- Package
- purescript-webgl2-raw
- Repository
- chrismshelton/purescript-webgl2-raw
#vertexAttribDivisor Source
vertexAttribDivisor :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLuint -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: vertexAttribDivisor gl index divisor
void vertexAttribDivisor (GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.9
#drawArraysInstanced Source
drawArraysInstanced :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawArraysInstanced gl mode first count instanceCount
drawArraysInstanced ( GLenum mode
, GLint first
, GLsizei count
, GLsizei instanceCount
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.9
#drawElementsInstanced Source
drawElementsInstanced :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawElementsInstanced gl mode count type offset instanceCount
drawElementsInstanced ( GLenum mode
, GLsizei count
, GLenum type
, GLintptr offset
, GLsizei instanceCount
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.9
#drawRangeElements Source
drawRangeElements :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLuint -> GLuint -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawRangeElements gl mode start end count type offset
drawRangeElements ( GLenum mode
, GLuint start
, GLuint end
, GLsizei count
, GLenum type
, GLintptr offset
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.9
#readPixelsPackBuffer Source
readPixelsPackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit
Usage: readPixelsPackBuffer gl x y width height format type offset
readPixels ( GLint x
, GLint y
, GLsizei width
, GLsizei height
, GLenum format
, GLenum type
, GLintptr offset
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.10
#readPixels Source
readPixels :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> a -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: readPixels gl x y width height format type dstData dstOffset
readPixels ( GLint x
, GLint y
, GLsizei width
, GLsizei height
, GLenum format
, GLenum type
, [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView dstData
, GLuint dstOffset
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.10
#drawBuffers Source
drawBuffers :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> Array GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawBuffers gl buffers
void drawBuffers (sequence<GLenum> buffers);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.11
#clearBufferfv Source
clearBufferfv :: forall f c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsFloat32List f => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> f -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearBufferfv gl buffer drawbuffer values srcOffset
clearBufferfv ( GLenum buffer
, GLint drawbuffer
, Float32List values
, optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
#clearBufferiv Source
clearBufferiv :: forall i c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsInt32List i => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> i -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearBufferiv gl buffer drawbuffer values srcOffset
clearBufferiv ( GLenum buffer
, GLint drawbuffer
, Int32List values
, optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
#clearBufferuiv Source
clearBufferuiv :: forall u c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsUint32List u => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> u -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearBufferuiv gl buffer drawbuffer values srcOffset
clearBufferuiv ( GLenum buffer
, GLint drawbuffer
, Uint32List values
, optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
#clearBufferfi Source
clearBufferfi :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLfloat -> GLint -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearBufferfi gl buffer drawbuffer depth stencil
clearBufferfi ( GLenum buffer
, GLint drawbuffer
, GLfloat depth
, GLint stencil
#getIndexedParameterGLintptr Source
getIndexedParameterGLintptr :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLuint -> Effect (Maybe GLintptr)
Usage: getIndexedParameterGLintptr gl target index
Use when:
any getIndexedParameter (GLenum target, GLuint index);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getIndexedParameterGLsizeiptr Source
getIndexedParameterGLsizeiptr :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLuint -> Effect (Maybe GLsizeiptr)
Usage: getIndexedParameterGLsizeiptr gl target index
Use when:
any getIndexedParameter (GLenum target, GLuint index);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getIndexedParameterWebGLBuffer Source
getIndexedParameterWebGLBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLuint -> Effect (Maybe WebGLBuffer)
Usage: getIndexedParameterWebGLBuffer gl target index
Use when:
any getIndexedParameter (GLenum target, GLuint index);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLint64 Source
getParameterGLint64 :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLint64)
Usage: getParameterGLint64 gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLSampler Source
getParameterWebGLSampler :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLSampler)
Usage: getParameterWebGLSampler gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLTransformFeedback Source
getParameterWebGLTransformFeedback :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLTransformFeedback)
Usage: getParameterWebGLTransformFeedback gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLVertexArrayObject Source
getParameterWebGLVertexArrayObject :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLVertexArrayObject)
Usage: getParameterWebGLVertexArrayObject gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.2
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getWebGL2RenderingContext Source
getWebGL2RenderingContext :: HTMLCanvasElement -> Maybe WebGLContextAttributes -> Effect (Maybe WebGL2RenderingContext)
Usage: getWebGL2RenderingContext canvas attributes
Re-exports from WebGL.Raw.Types
#WebGLRenderingContext Source
#IsWebGLRenderingContext Source
Re-exports from WebGL.Raw.WebGL1.WebGLRenderingContext
#viewport Source
viewport :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit
Usage: viewport gl x y width height
void viewport (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.4
#stencilOpSeparate Source
stencilOpSeparate :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilOpSeparate gl face fail zfail zpass
stencilOpSeparate ( GLenum face
, GLenum fail
, GLenum zfail
, GLenum zpass
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#stencilOp Source
stencilOp :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilOp gl fail zfail zpass
void stencilOp (GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#stencilMaskSeparate Source
stencilMaskSeparate :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilMaskSeparate gl face mask
void stencilMaskSeparate (GLenum face, GLuint mask);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#stencilMask Source
stencilMask :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilMask gl mask
void stencilMask (GLuint mask);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#stencilFuncSeparate Source
stencilFuncSeparate :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilFuncSeparate gl face func ref mask
stencilFuncSeparate ( GLenum face
, GLenum func
, GLint ref
, GLuint mask
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#stencilFunc Source
stencilFunc :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> Effect Unit
Usage: stencilFunc gl func ref mask
void stencilFunc (GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#scissor Source
scissor :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit
Usage: scissor gl x y width height
void scissor (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.4
#sampleCoverage Source
sampleCoverage :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLclampf -> GLboolean -> Effect Unit
Usage: sampleCoverage gl value invert
void sampleCoverage (GLclampf value, GLboolean invert);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#polygonOffset Source
polygonOffset :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> Effect Unit
Usage: polygonOffset gl factor units
void polygonOffset (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#pixelStorei Source
pixelStorei :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> Effect Unit
Usage: pixelStorei gl pname param
void pixelStorei (GLenum pname, GLint param);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#lineWidth Source
lineWidth :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLfloat -> Effect Unit
Usage: lineWidth gl width
void lineWidth (GLfloat width);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#isEnabled Source
isEnabled :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect GLboolean
Usage: isEnabled gl cap
[WebGLHandlesContextLoss] GLboolean isEnabled (GLenum cap);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#isContextLost Source
isContextLost :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect Boolean
Usage: isContextLost gl
[WebGLHandlesContextLoss] boolean isContextLost();
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.13
#hint Source
hint :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: hint gl target mode
void hint (GLenum target, GLenum mode);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#getSupportedExtensions Source
getSupportedExtensions :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect (Maybe (Array String))
Usage: getSupportedExtensions gl
sequence<DOMString>? getSupportedExtensions();
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.14
#getParameterWebGLTexture Source
getParameterWebGLTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLTexture)
Usage: getParameterWebGLTexture gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLRenderbuffer Source
getParameterWebGLRenderbuffer :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLRenderbuffer)
Usage: getParameterWebGLRenderbuffer gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLProgram Source
getParameterWebGLProgram :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLProgram)
Usage: getParameterWebGLProgram gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLFramebuffer Source
getParameterWebGLFramebuffer :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLFramebuffer)
Usage: getParameterWebGLFramebuffer gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterWebGLBuffer Source
getParameterWebGLBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe WebGLBuffer)
Usage: getParameterWebGLBuffer gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterUint32Array Source
getParameterUint32Array :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe (ArrayView Uint32))
Usage: getParameterUint32Array gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterString Source
getParameterString :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe String)
Usage: getParameterString gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterInt32Array Source
getParameterInt32Array :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe (ArrayView Int32))
Usage: getParameterInt32Array gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLuint64EXT Source
getParameterGLuint64EXT :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLuint64EXT)
Usage: getParameterGLuint64EXT gl pname
Use when:
(EXT_disjoint_timer_query, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2)
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLuint Source
getParameterGLuint :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLuint)
Usage: getParameterGLuint gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLint Source
getParameterGLint :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLint)
Usage: getParameterGLint gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLfloat Source
getParameterGLfloat :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLfloat)
Usage: getParameterGLfloat gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLenum Source
getParameterGLenum :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLenum)
Usage: getParameterGLenum gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLbooleanArray Source
getParameterGLbooleanArray :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe (Array GLboolean))
Usage: getParameterGLbooleanArray gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterGLboolean Source
getParameterGLboolean :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLboolean)
Usage: getParameterGLboolean gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterFloat32Array Source
getParameterFloat32Array :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe (ArrayView Float32))
Usage: getParameterFloat32Array gl pname
Use when:
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getParameterBoolean Source
getParameterBoolean :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe Boolean)
Usage: getParameterBoolean gl pname
Use when:
(EXT_disjoint_timer_query, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2)
any getParameter (GLenum pname);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.
#getError Source
getError :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect GLenum
Usage: getError gl
[WebGLHandlesContextLoss] GLenum getError();
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#getDrawingBufferWidth Source
getDrawingBufferWidth :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect GLsizei
Usage: getDrawingBufferWidth gl
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.1
#getDrawingBufferHeight Source
getDrawingBufferHeight :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect GLsizei
Usage: getDrawingBufferHeight gl
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.1
#getContextAttributes Source
getContextAttributes :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect (Maybe WebGLContextAttributes)
Usage: getContextAttributes gl
[WebGLHandlesContextLoss] WebGLContextAttributes?
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.2
#getCanvas Source
getCanvas :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect HTMLCanvasElement
Usage: getCanvas gl
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.1
#frontFace Source
frontFace :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: frontFace gl mode
void frontFace (GLenum mode);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#flush Source
flush :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect Unit
Usage: flush gl
void flush();
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11
#finish Source
finish :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect Unit
Usage: finish gl
void finish();
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11
#enable Source
enable :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: enable gl cap
void enable (GLenum cap);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#drawElements Source
drawElements :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawElements gl mode count type offset
drawElements ( GLenum mode
, GLsizei count
, GLenum type
, GLintptr offset
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11
#drawArrays Source
drawArrays :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit
Usage: drawArrays gl mode first count
void drawArrays (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11
#disable Source
disable :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: disable gl cap
void disable (GLenum cap);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#depthRange Source
depthRange :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> Effect Unit
Usage: depthRange gl zNear zFar
void depthRange (GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#depthMask Source
depthMask :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLboolean -> Effect Unit
Usage: depthMask gl flag
void depthMask (GLboolean flag);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#depthFunc Source
depthFunc :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: depthFunc gl func
void depthFunc (GLenum func);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#cullFace Source
cullFace :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: cullFace gl mode
void cullFace (GLenum mode);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#colorMask Source
colorMask :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> GLboolean -> Effect Unit
Usage: colorMask gl red green blue alpha
colorMask ( GLboolean red
, GLboolean green
, GLboolean blue
, GLboolean alpha
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#clearStencil Source
clearStencil :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLint -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearStencil gl s
void clearStencil (GLint s);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#clearDepth Source
clearDepth :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLclampf -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearDepth gl depth
void clearDepth (GLclampf depth);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#clearColor Source
clearColor :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> Effect Unit
Usage: clearColor gl red green blue alpha
clearColor ( GLclampf red
, GLclampf green
, GLclampf blue
, GLclampf alpha
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#clear Source
clear :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLbitfield -> Effect Unit
Usage: clear gl mask
void clear (GLbitfield mask);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11
#blendFuncSeparate Source
blendFuncSeparate :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: blendFuncSeparate gl srcRGB dstRGB srcAlpha dstAlpha
blendFuncSeparate ( GLenum srcRGB
, GLenum dstRGB
, GLenum srcAlpha
, GLenum dstAlpha
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#blendFunc Source
blendFunc :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: blendFunc gl sfactor dfactor
void blendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#blendEquationSeparate Source
blendEquationSeparate :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: blendEquationSeparate gl modeRGB modeAlpha
void blendEquationSeparate (GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#blendEquation Source
blendEquation :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: blendEquation gl mode
void blendEquation (GLenum mode);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#blendColor Source
blendColor :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> Effect Unit
Usage: blendColor gl red green blue alpha
blendColor ( GLclampf red
, GLclampf green
, GLclampf blue
, GLclampf alpha
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
#activeTexture Source
activeTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit
Usage: activeTexture gl texture
void activeTexture (GLenum texture);
Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.3
- Modules
- WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. ANGLE. InstancedArrays - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. BlendMinmax - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. ColorBufferFloat - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. ColorBufferHalfFloat - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. DisjointTimerQuery - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. DisjointTimerQueryWebgl2 - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. FragDepth - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. SRGB - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. ShaderTextureLod - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. EXT. TextureFilterAnisotropic - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. ElementIndexUint - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. StandardDerivatives - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. TextureFloat - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. TextureFloatLinear - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. TextureHalfFloat - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. TextureHalfFloatLinear - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. OES. VertexArrayObject - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. ColorBufferFloat - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTextureAstc - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTextureEtc - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTextureEtc1 - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTexturePvrtc - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTextureS3tc - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. CompressedTextureS3tcSrgb - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. DebugRendererInfo - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. DebugShaders - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. DepthTexture - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. DrawBuffers - WebGL.
Raw. Extensions. WEBGL. LoseContext - WebGL.
Raw. Types - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1 - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. Enums - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. Uniforms - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. VertexAttributes - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLActiveInfo - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLBuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLContextEvent - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLFramebuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLProgram - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLRenderbuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLRenderingContext - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLShader - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL1. WebGLTexture - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2 - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. Enums - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. UniformBufferObjects - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. Uniforms - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. VertexAttributes - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGL2RenderingContext - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLActiveInfo - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLBuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLContextEvent - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLFramebuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLProgram - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLQuery - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLRenderbuffer - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLSampler - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLShader - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLSync - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLTexture - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLTransformFeedback - WebGL.
Raw. WebGL2. WebGLVertexArrayObject