


#build Source

build :: forall result unvalidated props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } unvalidated result -> { forceTopLabels :: Boolean, formProps :: { readonly :: Boolean | props }, inlineTable :: Boolean, onChange :: (unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit, value :: unvalidated } -> JSX

Create a React component for a form from a FormBuilder.

Note: this function should be fully applied, to avoid remounting the component on each render.

#build' Source

build' :: forall result unvalidated formProps renderProps ui. (Record renderProps -> formProps -> ui -> JSX) -> FormBuilder' ui formProps unvalidated result -> { formProps :: formProps, onChange :: (unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit, value :: unvalidated | renderProps } -> JSX

Create a React component for a form from a FormBuilder' and a custom rendering function.

Note: this function should be fully applied, to avoid remounting the component on each render.

#defaultRenderForm Source

defaultRenderForm :: forall props. { forceTopLabels :: Boolean, inlineTable :: Boolean } -> { readonly :: Boolean | props } -> Forest -> JSX

The default Lumi implementation for rendering a forest of JSX form fields.

#defaultRenderForest Source

defaultRenderForest :: { forceTopLabels :: Boolean } -> Forest -> Array JSX

#useForm Source

useForm :: forall result unvalidated props. Mapping ModifyValidated unvalidated unvalidated => FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } unvalidated result -> { forceTopLabels :: Boolean, formProps :: { readonly :: Boolean | props }, initialState :: unvalidated, inlineTable :: Boolean } -> Hook (UseState unvalidated) { form :: JSX, formData :: unvalidated, reset :: Effect Unit, setFormData :: (unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit, setModified :: Effect Unit, validated :: Maybe result }

Render a form with state managed automatically.

#useForm' Source

useForm' :: forall result unvalidated props ui. Mapping ModifyValidated unvalidated unvalidated => FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result -> unvalidated -> props -> Hook (UseState unvalidated) { form :: ui, formData :: unvalidated, reset :: Effect Unit, setFormData :: (unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit, setModified :: Effect Unit, validated :: Maybe result }

Like useForm, but allows an alternative render implementation to be provided as an additional argument.

#formState Source

formState :: forall result unvalidated props. Mapping ModifyValidated unvalidated unvalidated => { forceTopLabels :: Boolean, form :: FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } unvalidated result, formProps :: { readonly :: Boolean | props }, initialState :: unvalidated, inlineTable :: Boolean, render :: { form :: JSX, formData :: unvalidated, reset :: Effect Unit, setFormData :: (unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit, setModified :: Effect Unit, validated :: Maybe result } -> JSX } -> JSX

Consume useForm as a render-prop component. Useful when useForm would be preferred but you don't want to migrate an entire component to React's hooks API.

Note: this function should be fully applied, to avoid remounting the component on each render.

#static Source

static :: forall value props. JSX -> FormBuilder props value Unit

Create an always-valid FormBuilder that renders the supplied JSX.

#section Source

section :: forall value props. String -> FormBuilder props value Unit

A formatted section header used to visually separate the parts of a form

#inputBox Source

inputBox :: forall props. InputProps -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A configurable input box makes a FormBuilder for strings

#textbox Source

textbox :: forall props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A simple text box makes a FormBuilder for strings

#passwordBox Source

passwordBox :: forall props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A simple password box makes a FormBuilder for strings

#textarea Source

textarea :: forall props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A simple text box makes a FormBuilder for strings

#textarea_ Source

textarea_ :: forall props. TextareaProps -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A configurable textarea box makes a FormBuilder for strings

#switch Source

switch :: forall props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } Boolean Boolean

A switch is an editor for booleans which displays Yes or No.

#checkbox Source

checkbox :: forall props. FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } Boolean Boolean

A checkbox is an editor for booleans which displays checked or not checked.

#labeledCheckbox Source

labeledCheckbox :: forall props. JSX -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } Boolean Boolean

A labeledCheckbox is an editor that behaves exactly like checkbox but also accepts a JSX displayed as a label to its right.

#radioGroup Source

radioGroup :: forall a props. Eq a => Orientation -> Array { label :: JSX, value :: a } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

A form that edits an optional structure represented by group of radio buttons, visually oriented in either horizontal or vertical fashion.

This is similar to select, but displays radio buttons instead.

#file Source

file :: forall props. { backend :: UploadBackend, variant :: UploadVariant } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Array FileId) (Array FileId)

A editor consisting of a file picker.

#genericSelect Source

genericSelect :: forall rep a props. Generic a rep => GenericSelect rep => Array { label :: String, value :: a } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

given values which are composed from a sum-type, generate a select dropdown from its elements

data Yup = One | Two genericSelect [{label: "1st", value: One}, {label: "2nd", value: Two}] This would serialize to- and from select options automatically

#GenericSelect Source

class GenericSelect rep  where



#select Source

select :: forall a props. (a -> String) -> (String -> Maybe a) -> Array { label :: String, value :: a } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

A editor consisting of a single-select dropdown.

#multiSelect Source

multiSelect :: forall a props. (a -> String) -> Array { label :: String, value :: a } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Array a) (Array a)

An editor consisting of a multi-select dropdown.

#asyncSelect Source

asyncSelect :: forall a props. (String -> Aff (Array a)) -> (a -> SelectOption) -> (a -> JSX) -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

An editor which uses an API call to populate a single-select drop-down.

#asyncSelectByKey Source

asyncSelectByKey :: forall a id props. (id -> Aff a) -> (String -> Aff (Array a)) -> (id -> String) -> (String -> id) -> (a -> SelectOption) -> (a -> JSX) -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Maybe id) (Maybe id)

Similar to asyncSelect but allows the current value to be specified using only its key.

#number Source

number :: forall props. { max :: Maybe Number, min :: Maybe Number, step :: InputStep } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } String String

A form which edits a number. The form produces a string as a result in order to allow more control over validation (e.g. to allow special handling of the empty string, or to distinguish 1, 1.0, and 1.00000 from each other).

See also validNumber from the Validation module.

#array Source

array :: forall a u props. { addLabel :: String, defaultValue :: u, editor :: FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } u a, label :: String } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Array u) (Array a)

Edit an Array of values.

This FormBuilder displays a removable section for each array element, along with an "Add..." button in the final row.

#fixedSizeArray Source

fixedSizeArray :: forall a u props. { editor :: FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } u a, label :: String } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Array u) (Array a)

Edit an Array of values without letting the user add or remove entries.

#arrayModal Source

arrayModal :: forall a componentProps props. Union componentProps (onChange :: a -> Effect Unit, value :: a) (onChange :: a -> Effect Unit, value :: a | componentProps) => Nub (onChange :: a -> Effect Unit, value :: a | componentProps) (onChange :: a -> Effect Unit, value :: a | componentProps) => { addLabel :: String, component :: { onChange :: a -> Effect Unit, value :: a | componentProps } -> JSX, componentProps :: Record componentProps, defaultValue :: a, label :: String, summary :: { readonly :: Boolean | props } -> a -> JSX } -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Array a) (Array a)

Edit an Array of values.

Unlike array, this FormBuilder uses a modal popup for adding and editing array elements.

Note: arrayModal does not support validation, in the sense that the component inside the modal popup cannot reject its form state when the use clicks the save button.

#fetch Source

fetch :: forall a props. JSX -> String -> (String -> Aff a) -> FormBuilder props (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

Form that performs an asynchronous effect whenever id changes. The result is Nothing while the effect is not completed, and a Just after the value is available.

#fetch_ Source

fetch_ :: forall a props. JSX -> Aff a -> FormBuilder props (Maybe a) (Maybe a)

Performs an asynchronous effect once and returns its result encapsulated in Just. The result is Nothing while the effect is not completed.

#asyncEffect Source

asyncEffect :: forall a props. String -> JSX -> Aff (a -> a) -> FormBuilder props a a

A dummy form that, whenever the specified key changes, performs an asynchronous effect. It displays the specified JSX while the effect is not complete, sets the form data to the result of the effect and returns it.

#effect Source

effect :: forall a props. String -> Effect (a -> a) -> FormBuilder props a a

A dummy form that, whenever the specified key changes, performs an effect. It sets the form data to the result of the effect and returns it.

#initializer Source

initializer :: forall value props. Nub (initialized :: Boolean | value) (initialized :: Boolean | value) => JSX -> (props -> Record value -> Aff ({ initialized :: Boolean | value } -> { initialized :: Boolean | value })) -> SeqFormBuilder props { initialized :: Boolean | value } Unit

Sequential SeqFormBuilder used for asynchronously initializing some piece of form data, invalidating the form and preventing the rendering of subsequent fields while the supplied Aff is not completed.

For example:

myForm = parallel do
  initializer mempty \props value -> do
    foo <- fetchDefaultFoo
    pure $ value
      { foo = foo
      , bar =

  sequential ado
    foo <- focus (SProxy :: SProxy "foo") textbox
    bar <- focus (SProxy :: SProxy "bar") switch
    in { foo, bar }

#via Source

via :: forall result a s props ui. Iso' s a -> FormBuilder' ui props a result -> FormBuilder' ui props s result

Modify a FormBuilder using a (partial) Iso.

Technically, we don't require to (from s) = s, but we do require from (to a) = a for the form to act sensibly. Since there's no PartialIso in profunctor-lenses, we use Iso here.

Caveat emptor, you get what you pay for if you pass in a dodgy Iso here.

#focus Source

focus :: forall result a s props ui. Lens' s a -> FormBuilder' ui props a result -> FormBuilder' ui props s result

Focus a FormBuilder on a smaller piece of state, using a Lens.

#match Source

match :: forall a t s result props ui. Monoid ui => Prism s s a a -> Prism s t a result -> FormBuilder' ui props a result -> FormBuilder' ui props s t

Focus a FormBuilder on a possible type of state, using a Prism.

We need two Prisms in order to change the result type for validation purposes.

#match_ Source

match_ :: forall a s props ui. Monoid ui => Prism' s a -> FormBuilder' ui props a a -> FormBuilder' ui props s s

Focus a FormBuilder on a possible type of state, using a Prism, ignoring validation.

#withProps Source

withProps :: forall result unvalidated props ui. (props -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result) -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result

Make the props available. This allows for changing the structure of a form builder based on the current props.

#withValue Source

withValue :: forall result unvalidated props ui. (unvalidated -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result) -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result

Make the value available. This allows for changing the structure of a form builder based on the current value.

#mapProps Source

mapProps :: forall a u q p ui. (q -> p) -> FormBuilder' ui p u a -> FormBuilder' ui q u a

Change the props type.

#mapUI Source

mapUI :: forall result value props ui' ui. (props -> value -> Maybe result -> ui -> ui') -> FormBuilder' ui props value result -> FormBuilder' ui' props value result

Change the UI type of a form based on the props, the current value and the validated result.

#mapUI_ Source

mapUI_ :: forall result value props ui' ui. (ui -> ui') -> FormBuilder' ui props value result -> FormBuilder' ui' props value result

Change the UI type of a form.

#indent Source

indent :: forall a u props. String -> RequiredField -> FormBuilder props u a -> FormBuilder props u a

Indent a Forest of editors by one level, providing a label.

#wrap Source

wrap :: forall a u props. (Array JSX -> JSX) -> FormBuilder props u a -> FormBuilder props u a

#filterWithProps Source

filterWithProps :: forall a u props ui. Monoid ui => (props -> u -> Boolean) -> FormBuilder' ui props u a -> FormBuilder' ui props u a

Filter parts of the form based on the current value (and the props).

#withKey Source

withKey :: forall a u props. String -> FormBuilder props u a -> FormBuilder props u a

TODO: document

#styles Source

Re-exports from Lumi.Components.Form.Defaults

#formDefaults Source

formDefaults :: forall a. FormDefaults a => a

Re-exports from Lumi.Components.Form.Internal

#Tree Source

data Tree



#SeqFormBuilder' Source

newtype SeqFormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result

A form builder where each field depends on the validity of the previous ones. That is, every field is only displayed if all the previous ones are valid. Forms can be turned into components using the build function.


#SeqFormBuilder Source

type SeqFormBuilder props unvalidated result = SeqFormBuilder' Forest props unvalidated result

#FormBuilder' Source

newtype FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result

An applicative functor which can be used to build forms. Forms can be turned into components using the build function.


#FormBuilder Source

type FormBuilder props unvalidated result = FormBuilder' Forest props unvalidated result

#Forest Source

#sequential Source

sequential :: forall value props. String -> (FormBuilder props value) ~> (SeqFormBuilder props value)

#revalidate Source

revalidate :: forall result unvalidated props ui. FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result -> props -> unvalidated -> Maybe result

Revalidate the form, in order to display error messages or create a validated result.

#parallel Source

parallel :: forall value props. String -> (SeqFormBuilder props value) ~> (FormBuilder props value)

#listen Source

listen :: forall result unvalidated props ui. (unvalidated -> Aff (unvalidated -> unvalidated)) -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated result

Listens for changes in a form's value and allows for performing asynchronous effects and additional value changes.

#invalidate Source

invalidate :: forall b a unvalidated props ui. FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated a -> FormBuilder' ui props unvalidated b

Invalidate a form, keeping its user interface but discarding the result and possibly changing its type.

#formBuilder_ Source

formBuilder_ :: forall a props. (props -> a -> (a -> Effect Unit) -> JSX) -> FormBuilder props a a

The simplest way to create a FormBuilder. Create a FormBuilder provided a function that, given the current value and a change callback, renders a form element as JSX.

#formBuilder Source

formBuilder :: forall a unvalidated props. (props -> unvalidated -> { edit :: ((unvalidated -> unvalidated) -> Effect Unit) -> JSX, validate :: Maybe a }) -> FormBuilder props unvalidated a

Create a FormBuilder from a function which produces a form element as JSX and a validated result.

Re-exports from Lumi.Components.Form.Validation

#Validator Source

type Validator result valid = result -> Either String valid

A Validator takes a possibly invalid form result and produces a valid result, or an error message.

#Validated Source

data Validated a

The Validated type describes the state of a validated form field. This state may be used to modify the way this form field or its validation messages are displayed.

TODO: maybe convert this type to a record? Possible extensions to this type (as a record) could be a field valid :: Boolean to display an indicator that the field is valid, or a field validating :: Maybe (Canceler a) to control form fields with asynchronous validation.



#CustomModifyValidated Source

#fromValidated Source

fromValidated :: forall u v. CanValidate u v => Validated v -> u

#warn Source

warn :: forall result validated unvalidated props. CanValidate unvalidated validated => WarningValidator result -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } unvalidated result -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Validated validated) result

Attach a validation function to a FormBuilder p u a, producing a new FormBuilder that takes a Validated u as form state and displays a warning message if its form data triggers a warning, while still allowing the form to proceed.

#validated Source

validated :: forall result_ result validated unvalidated props. CanValidate unvalidated validated => Validator result_ result -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } unvalidated result_ -> FormBuilder { readonly :: Boolean | props } (Validated validated) result

Attach a validation function to a FormBuilder p u a, producing a new FormBuilder that takes a Validated u as form state and displays an error message if its form data is invalid.

This Validated data type describes a form field as either Fresh or Modified, so that validation messages are only displayed if the field is Modified.

#validNumber' Source

validNumber' :: String -> Validator String Number

validNumber, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#validNumber Source

validNumber :: String -> Validator String Number

A Validator which verifies that its input can be parsed as a number.

#validInt' Source

validInt' :: String -> Validator String Int

validInt, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#validInt Source

validInt :: String -> Validator String Int

A Validator which verifies that its input can be parsed as an integer.

#validDate' Source

validDate' :: String -> Validator String Date

validDate, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#validDate Source

validDate :: String -> Validator String Date

A Validator which verifies that its input can be parsed as a date. Dates are of the format "YYYY-MM-DD".

#setModified Source

setModified :: forall value. Mapping ModifyValidated value value => value -> value

Sets all Validated fields in a record to Modified, showing all validation messages.

#setFresh Source

setFresh :: forall value. Mapping ModifyValidated value value => value -> value

Sets all Validated fields in a record to Fresh, hiding all validation messages.

#optional Source

optional :: forall a. Validator String a -> Validator String (Maybe a)

Modify a Validator to accept empty strings in addition to anything it already accepts. The empty string is mapped to Nothing, and any other valid input is mapped to Just the result of the original validator.

#nonNull' Source

nonNull' :: forall a. String -> Validator (Maybe a) a

nonNull, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#nonNull Source

nonNull :: forall a. String -> Validator (Maybe a) a

A Validator which verifies that an optional field is specified.

#nonEmptyArray' Source

nonEmptyArray' :: forall a. String -> Validator (Array a) (NonEmptyArray a)

nonEmptyArray, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#nonEmptyArray Source

nonEmptyArray :: forall a. String -> Validator (Array a) (NonEmptyArray a)

A Validator which verifies that an input array is non-empty.

#nonEmpty' Source

nonEmpty' :: String -> Validator String NonEmptyString

nonEmpty, but the argument is the entire validation message.

#nonEmpty Source

nonEmpty :: String -> Validator String NonEmptyString

A Validator which verifies that an input string is non-empty.

#mustEqual Source

mustEqual :: forall a. Eq a => a -> String -> Validator a a

A Validator which verifies that its input equals some value.

#mustBe Source

mustBe :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> String -> Validator a a

A Validator which verifies that its input fulfills a specified condition.

#_Validated Source

_Validated :: forall b a. Lens (Validated a) (Validated b) a b

Lens for viewing and modifying Validated values.
