Search results
pi :: Number
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, around 3.14159.
pi :: Number
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
> pi
pi :: Decimal
Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
pi :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Permutation
Permutation from a swap.
Pi :: NumberConstant
pi :: Quantity
A process ID.
Pid :: Int -> Pid
pid :: Pid
Returns the PID of the current process.
pid :: ChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)
The process ID of a child process. This will be Nothing
the process has spawned. Note that if the process has already
exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!
pid :: UnsafeChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)
The process ID of a child process. Note that if the process has already exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!
pie :: forall m i. Monad m => (CommandsT PieSeriesI m) ~> (CommandsT (pie :: I | i) m)
Pin :: Symbol
pid :: forall e. Eff (phantomjs :: PHANTOMJS | e) Int
The PID (Process ID) for the currently executing PhantomJS process.
Pie :: ChartType
pie :: Option PlotOptions (Options Pie)
pie :: Emoji
Pie :: ChartType
Pie :: ShapeType
pie :: Emoji
pie :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_pie => Record attrs -> JSX
pig :: Emoji
pig :: Emoji
pit :: Cast Pit
piX :: ReactIcon
pipe :: forall w r. Readable w -> Writable r -> Effect Unit
Read chunks from a readable stream and write them to a writable stream.
ping :: String -> Attribute
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
pipe :: StdIO
When used for X, then Y will exist on the child process where X and Y are
Note: when used with stdin
, piping the parent stdin to this stream
will not cause the child process to terminate when that parent stdin stream
ends via Ctrl+D
user input. Rather, the child process will hang
until the parent process calls Stream.end
on the child process'
stream. Since it's impossible to know when the user
inputs Ctrl+D
, inherit
should be used instead.
ping :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state
ping :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies a space-separated list of URLs to which, when the hyperlink is followed, POST requests with the body PING will be sent by the browser (in the background). Typically used for tracking.
pick :: forall r2 rx r1. Union r2 rx r1 => Record r1 -> Record r2
ping :: String -> VNode -> VNode
Ping :: Ping
pipe :: forall readable writable. Readable readable => Writable writable => writable -> Boolean -> readable -> Effect writable
pipe :: forall readable writable. Writable writable => Readable readable => Event writable (readable -> Effect Unit)
piAt :: ReactIcon
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }
Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.
pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }
Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.
pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
pick :: Emoji
pick :: forall a b. Project a b => a -> b
pick :: forall (input :: Type) (err :: Type) (output :: Type) (chosen :: Type) (sym :: Symbol) (tlist :: TList). ParseSymbol sym tlist => ConstructBarlow tlist (Forget chosen) input input chosen chosen => Proxy sym -> (chosen -> V (NonEmptyArray err) output) -> PickE input err output
pick :: Emoji
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
pico :: DerivedUnit -> DerivedUnit
pill :: Emoji
pill :: PillProps -> JSX
pill :: Emoji
ping :: ToStringAttribute
ping :: forall endpoint. Http2Session endpoint -> (Maybe Error -> Milliseconds -> Buffer -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Boolean
ping :: forall e. WSConnection -> Buffer -> Eff (wss :: WSSERVER | e) Unit
ping :: String -> Attribute
ping :: String -> StaticProperty
ping :: forall eff. Client -> Aff (periodic :: PERIODIC | eff) Boolean
pink :: Color
pink :: TailwindColor
Pink :: Color
Pink :: BandingTheme
pink :: Hue
pink :: Color
pink :: Color
pink :: Color
pink :: Color
pint :: DerivedUnit
Unit of volume, the US liquid pint, 1 pint = 1/8·gal.
pipe :: forall r w chunktype. Readable chunktype w -> Writable r -> Effect (Writable r)
A full bidirectional Pipe acts as an upstream Client and a downstream Server.
piPi :: ReactIcon
pipe' :: forall w r. Readable w -> Writable r -> { end :: Boolean } -> Effect Unit
pipeH :: forall r w. EventHandle1 (Writable r) (Readable w)
M Pipes
Pixel :: DeltaMode
pitch :: String -> StyleAttribute
pivot :: forall a. Eq a => Ord a => Ring a => Int -> Matrix a -> Int
Returns the row index of the maximum element (in magnitude) among all the elements below (possibly as high as) the diagonal element of the column whose index is provided.
Pixel :: Int -> PixelOrPercent
pipe_ :: forall writable readable. Readable readable => Writable writable => writable -> readable -> Effect writable
piBag :: ReactIcon
piBed :: ReactIcon
piBug :: ReactIcon
piBus :: ReactIcon
piCar :: ReactIcon
piCat :: ReactIcon
pick' :: forall s a err b. AGetter' s a -> ValidateE a err b -> PickE s err b
PickE :: forall input err a. (ValidateE input err a) -> PickE input err a
piCpu :: ReactIcon
piDna :: ReactIcon
piDog :: ReactIcon
piDot :: ReactIcon
piEar :: ReactIcon
piece :: DerivedUnit
A separate or limited portion or quantity of something.
piEgg :: ReactIcon
piEye :: ReactIcon
piFan :: ReactIcon
piGif :: ReactIcon
piKey :: ReactIcon
pill_ :: Status -> String -> JSX
pImpl :: forall a. ReactComponent (Record a)
pingH :: forall endpoint. EventHandle1 (Http2Session endpoint) Buffer
piNut :: ReactIcon
piPen :: ReactIcon
piRss :: ReactIcon
piRug :: ReactIcon
piSun :: ReactIcon
piTag :: ReactIcon
A Key Accidental is represented by a Pitch (A modification to a standard key for one pitch in the scale). (we're not allowed to derive instances on record types unless we use newtype)
Pitch :: { accidental :: Accidental, pitchClass :: PitchClass } -> Pitch
Pitch :: PitchClass -> Octave -> Pitch
pitch :: AbsPitch -> Pitch
pitch :: Utterance -> Number
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.pitch (getter)
piUsb :: ReactIcon
piVan :: ReactIcon
pixel :: DerivedUnit
Smallest addressable element on a digital display.
pizza :: Emoji
pizza :: Emoji
pickFn :: forall r1 r2. Fn2 (Array String) (Record r1) (Record r2)
pivot' :: forall a. Eq a => Ord a => Ring a => Int -> Int -> Polynomial a -> Maybe Int
pixels :: forall m i. Monad m => Int -> DSL (pixels :: I | i) m
A distance in screen space, measured in logical pixels ("CSS Pixels").
piAtom :: ReactIcon
piBaby :: ReactIcon
piBank :: ReactIcon
piBell :: ReactIcon
piBird :: ReactIcon
piBoat :: ReactIcon
piBone :: ReactIcon
piBook :: ReactIcon
piBoot :: ReactIcon
piCake :: ReactIcon
piChat :: ReactIcon
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
picker :: forall m val. Ord val => HasChoiceInputVal val -> Config val -> Component HTML (Query val) Unit (Message val) m
picker :: forall m val. Ord val => HasNumberInputVal val -> Config val -> Component HTML (Query val) Unit (Message val) m
picker :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (PickerProps) => Record attrs -> JSX
picker :: forall a. PickerType a => a -> EventHandler a -> Array PickerItem -> ReactElement
pickFn :: forall r1 r2. Fn2 (Array String) (Record r1) (Record r2)
pickup :: forall e. Creep -> Resource -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode
piClub :: ReactIcon
piCode :: ReactIcon
piCoin :: ReactIcon
piCopy :: ReactIcon
piCrop :: ReactIcon
piCube :: ReactIcon
piDisc :: ReactIcon
piDoor :: ReactIcon
piDrop :: ReactIcon
piExam :: ReactIcon
piFile :: ReactIcon
piFire :: ReactIcon
piFish :: ReactIcon
piFlag :: ReactIcon
piGear :: ReactIcon
piGift :: ReactIcon
piHand :: ReactIcon
piHash :: ReactIcon
piInfo :: ReactIcon
piJeep :: ReactIcon
piLamp :: ReactIcon
piLeaf :: ReactIcon
piLink :: ReactIcon
piList :: ReactIcon
piLock :: ReactIcon
piMoon :: ReactIcon
pink50 :: Color
piNote :: ReactIcon
Pinyin :: Collation
piPark :: ReactIcon
piPath :: ReactIcon
piPill :: ReactIcon
piPlay :: ReactIcon
piPlug :: ReactIcon
piPlus :: ReactIcon
piRows :: ReactIcon
piScan :: ReactIcon
pisces :: Emoji
pisces :: Emoji
piSeal :: ReactIcon
piStar :: ReactIcon
pistol :: Emoji
pistol :: Emoji
piStop :: ReactIcon
piSwap :: ReactIcon
piTabs :: ReactIcon
piTaxi :: ReactIcon
piTent :: ReactIcon
piTipi :: ReactIcon
piTote :: ReactIcon
piTram :: ReactIcon
piTray :: ReactIcon
piTree :: ReactIcon
piUser :: ReactIcon
piWall :: ReactIcon
piWind :: ReactIcon
piWine :: ReactIcon
piñata :: Emoji
picture :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
picture :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
picture :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
picture :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_picture => Record attrs -> JSX
picture :: forall attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate attrs attrs_ jsx. Union attrs attrs_ Props_picture => ToJSX jsx => Union (children :: Array JSX) attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate => Nub (children :: Array JSX | attrsNoChildren) attrs => Record attrsNoChildren -> jsx -> JSX
picture :: ElemName
Defines a container for multiple image resources
picture :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (html a) -> html a
Defines a container for multiple image resources
picture :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a
Defines a container for multiple image resources
Piccolo :: InstrumentName
picture :: El
picture :: forall msg. Array (Attribute msg) -> Array (View msg) -> View msg
picture :: forall lock payload. Event (Attribute Picture_) -> Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload
picture :: forall m. Array (Prop m) -> Component m -> Component m
picture :: ElemFactory
piAlarm :: ReactIcon
piAlien :: ReactIcon
piBellZ :: ReactIcon
piBooks :: ReactIcon
piBrain :: ReactIcon
piBroom :: ReactIcon
piCards :: ReactIcon
piChair :: ReactIcon
piChats :: ReactIcon
piCheck :: ReactIcon
picker' :: forall o a. PickerType a => Optional o (PickerProps a) => Record o -> Array PickerItem -> ReactElement
picker_ :: Array JSX -> JSX
pickerU :: forall props. Record props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
Create a Picker component unsafely
piClock :: ReactIcon
piCloud :: ReactIcon
piCoins :: ReactIcon
piCouch :: ReactIcon
piCross :: ReactIcon
piCrown :: ReactIcon
picture :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => Record props -> content -> ReactElement
picture :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement
picture :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ (MotionProps + Props_picture) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)
Picture :: PageBackgroundType
Picture :: PlaceholderType
picture :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
picture :: StaticElement
picture :: FFIComponent BaseAttributes
The <picture>
HTML element contains zero or more <source>
elements and one <img>
element to offer alternative versions of an image for different display scenarios.
picture {}
[ source { srcset: "large.jpg", media: "(min-width: 800px)" }
, source { srcset: "medium.jpg", media: "(min-width: 600px)" }
, img { src: "small.jpg", alt: "Description of the image" }
]-- | ```
picture :: Free SpaceF Unit -> Free SpaceF Unit
No further results.