Search results
map :: forall f a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Map k v
represents maps from keys of type k
to values of type v
map :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
Maps over the values in a set.
This operation is not structure-preserving for sets, so is not a valid
. An example case: mapping const x
over a set with n > 0
elements will result in a set with one element.
map :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> NonEmptySet a -> NonEmptySet b
Maps over the values in a set.
This operation is not structure-preserving for sets, so is not a valid
. An example case: mapping const x
over a set with n > 0
elements will result in a set with one element.
map :: forall a b m r. Monad m => (a -> b) -> Pipe a b m r
Apply a function to all values flowing downstream
map :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
map :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
map :: forall w i. Node HTMLmap w i
map :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
map :: forall f a b x y. IxFunctor f => (a -> b) -> f x y a -> f x y b
map :: forall a b. Hashable b => (a -> b) -> HashSet a -> HashSet b
Construct a new set by applying a function to each element of an input set.
If distinct inputs map to the same output, this changes the
cardinality of the set, therefore hash set is not a Functor
Also, the order in which elements appear in the new set is
entirely dependent on the hash function for type b
map :: Selector
map :: forall a t. TypedArray a t => (t -> t) -> ArrayView a -> ArrayView a
Maps a new value over the typed array, creating a new ArrayBuffer
typed array as well.
map :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_map => Record attrs -> JSX
map :: forall attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate attrs attrs_ jsx. Union attrs attrs_ Props_map => ToJSX jsx => Union (children :: Array JSX) attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate => Nub (children :: Array JSX | attrsNoChildren) attrs => Record attrsNoChildren -> jsx -> JSX
map :: (Octet -> Octet) -> ByteString -> ByteString
Θ(n) Transform the bytes in the byte string.
map :: ElemName
Defines an image map
map :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (html a) -> html a
Defines an image map
map :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines an image map
map :: forall e a. (ReactElement -> a) -> ReactWrapper -> Eff (enzyme :: ENZYME | e) (Array a)
map :: forall e a. (ReactElement -> a) -> ShallowWrapper -> Eff (enzyme :: ENZYME | e) (Array a)
map :: forall b a. Ord b => (a -> b) -> OSet a -> OSet b
Maps over the values in a set.
This operation is not structure-preserving for sets, so is not a valid Functor. An example case: mapping const x over a set with n > 0 elements will result in a set with one element.
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
O(n). Apply a function to every element within a sequence. Note that this function is performed lazily — the actual call is almost instantaneous, regardless of the length of the sequence, because the function is not applied to all elements immediately. The eventual running time (assuming all elements are later requested) is O(n), though.
map :: forall f b a. ((a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> (a -> b) -> NonEmpty f a -> NonEmpty f b
map :: forall p b a. Ord b => Semiring p => (a -> b) -> Dist p a -> Dist p b
map :: forall c f v1 v0. HasMap c f => ObjectOf c v0 => ObjectOf c v1 => ObjectOf c (f v0) => ObjectOf c (f v1) => c v0 v1 -> c (f v0) (f v1)
map :: forall c f v1 v0. HasMap c f => ObjectOf c v0 => ObjectOf c v1 => c v0 v1 -> f v0 -> f v1
Maps a type constructor to a List'
map :: forall f xs ys fproxy kproxy lproxy. Map f xs ys => fproxy f -> kproxy xs -> lproxy ys
map :: forall b a. NotJSPromise b => (a -> b) -> PromiseSpec a -> PromiseSpec b
map the value in a promise spec
map :: forall a b. Ord a => JsonCodec a -> JsonCodec b -> JsonCodec (Map a b)
A codec for Map
Encodes as an array of two-element key/value arrays in JSON.
map :: forall lock payload. Event (Attribute Map_) -> Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload
map :: forall p q a b. Dissect p q => (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
A tail-recursive map
operation, implemented in terms of Dissect
map :: forall t. Corecursive t EJsonF => Map t t -> t
Map :: forall a. (EJsonMap a) -> EJsonF a
Map :: EJsonType
map :: forall db da b a. Patch a da => Patch b db => (Jet a -> Jet b) -> Jet (IArray a) -> Jet (IArray b)
Modify each array element by applying the specified function.
map :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> Jet (Atomic a) -> Jet (Atomic b)
Change an Atomic
value using a regular function.
map :: forall db b da a k. Ord k => Patch a da => Patch b db => (Jet a -> Jet b) -> Jet (IMap k a) -> Jet (IMap k b)
Update every key by applying a function.
map :: forall m. Array (Prop m) -> Component m -> Component m
Map :: forall k v. (Map String (Tuple k v)) -> Map k v
A map object (
map :: forall e. String -> LatLng -> Zoom -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Map
map domID latLng zoom
creates a new map object centered at latLng
, at
zoom level zoom
, and attaches it to the DOM element with ID domID
map :: forall b a. Hashable b => (a -> b) -> MultiSet a -> MultiSet b
map :: forall f b a. IsoFunctor f => Iso a b -> f a -> f b
map :: forall r2 r1 r0 p l1 l0 g f. RMap p f g l0 r0 l1 r1 r2 => RowToList r0 l0 => RowToList r1 l1 => g r0 -> p (f r1) (f r2)
map :: forall barbie f g. Functor barbie => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> barbie f -> barbie g
map :: forall a b. (Mapper a) -> Node a -> Node b
Map :: forall a. (Mapper a) -> QueryOperator a
map :: forall a. Mapper a -> Query a -> Query a
map :: forall a b. Ord a => Codec a -> Codec b -> Codec (Map a b)
A codec for Map
Encodes as an array of two-element key/value arrays in JSON.
map :: ClassName
map :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLMapElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => Record props -> content -> ReactElement
map :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement
map :: JSX
map :: forall a b h. ToHtml a b h
map :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ (MotionProps + Props_map) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Mat2 -> Mat2
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Mat2d -> Mat2d
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Mat3 -> Mat3
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Mat4 -> Mat4
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Quat -> Quat
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Vec2 -> Vec2
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Vec3 -> Vec3
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: (Number -> Number) -> Vec4 -> Vec4
Map a function from Number
to Number
over it.
Note: Since this is not a general container, it cannot be a Functor
map :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> GunChainCtx -> GunChainCtx
Map iterates over each property and item on a node, passing it down the chain, transforming the data with the given function. It also subscribes to every item as well and listens for newly inserted items.
map :: forall a c e. Attrs -> DOM e c a -> DOM e c (ImpulseEl a)
map :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map :: Icons
map :: forall t r. Lens' { map :: t | r } t
map :: forall a c b. HasMap a => (b -> c) -> a b -> a c
map :: (PackageJsonContent -> PackageJsonContent) -> PackageJson -> PackageJson
map :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
Map :: forall a b. (Map a b) -> Map a b
map :: P5 -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> Number -> (Maybe Boolean) -> Number documentation
map :: StaticElement
Map :: forall a b. (Map a b) -> Map a b
map :: forall f a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
map :: FFIComponent MapAttributes
The <map>
HTML element is used with area elements to define an image map.
map { name: "planetmap" }
[ area { shape: "rect", coords: "50,50,100,100", href: "location1.html", alt: "Location 1" }
, area { shape: "circle", coords: "200,200,50", href: "location2.html", alt: "Location 2" }
Common attributes:
| Name | Type | Description |
| name
| String | Name of the image map |
map :: Free SpaceF Unit -> Free SpaceF Unit
map :: Free SpaceF Unit -> Free SpaceF Unit
map :: forall st eff. Array (Props eff st) -> Array (Component eff st) -> Component eff st
map :: forall a b f. (a -> b) -> Codensity f a -> Codensity f b
map :: forall a b f g. (a -> b) -> Ran f g a -> Ran f g b
map :: forall nt r. Newtype nt (Variant (map :: Texture | r)) => Texture -> nt
map :: forall a o i r. (i -> o) -> Run (Transformer i o r) a
Adapts incoming values.
map :: WorldMap
map :: forall o i context channel. Array (Attr context i) -> Array (Handler context (Either channel (i -> o))) -> Array (SDOM channel context i o) -> SDOM channel context i o
map :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> SortedArray a -> Array b
Functor-like convenience function, equivalent to unwrapping and applying the Array map.
map :: forall a b. EffectFn2 (a -> b) (Node a) (Node b)
map :: forall i. Node HTMLmap i
map :: forall b a. Ord b => (a -> b) -> List a -> Either (Set b) (List b)
P purescript-maps DEPRECATED
Purely functional maps implemented in PureScript
mapM :: forall a b m r. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Pipe a b m r
Apply a monadic function to all values flowing downstream
map' :: Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
map' :: Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
map_ :: forall w i. Array (HTML w i) -> HTML w i
map2 :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c
map3 :: forall a b c d. (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d
map4 :: forall a b c d e. (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e
map5 :: forall a b c d e f. (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e -> Signal f
map' :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_map => ReactComponent (Record attrs)
map' :: forall jsx. ToJSX jsx => jsx -> JSX
map_ :: Array JSX -> JSX
map_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a
Defines an image map [No Attributes]
map_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines an image map [No Attributes]
mapR :: forall t f u g. Recursive t f => Corecursive u g => (f t -> g u) -> t -> u
map' :: forall rw b a. (a -> b) -> Signal (read :: READ | rw) a -> Effect (Signal (read :: READ, write :: WRITE) b)
Creates a new signal, relaying the next incoming values from the old to the new, after transformation.
map_ :: forall m i. Monad m => (CommandsT MapI m) ~> (CommandsT (map :: I | i) m)
map_ :: forall msg. Array (Attribute msg) -> Array (View msg) -> View msg
map' :: forall m. Component m -> Component m
map_ :: forall lock payload. Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload
map_ :: forall b a s w r. (a -> b) -> RWS r w s a -> RWS r w s b
mapS :: forall b a s. (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
mapW :: forall b a w. (a -> b) -> Writer w a -> Writer w b
map' :: forall a h. ToHtml' a h
map' :: Element
map' :: forall st eff. Array (Component eff st) -> Component eff st
map1 :: forall t f g. Functor1 t => (f ~> g) -> t f -> t g
map2 :: forall parentTypeLock a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> SelectionSet parentTypeLock a -> SelectionSet parentTypeLock b -> SelectionSet parentTypeLock c
map2 :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic b -> Dynamic c
map2 :: forall a b c. EffectFn3 (Fn2 a b c) (Node a) (Node b) (Node c)
map_ :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, name :: String, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLMapElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => String -> Record props -> content -> ReactElement
map_ :: forall b h. ToHtml_ b h
map_ :: forall a c e. Attrs -> DOM e c a -> DOM e c a
map_ :: StaticElementWithoutProperties
map_ :: forall o i context channel. Array (SDOM channel context i o) -> SDOM channel context i o
map_ :: forall t. Corecursive t (SqlF EJsonF) => Ord t => Map t t -> t
mapE :: forall builder a b eff. MappableBuilder builder a b eff => builder -> (b -> a) -> GenericMappedEmitterBuilder a b eff
mapI :: forall v i' i. (i -> i') -> Result i v -> Result i' v
mapM :: forall b a m. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> StreamT m a -> StreamT m b
mapM_ :: forall a m r. Monad m => (a -> m Unit) -> Consumer_ a m r
Consume all values using a monadic function
mapIO :: forall aa ab ba bb m r. Monad m => (ab -> aa) -> (ba -> bb) -> AsyncPipe aa ba m r -> AsyncPipe ab bb m r
Modify request / response types
map__ :: forall lock payload. String -> Domable lock payload
mapTo :: forall f b a. Functor f => b -> ObservableT f a -> ObservableT f b
Emits the given constant value on the output Observable every time the source Observable emits a value.
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> Stream a -> Stream b
map'_ :: ElementWithoutProperties
mapOf :: forall a b c. Ord b => Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser (Map b c)
mapTo :: forall f b a. Functor f => b -> ObservableT f a -> ObservableT f b
Emits the given constant value on the output Observable every time the source Observable emits a value.
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> AsyncSubject a -> AsyncSubject b
Emits the given constant value on the output AsyncSubject every time the source AsyncSubject emits a value.
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> BehaviorSubject a -> BehaviorSubject b
Emits the given constant value on the output BehaviorSubject every time the source BehaviorSubject emits a value.
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> Observable a -> Observable b
Emits the given constant value on the output Observable every time the source Observable emits a value.
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b
Emits the given constant value on the output ReplaySubject every time the source ReplaySubject emits a value.
mapTo :: forall str b a. SodiumStream str => b -> str a -> Stream b
Transform the stream's event values into the specified constant value. b is a constant value.
mapUI :: forall ui ui' props value result. (props -> value -> Maybe result -> ui -> ui') -> FormBuilder' ui props value result -> FormBuilder' ui' props value result
Change the UI type of a form based on the props, the current value and the validated result.
mapEnv :: forall e a b. (a -> b) -> Env e a -> Env e b
Change the data type in an Env
mapRWS :: forall r w1 w2 s a1 a2. (RWSResult s a1 w1 -> RWSResult s a2 w2) -> RWS r w1 s a1 -> RWS r w2 s a2
Change the types of the result and accumulator in a RWS
mapAff :: forall a b. (a -> Aff b) -> Effect (Signal a -> Signal (Maybe b))
Apply an async effectful function to signal values and signal the results.
mapmap :: forall f g a b. Functor f => Functor g => (a -> b) -> f (g a) -> f (g b)
mapSum :: forall mp ri ro. MapSum mp ri ro => mp -> Record ri -> Record ro
mapAll :: forall a b f. Traversable f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> Maybe (f b)
Map an array conditionally, only return the array when all elements were mapped.
Note that this function is an alias for traverse
. This is specific behavior for the implementation of <*>
for Applicative Maybe
Hint: mapAny can be found in Data.Foldable.Extra
mapAll (\x -> if x == 2 then Just 99 else Nothing) [1,2,3] == Nothing
mapAll (\x -> Just (x * 2)) [1,2,3] == Just [2,4,6]
mapAny :: forall a f. Traversable1 f => (a -> Maybe a) -> f a -> Maybe (f a)
Map an array conditionally, only return the array when at least one element was mapped. Elements that are not mapped will keep the old value.
Hint: mapAll can be found in Data.Semigroup.Traversable.Extra
mapAny (\_ -> Nothing) (Data.Array.NonEmpty.cons' 1 [2, 3]) == Nothing
mapAny (\x -> if x == 2 then Just 99 else Nothing) (Data.Array.NonEmpty.cons' 1 [2, 3]) == Data.Array.NonEmpty.fromArray [1,99,3]
Not that in the second example the Just
is implicit.
mapEnv :: forall e b a. (a -> b) -> Env e a -> Env e b
mapErr :: forall e m a. MonadError e m => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
mapRWS :: forall a2 a1 s w2 w1 r. (RWSResult s a1 w1 -> RWSResult s a2 w2) -> RWS r w1 s a1 -> RWS r w2 s a2
mapVal :: (String -> String) -> Val -> Val
mapGen :: forall a b. (Tuple a GenState -> Tuple b GenState) -> Gen a -> Gen b
Change the type of the result in a Gen
MapInl :: MapInl
MapInr :: MapInr
mapped :: GPUBufferMapState
MapPin :: Icon
mapPos :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> Field (Positive a) -> Field (Positive b)
mapUI_ :: forall ui ui' props value result. (ui -> ui') -> FormBuilder' ui props value result -> FormBuilder' ui' props value result
Change the UI type of a form.
mapCont :: forall r a. (r -> r) -> Cont r a -> Cont r a
Transform the result of a continuation-passing function.
mapEnvT :: forall e w1 w2 a b. (w1 a -> w2 b) -> EnvT e w1 a -> EnvT e w2 b
Change the underlying comonad and data type in an EnvT
mapRWST :: forall r w1 w2 s m1 m2 a1 a2. (m1 (RWSResult s a1 w1) -> m2 (RWSResult s a2 w2)) -> RWST r w1 s m1 a1 -> RWST r w2 s m2 a2
Change the result and accumulator types in a RWST
monad action.
Low-level iteration state for a Map
. Must be consumed using
an appropriate stepper.
mapSpec :: forall m m' g i a. Functor m' => (m ~> m') -> SpecT g i m a -> SpecT g i m' a
mapping :: forall s t a b f g. Functor f => Functor g => AnIso s t a b -> Iso (f s) (g t) (f a) (g b)
mapping :: forall f a b. Mapping f a b => f -> a -> b
mapEnvT :: forall e m1 m2 a b. (m1 a -> m2 b) -> CoEnvT e m1 a -> CoEnvT e m2 b
mapElem :: forall f a. Functor f => f a -> f (Elem a)
mapKeys :: forall v k j. Ord j => Ord k => (k -> j) -> Map k v -> Map j v
mapProp :: forall sym ri ro. MapProp sym ri ro => Proxy sym -> Record ri -> Record ro
mapRows :: forall rowId columnId cell1 cell2. Hashable columnId => Hashable rowId => Hashable cell1 => (HashMap columnId cell1 -> HashMap columnId cell2) -> Table rowId columnId cell1 -> Either (HashSet (MissingCell rowId columnId)) (Table rowId columnId cell2)
The mapping function should preserve the length of the list. If it doesn't, you'll end up
mapRWSE :: forall r w1 w2 s e a b. ((s /\ (Either e a) /\ w1) -> (s /\ (Either e b) /\ w2)) -> RWSE r w1 s e a -> RWSE r w2 s e b
Modifies the result and accumulator types of a RWSE
mapView :: forall a v1 v2. (v1 -> v2) -> Widget v1 a -> Widget v2 a