Search results

pi :: Number

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, around 3.14159.

P purescript-math M Math
pi :: Number

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

> pi
P purescript-numbers M Data.Number
pi :: Decimal

Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

P purescript-decimals M Data.Decimal
pi :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Permutation

Permutation from a swap.

P permutations M Data.Permutation
Pi :: NumberConstant
P purescript-math-equation M Math.Equation
pi :: Quantity
P purescript-quantities M Data.Quantity.Math

A process ID.

P purescript-posix-types M Data.Posix
Pid :: Int -> Pid
P purescript-posix-types M Data.Posix
pid :: Pid

Returns the PID of the current process.

P purescript-node-process M Node.Process
pid :: ChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)

The process ID of a child process. This will be Nothing until the process has spawned. Note that if the process has already exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.ChildProcess
pid :: UnsafeChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)

The process ID of a child process. Note that if the process has already exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.UnsafeChildProcess.Safe
pie :: forall m i. Monad m => (CommandsT PieSeriesI m) ~> (CommandsT (pie :: I | i) m)
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Commands
Pin :: Symbol
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Types
pid :: forall e. Eff (phantomjs :: PHANTOMJS | e) Int

The PID (Process ID) for the currently executing PhantomJS process.

P purescript-phantom M PhantomJS.System
Pie :: ChartType
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.Common
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.PlotOptions.Pie
pie :: Option PlotOptions (Options Pie)
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.PlotOptions.Pie
pie :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
Pie :: ChartType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Charts.ChartType
Pie :: ShapeType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Slides.ShapeType
pie :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
pie :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_pie => Record attrs -> JSX
P purescript-recharts M Recharts
pig :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pig :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
P purescript-elasticsearch M Database.ElasticSearch.Search
pit :: Cast Pit
P purescript-elasticsearch M Database.ElasticSearch.Search
piX :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pipe :: forall w r. Readable w -> Writable r -> Effect Unit

Read chunks from a readable stream and write them to a writable stream.

P purescript-node-streams M Node.Stream
P purescript-pipes M Pipes.Core
ping :: String -> Attribute
P purescript-smolder M Text.Smolder.HTML.Attributes
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
P purescript-record-extra M Record.Extra
pipe :: StdIO

When used for X, then Y will exist on the child process where X and Y are

  • stdio[0] - stdin
  • stdio[1] - stdout
  • stdio[2] - stderr

Note: when used with stdin, piping the parent stdin to this stream will not cause the child process to terminate when that parent stdin stream ends via Ctrl+D user input. Rather, the child process will hang until the parent process calls Stream.end on the child process' stdin stream. Since it's impossible to know when the user inputs Ctrl+D, inherit should be used instead.

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.ChildProcess.Types
ping :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state
P purescript-freedom M Freedom.Markup.Prop
ping :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a space-separated list of URLs to which, when the hyperlink is followed, POST requests with the body PING will be sent by the browser (in the background). Typically used for tracking.

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Attributes
P purescript-express M Node.Express.Types
pick :: forall r2 rx r1. Union r2 rx r1 => Record r1 -> Record r2
P purescript-classless M Classless
ping :: String -> VNode -> VNode
P purescript-grain M Grain.Markup.Prop
P purescript-deku M Deku.DOM.Attr.Ping
Ping :: Ping
P purescript-deku M Deku.DOM.Attr.Ping
pipe :: forall readable writable. Readable readable => Writable writable => writable -> Boolean -> readable -> Effect writable
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Readable
pipe :: forall readable writable. Writable writable => Readable readable => Event writable (readable -> Effect Unit)
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable.Events
piAt :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }

Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.

pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
P purescript-arrays-extra M Data.Array.Extra.First
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }

Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.

pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
P purescript-arrays-extra M Data.Array.Extra.Last
pick :: Emoji

P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pick :: forall a b. Project a b => a -> b
P purescript-interactive-data M InteractiveData.Core.Util.RecordProjection
pick :: forall (input :: Type) (err :: Type) (output :: Type) (chosen :: Type) (sym :: Symbol) (tlist :: TList). ParseSymbol sym tlist => ConstructBarlow tlist (Forget chosen) input input chosen chosen => Proxy sym -> (chosen -> V (NonEmptyArray err) output) -> PickE input err output
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Core
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Simple
pick :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
P purescript-record-extra-srghma M Record.ExtraSrghma.Keys
pico :: DerivedUnit -> DerivedUnit
P purescript-quantities M Data.Units
pill :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pill :: PillProps -> JSX
P purescript-lumi-components M Lumi.Components.Pill
pill :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
ping :: ToStringAttribute
P purescript-flame M Flame.Html.Attribute.Internal
ping :: forall endpoint. Http2Session endpoint -> (Maybe Error -> Milliseconds -> Buffer -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Boolean
P purescript-node-http2 M Node.Http2.Session
ping :: forall e. WSConnection -> Buffer -> Eff (wss :: WSSERVER | e) Unit
P purescript-node-websocket M Node.Websocket.Connection
ping :: String -> Attribute
P purescript-open-smolder M Text.Smolder.HTML.Attributes
ping :: String -> StaticProperty
P purescript-panda M Panda.Property
ping :: forall eff. Client -> Aff (periodic :: PERIODIC | eff) Boolean
P purescript-periodic M Periodic.Client
pink :: Color


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Color
pink :: TailwindColor
P purescript-fahrtwind M Fahrtwind.Style.Color.Tailwind
Pink :: Color
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Calendar.Color
Pink :: BandingTheme
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Spreadsheet.BandingTheme
pink :: Hue
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Color
pink :: Color
P purescript-open-colors-scales-and-schemes M Color.Scheme.MaterialDesign
pink :: Color
P purescript-open-colors-scales-and-schemes M Color.Scheme.X11
pink :: Color
P purescript-react-mui M MaterialUI.Colors
pink :: Color
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.PropTypes.Color
pint :: DerivedUnit

Unit of volume, the US liquid pint, 1 pint = 1/8·gal.

P purescript-quantities M Data.Units.USCustomary
pipe :: forall r w chunktype. Readable chunktype w -> Writable r -> Effect (Writable r)
P purescript-node-readable M Node.Stream.Readable

A full bidirectional Pipe acts as an upstream Client and a downstream Server.

P purescript-run-streaming M Run.Streaming
piPi :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pipe' :: forall w r. Readable w -> Writable r -> { end :: Boolean } -> Effect Unit
P purescript-node-streams M Node.Stream
pipeH :: forall r w. EventHandle1 (Writable r) (Readable w)
P purescript-node-streams M Node.Stream
P purescript-pipes
Pixel :: DeltaMode
P purescript-web-uievents M Web.UIEvent.WheelEvent
pitch :: String -> StyleAttribute
P purescript-oak M Oak.Css
pivot :: forall a. Eq a => Ord a => Ring a => Int -> Matrix a -> Int

Returns the row index of the maximum element (in magnitude) among all the elements below (possibly as high as) the diagonal element of the column whose index is provided.

P purescript-sparse-matrices M Data.Sparse.Matrix
Pixel :: Int -> PixelOrPercent
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Types
pipe_ :: forall writable readable. Readable readable => Writable writable => writable -> readable -> Effect writable
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Readable
piBag :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBed :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBug :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBus :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCar :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCat :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pick' :: forall s a err b. AGetter' s a -> ValidateE a err b -> PickE s err b
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Core
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Core
PickE :: forall input err a. (ValidateE input err a) -> PickE input err a
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Core
piCpu :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDna :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDog :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDot :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piEar :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piece :: DerivedUnit

A separate or limited portion or quantity of something.

P purescript-quantities M Data.Units.Misc
piEgg :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piEye :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piFan :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piGif :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piKey :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pill_ :: Status -> String -> JSX
P purescript-lumi-components M Lumi.Components.Pill
pImpl :: forall a. ReactComponent (Record a)
P purescript-framer-motion M Framer.Motion.MotionComponent
pingH :: forall endpoint. EventHandle1 (Http2Session endpoint) Buffer
P purescript-node-http2 M Node.Http2.Session
piNut :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPen :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piRss :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piRug :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piSun :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTag :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi

A Key Accidental is represented by a Pitch (A modification to a standard key for one pitch in the scale). (we're not allowed to derive instances on record types unless we use newtype)

P purescript-abc-parser M Data.Abc
Pitch :: { accidental :: Accidental, pitchClass :: PitchClass } -> Pitch
P purescript-abc-parser M Data.Abc
P purescript-school-of-music M Data.Euterpea.Music
Pitch :: PitchClass -> Octave -> Pitch
P purescript-school-of-music M Data.Euterpea.Music
pitch :: AbsPitch -> Pitch
P purescript-school-of-music M Data.Euterpea.Music1
P purescript-vexflow M Vex.Types
pitch :: Utterance -> Number

SpeechSynthesisUtterance.pitch (getter)

P purescript-web-speech M Web.Speech.TTS.Utterance
piUsb :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piVan :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pixel :: DerivedUnit

Smallest addressable element on a digital display.

P purescript-quantities M Data.Units.Misc
pizza :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pizza :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
pickFn :: forall r1 r2. Fn2 (Array String) (Record r1) (Record r2)
P purescript-record-extra M Record.Extra
pivot' :: forall a. Eq a => Ord a => Ring a => Int -> Int -> Polynomial a -> Maybe Int
P purescript-sparse-matrices M Data.Sparse.Matrix
pixels :: forall m i. Monad m => Int -> DSL (pixels :: I | i) m
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Commands

A distance in screen space, measured in logical pixels ("CSS Pixels").

P purescript-leaflet-tdammers M Leaflet.Types
piAtom :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBaby :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBank :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBell :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBird :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBoat :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBone :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBook :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBoot :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCake :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piChat :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Component.Date
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Component.DateTime
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Component.Duration
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Component.Interval
picker :: forall m. Format -> Component HTML Query Unit Message m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Component.Time
picker :: forall m val. Ord val => HasChoiceInputVal val -> Config val -> Component HTML (Query val) Unit (Message val) m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Internal.Choice
picker :: forall m val. Ord val => HasNumberInputVal val -> Config val -> Component HTML (Query val) Unit (Message val) m
P purescript-halogen-datepicker M Halogen.Datepicker.Internal.Num
picker :: forall attrs_ attrs. Union attrs attrs_ (PickerProps) => Record attrs -> JSX
P purescript-react-basic-native M React.Basic.Native.Generated
picker :: forall a. PickerType a => a -> EventHandler a -> Array PickerItem -> ReactElement
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.Components.Picker
pickFn :: forall r1 r2. Fn2 (Array String) (Record r1) (Record r2)
P purescript-record-extra-srghma M Record.ExtraSrghma.Keys
pickup :: forall e. Creep -> Resource -> Eff (cmd :: CMD | e) ReturnCode
P purescript-screeps-classy M Screeps.Creep
piClub :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCode :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCoin :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCopy :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCrop :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCube :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDisc :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDoor :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piDrop :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piExam :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piFile :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piFire :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piFish :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piFlag :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piGear :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piGift :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piHand :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piHash :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piInfo :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piJeep :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piLamp :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piLeaf :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piLink :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piList :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piLock :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piMoon :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pink50 :: Color
P purescript-grid-reactors M Reactor.Graphics.Colors
piNote :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
Pinyin :: Collation
P purescript-js-intl M JS.Intl.Options.Collation
piPark :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPath :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPill :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPlay :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPlug :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piPlus :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piRows :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piScan :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pisces :: Emoji

P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pisces :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
piSeal :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piStar :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pistol :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pistol :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
piStop :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piSwap :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTabs :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTaxi :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTent :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTipi :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTote :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTram :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTray :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piTree :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piUser :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piWall :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piWind :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piWine :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piñata :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
picture :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
P purescript-react M React.DOM
picture :: Array Props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
P purescript-react M React.DOM.Dynamic
picture :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
P purescript-smolder M Text.Smolder.HTML
picture :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_picture => Record attrs -> JSX
P purescript-react-basic-dom M React.Basic.DOM.Generated
picture :: forall attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate attrs attrs_ jsx. Union attrs attrs_ Props_picture => ToJSX jsx => Union (children :: Array JSX) attrsNoChildren attrsWithDuplicate => Nub (children :: Array JSX | attrsNoChildren) attrs => Record attrsNoChildren -> jsx -> JSX
P purescript-react-basic-dom M React.Basic.DOM.Simplified.Generated
picture :: ElemName

Defines a container for multiple image resources

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.ElemNames
picture :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a container for multiple image resources

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
picture :: forall html a. Html html => Array (Prop a) -> Array (Key /\ (html a)) -> html a

Defines a container for multiple image resources

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.KeyedElements
Piccolo :: InstrumentName
P purescript-midi M Data.Midi.Instrument
picture :: El
P purescript-concur-react M Concur.React.DOM
picture :: forall msg. Array (Attribute msg) -> Array (View msg) -> View msg
P purescript-oak M Oak.Html
picture :: forall lock payload. Event (Attribute Picture_) -> Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload
P purescript-deku M Deku.DOM.Elt.Picture
picture :: forall m. Array (Prop m) -> Component m -> Component m
P purescript-jelly M Jelly.Element
picture :: ElemFactory
P purescript-reactix M Reactix.DOM.HTML
piAlarm :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piAlien :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBellZ :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBooks :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBrain :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piBroom :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCards :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piChair :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piChats :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCheck :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
picker' :: forall o a. PickerType a => Optional o (PickerProps a) => Record o -> Array PickerItem -> ReactElement
P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.Components.Picker
picker_ :: Array JSX -> JSX
P purescript-react-basic-native M React.Basic.Native.Generated
pickerU :: forall props. Record props -> Array ReactElement -> ReactElement

Create a Picker component unsafely

P purescript-reactnative M ReactNative.Unsafe.Components
piClock :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCloud :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCoins :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCouch :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCross :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
piCrown :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
picture :: forall (props :: Row Type) (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => IsSubsetOf props (_data :: Object String, about :: String, acceptCharset :: String, accessKey :: String, allowFullScreen :: Boolean, allowTransparency :: Boolean, "aria-activedescendant" :: String, "aria-atomic" :: String, "aria-autocomplete" :: String, "aria-busy" :: String, "aria-checked" :: String, "aria-colcount" :: String, "aria-colindex" :: String, "aria-colspan" :: String, "aria-controls" :: String, "aria-current" :: String, "aria-describedby" :: String, "aria-details" :: String, "aria-disabled" :: String, "aria-dropeffect" :: String, "aria-errormessage" :: String, "aria-expanded" :: String, "aria-flowto" :: String, "aria-grabbed" :: String, "aria-haspopup" :: String, "aria-hidden" :: String, "aria-invalid" :: String, "aria-keyshortcuts" :: String, "aria-label" :: String, "aria-labelledby" :: String, "aria-level" :: String, "aria-live" :: String, "aria-modal" :: String, "aria-multiline" :: String, "aria-multiselectable" :: String, "aria-orientation" :: String, "aria-owns" :: String, "aria-placeholder" :: String, "aria-posinset" :: String, "aria-pressed" :: String, "aria-readonly" :: String, "aria-relevant" :: String, "aria-required" :: String, "aria-roledescription" :: String, "aria-rowcount" :: String, "aria-rowindex" :: String, "aria-rowspan" :: String, "aria-selected" :: String, "aria-setsize" :: String, "aria-sort" :: String, "aria-valuemax" :: String, "aria-valuemin" :: String, "aria-valuenow" :: String, "aria-valuetext" :: String, autoComplete :: Boolean, autoFocus :: Boolean, autoPlay :: Boolean, capture :: Boolean, cellPadding :: String, cellSpacing :: String, charSet :: String, classID :: String, className :: String, colSpan :: Int, contentEditable :: Boolean, contextMenu :: String, crossOrigin :: String, dangerouslySetInnerHTML :: { __html :: String }, datatype :: String, dateTime :: String, dir :: String, draggable :: Boolean, encType :: String, formAction :: String, formEncType :: String, formMethod :: String, formNoValidate :: Boolean, formTarget :: String, frameBorder :: String, hidden :: Boolean, hrefLang :: String, htmlFor :: String, httpEquiv :: String, icon :: String, id :: String, inlist :: String, inputMode :: String, is :: String, itemID :: String, itemProp :: String, itemRef :: String, itemScope :: Boolean, itemType :: String, key :: String, keyParams :: String, keyType :: String, lang :: String, marginHeight :: String, marginWidth :: String, maxLength :: Int, mediaGroup :: String, minLength :: Int, noValidate :: Boolean, onBlur :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onDoubleClick :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onFocus :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onKeyDown :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyPress :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onKeyUp :: EffectFn1 KeyboardEvent Unit, onMouseDown :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseEnter :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseLeave :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseMove :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOut :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseOver :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onMouseUp :: EffectFn1 MouseEvent Unit, onScroll :: EffectFn1 SyntheticEvent Unit, onTouchCancel :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchEnd :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchMove :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, onTouchStart :: EffectFn1 TouchEvent Unit, prefix :: String, property :: String, radioGroup :: String, readOnly :: Boolean, ref :: Ref HTMLElement, resource :: String, role :: String, role :: String, rowSpan :: Int, scoped :: Boolean, seamless :: Boolean, security :: String, spellCheck :: Boolean, srcDoc :: ReactElement, srcLang :: String, srcSet :: String, style :: CSS, suppressContentEditableWarning :: Boolean, tabIndex :: Int, title :: String, typeof :: String, unselectable :: Boolean, useMap :: String, vocab :: String, wmode :: String) => ValidReactProps (Record props) => Record props -> content -> ReactElement
P purescript-elmish-html M Elmish.HTML.Generated
picture :: forall (content :: Type). ReactChildren content => String -> content -> ReactElement
P purescript-elmish-html M Elmish.HTML.Styled.Generated
picture :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ (MotionProps + Props_picture) => ReactComponent (Record attrs)
P purescript-framer-motion M Framer.Motion.MotionComponent
Picture :: PageBackgroundType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Slides.PageBackgroundType
Picture :: PlaceholderType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Slides.PlaceholderType
picture :: forall e. Markup e -> Markup e
P purescript-open-smolder M Text.Smolder.HTML
picture :: StaticElement
P purescript-panda M Panda.HTML.Elements
picture :: FFIComponent BaseAttributes

The <picture> HTML element contains zero or more <source> elements and one <img> element to offer alternative versions of an image for different display scenarios.


picture {}
  [ source { srcset: "large.jpg", media: "(min-width: 800px)" }
  , source { srcset: "medium.jpg", media: "(min-width: 600px)" }
  , img { src: "small.jpg", alt: "Description of the image" }
  ]-- | ```
P purescript-react-basic-dom-beta M Beta.DOM.HTML.Picture
picture :: Free SpaceF Unit -> Free SpaceF Unit
P purescript-react-spaces M React.Spaces.DOM

No further results.