDeviation :: String, stemh :: String, stemv :: String, stitchTiles :: String, stopColor :: String, stopOpacity :: String, strikethroughPosition :: String, strikethroughThickness :: String, string :: String, stroke :: String, strokeDasharray :: String, strokeDashoffset :: String, strokeLinecap :: String, strokeLinejoin :: String, strokeMiterlimit :: String, strokeOpacity :: String, strokeWidth :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, surfaceScale :: String, systemLanguage :: String, tabIndex :: Int, tableValues :: String, targetX :: String, targetY :: String, textAnchor :: String, textDecoration :: String, textLength :: String, textRendering :: String, title :: String, to :: String, transform :: String, typeof :: String, u1 :: String, u2 :: String, underlinePosition :: String, underlineThickness :: String, unicode :: String, unicodeBidi :: String, unicodeRange :: String, unitsPerEm :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vAlphabetic :: String, vHanging :: String, vIdeographic :: String, vMathematical :: String, values :: String, vectorEffect :: String, version :: String, vertAdvY :: String, vertOriginX :: String, vertOriginY :: String, viewBox :: String, viewTarget :: String, visibility :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, widths :: String, wmode :: String, wordSpacing :: String, writingMode :: String, x :: String, x1 :: String, x2 :: String, xChannelSelector :: String, xHeight :: String, xlinkActuate :: String, xlinkArcrole :: String, xlinkHref :: String, xlinkRole :: String, xlinkShow :: String, xlinkTitle :: String, xlinkType :: String, xmlBase :: String, xmlLang :: String, xmlSpace :: String, xmlns :: String, xmlnsXlink :: String, y :: String, y1 :: String, y2 :: String, yChannelSelector :: String, z :: String, zoomAndPan :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#svg Source

svg :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#sup_ Source

sup_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#sup Source

sup :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#summary_ Source

summary_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#summary Source

summary :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#sub_ Source

sub_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#sub Source

sub :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#style_ Source

style_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, media :: String, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, nonce :: String, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLStyleElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#style Source

style :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#strong_ Source

strong_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#strong Source

strong :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#span_ Source

span_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLSpanElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#span Source

span :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#source_ Source

source_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, media :: String, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLSourceElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, sizes :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#small_ Source

small_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#small Source

small :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#slot_ Source

slot_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#slot Source

slot :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#select_ Source

select_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, defaultValue :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, multiple :: Boolean, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onChange :: EffectFn1 SelectChangeEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLSelectElement, required :: Boolean, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, size :: Int, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#select Source

select :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#section_ Source

section_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#section Source

section :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#script_ Source

script_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, async :: Boolean, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, defer :: Boolean, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, integrity :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, nonce :: String, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLScriptElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#script Source

script :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#samp_ Source

samp_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#samp Source

samp :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#s_ Source

s_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#s Source

s :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#ruby_ Source

ruby_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#ruby Source

ruby :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#rtc_ Source

rtc_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#rtc Source

rtc :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#rt_ Source

rt_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#rt Source

rt :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#rp_ Source

rp_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#rp Source

rp :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#rb_ Source

rb_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#rb Source

rb :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#q_ Source

q_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, cite :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLQuoteElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#q Source

q :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#progress_ Source

progress_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, max :: Number, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLProgressElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#progress Source

progress :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#pre_ Source

pre_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLPreElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#pre Source

pre :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#picture_ Source

picture_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#picture Source

picture :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#param_ Source

param_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLParamElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#p_ Source

p_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLParagraphElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#p Source

p :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#output_ Source

output_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLOutputElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#output Source

output :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#option_ Source

option_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, label :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLOptionElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, selected :: Boolean, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#option Source

option :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#optgroup_ Source

optgroup_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, label :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLOptGroupElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#optgroup Source

optgroup :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#ol_ Source

ol_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLOListElement, resource :: String, reversed :: Boolean, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, start :: Int, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#ol Source

ol :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#object_ Source

object_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, data :: String, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLObjectElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#object Source

object :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#noscript_ Source

noscript_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#noscript Source

noscript :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#nav_ Source

nav_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#nav Source

nav :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#meter_ Source

meter_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, high :: String, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, low :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, max :: Number, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, min :: Number, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, optimum :: String, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLMeterElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#meter Source

meter :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#meta_ Source

meta_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, content :: String, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLMetaElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#menuitem_ Source

menuitem_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#menuitem Source

menuitem :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#menu_ Source

menu_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#menu Source

menu :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#math_ Source

math_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#math Source

math :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#mark_ Source

mark_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#mark Source

mark :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#map_ Source

map_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLMapElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#map Source

map :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#main_ Source

main_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#main Source

main :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#li_ Source

li_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLLIElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#li Source

li :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#legend_ Source

legend_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLLegendElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#legend Source

legend :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#label_ Source

label_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLLabelElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#label Source

label :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#keygen_ Source

keygen_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, challenge :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLKeygenElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#keygen Source

keygen :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#kbd_ Source

kbd_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#kbd Source

kbd :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#ins_ Source

ins_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, cite :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#ins Source

ins :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#input_ Source

input_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, accept :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, alt :: String, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoCapitalize :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoCorrect :: String, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, autoSave :: String, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, checked :: Boolean, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, defaultChecked :: String, defaultValue :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, list :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, max :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, min :: String, minLength :: Int, multiple :: Boolean, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onChange :: EffectFn1 InputChangeEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, pattern :: String, placeholder :: String, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLInputElement, required :: Boolean, resource :: String, results :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, size :: Int, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, step :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#img_ Source

img_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, alt :: String, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, loading :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onError :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLImageElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, sizes :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#iframe_ Source

iframe_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLIFrameElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, sandbox :: String, scoped :: Boolean, scrolling :: String, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#iframe Source

iframe :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#i_ Source

i_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#i Source

i :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#html_ Source

html_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, manifest :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#html Source

html :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#hr_ Source

hr_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHRElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, size :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#hgroup_ Source

hgroup_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#hgroup Source

hgroup :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#header_ Source

header_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#header Source

header :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#head_ Source

head_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, profile :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#head Source

head :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h6_ Source

h6_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h6 Source

h6 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h5_ Source

h5_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h5 Source

h5 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h4_ Source

h4_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h4 Source

h4 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h3_ Source

h3_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h3 Source

h3 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h2_ Source

h2_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h2 Source

h2 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#h1_ Source

h1_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLHeadingElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#h1 Source

h1 :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#form_ Source

form_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, accept :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, action :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, method :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onChange :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onInput :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onInvalid :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onSubmit :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLFormElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, target :: String, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#form Source

form :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#footer_ Source

footer_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#footer Source

footer :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#figure_ Source

figure_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#figure Source

figure :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#figcaption_ Source

figcaption_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#figcaption Source

figcaption :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#fieldset_ Source

fieldset_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLFieldSetElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#fieldset Source

fieldset :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#embed_ Source

embed_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLEmbedElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#em_ Source

em_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#em Source

em :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#dt_ Source

dt_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#dt Source

dt :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#dl_ Source

dl_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLDListElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#dl Source

dl :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#div_ Source

div_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLDivElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#div Source

div :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#dialog_ Source

dialog_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, open :: Boolean, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#dialog Source

dialog :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#dfn_ Source

dfn_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#dfn Source

dfn :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#details_ Source

details_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, open :: Boolean, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#details Source

details :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#del_ Source

del_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, cite :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#del Source

del :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#dd_ Source

dd_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#dd Source

dd :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#datalist_ Source

datalist_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLDataListElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#datalist Source

datalist :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#data'_ Source

data'_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLDataElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#data' Source

data' :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#colgroup_ Source

colgroup_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, span :: Int, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#colgroup Source

colgroup :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#col_ Source

col_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, span :: Int, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#code_ Source

code_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#code Source

code :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#cite_ Source

cite_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#cite Source

cite :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#caption_ Source

caption_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#caption Source

caption :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#canvas_ Source

canvas_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, height :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLCanvasElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, width :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#canvas Source

canvas :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#button_ Source

button_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, disabled :: Boolean, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, form :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLButtonElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, value :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#button Source

button :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#br_ Source

br_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLBRElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#body_ Source

body_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLBodyElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#body Source

body :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#blockquote_ Source

blockquote_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, cite :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#blockquote Source

blockquote :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#bdo_ Source

bdo_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#bdo Source

bdo :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#bdi_ Source

bdi_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#bdi Source

bdi :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#base_ Source

base_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, href :: String, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLBaseElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, target :: String, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#b_ Source

b_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#b Source

b :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#audio_ Source

audio_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, controls :: Boolean, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, loop :: Boolean, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, muted :: Boolean, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, preload :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLAudioElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, src :: String, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#audio Source

audio :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#aside_ Source

aside_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#aside Source

aside :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#article_ Source

article_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#article Source

article :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#area_ Source

area_ :: forall (props :: Row Type). IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, alt :: String, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, coords :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, download :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, href :: String, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLAreaElement, rel :: String, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, shape :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, target :: String, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> ReactElement

#address_ Source

address_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#address Source

address :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#abbr_ Source

abbr_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#abbr Source

abbr :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

#a_ Source

a_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, coords :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, download :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, href :: String, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLAnchorElement, rel :: String, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, shape :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, target :: String, title :: String, type :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement

#a Source

a :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement

Re-exports from Elmish.React

#text Source

text :: String -> ReactElement

Render a plain string as a React element.

#fragment Source

fragment :: Array ReactElement -> ReactElement

Wraps multiple React elements as a single one (import of React.Fragment)

#empty Source

empty :: ReactElement

Empty React element.