


#texStorage2D Source

texStorage2D :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit

Usage: texStorage2D gl target levels internalformat width height

texStorage2D ( GLenum target
             , GLsizei levels
             , GLenum internalformat
             , GLsizei width
             , GLsizei height

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texStorage3D Source

texStorage3D :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit

Usage: texStorage3D gl target levels internalformat width height depth

texStorage3D ( GLenum target
             , GLsizei levels
             , GLenum internalformat
             , GLsizei width
             , GLsizei height
             , GLsizei depth

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage2DUnpackBuffer Source

texImage2DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage2DUnpackBuffer gl target level internalformat width height border format type pboOffset

texImage2D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , GLintptr pboOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage2DImageSourceWithSize Source

texImage2DImageSourceWithSize :: forall t c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage2DImageSourceWithSize gl target level internalformat width height border format type source

texImage2D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage2DWithSize Source

texImage2DWithSize :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> a -> GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage2DWithSize gl target level internalformat width height border format type srcData srcOffset

texImage2D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
           , GLuint srcOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage3DUnpackBuffer Source

texImage3DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage3DUnpackBuffer gl target level internalformat width height depth border format type pboOffset

texImage3D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLsizei depth
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , GLintptr pboOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage3DImageSource Source

texImage3DImageSource :: forall t c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage3DImageSource gl target level internalformat width height depth border format type source

texImage3D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLsizei depth
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage3D Source

texImage3D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe a -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage3D gl target level internalformat width height depth border format type srcData

texImage3D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLsizei depth
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView? srcData

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texImage3DOffset Source

texImage3DOffset :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> a -> GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage3DOffset gl target level internalformat width height depth border format type srcData srcOffset

texImage3D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLsizei depth
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
           , GLuint srcOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage2DUnpackBuffer Source

texSubImage2DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage2DUnpackBuffer gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format type pboOffset

texSubImage2D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , GLintptr pboOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage2DImageSourceWithSize Source

texSubImage2DImageSourceWithSize :: forall t c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage2DImageSourceWithSize gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format type source

texSubImage2D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage2DWithSize Source

texSubImage2DWithSize :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> a -> GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage2DWithSize gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format type srcData srcOffset

texSubImage2D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
              , GLuint srcOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage3DUnpackBuffer Source

texSubImage3DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage3DUnpackBuffer gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format type pboOffset

texSubImage3D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLint zoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLsizei depth
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , GLintptr pboOffset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage3DImageSource Source

texSubImage3DImageSource :: forall t c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage3DImageSource gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format type source

texSubImage3D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLint zoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLsizei depth
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#texSubImage3D Source

texSubImage3D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe a -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage3D gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format type srcData srcOffset

texSubImage3D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLint zoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLsizei depth
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView? srcData
              , optional GLuint srcOffset = 0

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#copyTexSubImage3D Source

copyTexSubImage3D :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit

Usage: copyTexSubImage3D gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset x y width height

copyTexSubImage3D ( GLenum target
                  , GLint level
                  , GLint xoffset
                  , GLint yoffset
                  , GLint zoffset
                  , GLint x
                  , GLint y
                  , GLsizei width
                  , GLsizei height

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexImage2DUnpackBuffer Source

compressedTexImage2DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexImage2DUnpackBuffer gl target level internalformat width height border imageSize offset

compressedTexImage2D ( GLenum target
                     , GLint level
                     , GLenum internalformat
                     , GLsizei width
                     , GLsizei height
                     , GLint border
                     , GLsizei imageSize
                     , GLintptr offset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexImage2D Source

compressedTexImage2D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> a -> Maybe GLuint -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexImage2D gl target level internalformat width height border srcData srcOffset srcLengthOverride

compressedTexImage2D ( GLenum target
                     , GLint level
                     , GLenum internalformat
                     , GLsizei width
                     , GLsizei height
                     , GLint border
                     , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
                     , optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
                     , optional GLuint srcLengthOverride = 0

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexImage3DUnpackBuffer Source

compressedTexImage3DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexImage3DUnpackBuffer gl target level internalformat width height depth border imageSize offset

compressedTexImage3D ( GLenum target
                     , GLint level
                     , GLenum internalformat
                     , GLsizei width
                     , GLsizei height
                     , GLsizei depth
                     , GLint border
                     , GLsizei imageSize
                     , GLintptr offset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexImage3D Source

compressedTexImage3D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> a -> Maybe GLuint -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexImage3D gl target level internalformat width height depth border srcData srcOffset srcLengthOverride

compressedTexImage3D ( GLenum target
                     , GLint level
                     , GLenum internalformat
                     , GLsizei width
                     , GLsizei height
                     , GLsizei depth
                     , GLint border
                     , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
                     , optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
                     , optional GLuint srcLengthOverride = 0

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexSubImage2DUnpackBuffer Source

compressedTexSubImage2DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexSubImage2DUnpackBuffer gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format imageSize offset

compressedTexSubImage2D ( GLenum target
                        , GLint level
                        , GLint xoffset
                        , GLint yoffset
                        , GLsizei width
                        , GLsizei height
                        , GLenum format
                        , GLsizei imageSize
                        , GLintptr offset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexSubImage2D Source

compressedTexSubImage2D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> a -> Maybe GLuint -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexSubImage2D gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format srcData srcOffset srcLengthOverride

compressedTexSubImage2D ( GLenum target
                        , GLint level
                        , GLint xoffset
                        , GLint yoffset
                        , GLsizei width
                        , GLsizei height
                        , GLenum format
                        , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
                        , optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
                        , optional GLuint srcLengthOverride = 0

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexSubImage3DUnpackBuffer Source

compressedTexSubImage3DUnpackBuffer :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLsizei -> GLintptr -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexSubImage3DUnpackBuffer gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format imageSize offset

compressedTexSubImage3D ( GLenum target
                        , GLint level
                        , GLint xoffset
                        , GLint yoffset
                        , GLint zoffset
                        , GLsizei width
                        , GLsizei height
                        , GLsizei depth
                        , GLenum format
                        , GLsizei imageSize
                        , GLintptr offset

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#compressedTexSubImage3D Source

compressedTexSubImage3D :: forall c a. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> a -> Maybe GLuint -> Maybe GLuint -> Effect Unit

Usage: compressedTexSubImage3D gl target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format srcData srcOffset srcLengthOverride

compressedTexSubImage3D ( GLenum target
                        , GLint level
                        , GLint xoffset
                        , GLint yoffset
                        , GLint zoffset
                        , GLsizei width
                        , GLsizei height
                        , GLsizei depth
                        , GLenum format
                        , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView srcData
                        , optional GLuint srcOffset = 0
                        , optional GLuint srcLengthOverride = 0

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

#getTexParameterGLboolean Source

getTexParameterGLboolean :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLboolean)

Usage: getTexParameterGLboolean gl target pname

Use when:

any getTexParameter (GLenum target, GLenum pname);

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.

#getTexParameterGLfloat Source

getTexParameterGLfloat :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLfloat)

Usage: getTexParameterGLfloat gl target pname

Use when:

  • pname = TEXTURE_MAX_LOD
  • pname = TEXTURE_MIN_LOD
any getTexParameter (GLenum target, GLenum pname);

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.

#getTexParameterGLint Source

getTexParameterGLint :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLint)

Usage: getTexParameterGLint gl target pname

Use when:

any getTexParameter (GLenum target, GLenum pname);

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.

#getTexParameterGLuint Source

getTexParameterGLuint :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLuint)

Usage: getTexParameterGLuint gl target pname

Use when:

any getTexParameter (GLenum target, GLenum pname);

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.6

Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.

Re-exports from WebGL.Raw.Types

#WebGLTexture Source

Re-exports from WebGL.Raw.WebGL1.WebGLTexture

#texSubImage2DImageSource Source

texSubImage2DImageSource :: forall t c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage2DImageSource gl target level xoffset yoffset format type source

texSubImage2D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#texSubImage2D Source

texSubImage2D :: forall c a. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe a -> Effect Unit

Usage: texSubImage2D gl target level xoffset yoffset width height format type pixels

texSubImage2D ( GLenum target
              , GLint level
              , GLint xoffset
              , GLint yoffset
              , GLsizei width
              , GLsizei height
              , GLenum format
              , GLenum type
              , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView? pixels

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#texParameteri Source

texParameteri :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> Effect Unit

Usage: texParameteri gl target pname param

void texParameteri (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#texParameterf Source

texParameterf :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLfloat -> Effect Unit

Usage: texParameterf gl target pname param

void texParameterf (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#texImage2DImageSource Source

texImage2DImageSource :: forall t c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => IsTexImageSource t => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> t -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage2DImageSource gl target level internalformat format type source

texImage2D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , TexImageSource source

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#texImage2D Source

texImage2D :: forall c a. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => IsArrayBufferView a => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Maybe a -> Effect Unit

Usage: texImage2D gl target level internalformat width height border format type pixels

texImage2D ( GLenum target
           , GLint level
           , GLint internalformat
           , GLsizei width
           , GLsizei height
           , GLint border
           , GLenum format
           , GLenum type
           , [AllowShared] ArrayBufferView? pixels

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#isTexture Source

isTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> Effect GLboolean

Usage: isTexture gl texture

[WebGLHandlesContextLoss] GLboolean isTexture (WebGLTexture? texture);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#getTexParameterGLenum Source

getTexParameterGLenum :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLenum -> Effect (Maybe GLenum)

Usage: getTexParameterGLenum gl target pname

Use when:

  • pname = TEXTURE_WRAP_S
  • pname = TEXTURE_WRAP_T
  • pname = TEXTURE_WRAP_R (WebGL2)
any getTexParameter (GLenum target, GLenum pname);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

Warning: the javascript version of this function returns different types depending on the arguments provided. This function will throw an exception if the returned value is not of the expected type.

#generateMipmap Source

generateMipmap :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Effect Unit

Usage: generateMipmap gl target

void generateMipmap (GLenum target);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#deleteTexture Source

deleteTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> Effect Unit

Usage: deleteTexture gl texture

void deleteTexture (WebGLTexture? texture);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#createTexture Source

createTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect (Maybe WebGLTexture)

Usage: createTexture gl

WebGLTexture? createTexture();

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#copyTexSubImage2D Source

copyTexSubImage2D :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> Effect Unit

Usage: copyTexSubImage2D gl target level xoffset yoffset x y width height

copyTexSubImage2D ( GLenum target
                  , GLint level
                  , GLint xoffset
                  , GLint yoffset
                  , GLint x
                  , GLint y
                  , GLsizei width
                  , GLsizei height

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#copyTexImage2D Source

copyTexImage2D :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> GLint -> Effect Unit

Usage: copyTexImage2D gl target level internalformat x y width height border

copyTexImage2D ( GLenum target
               , GLint level
               , GLenum internalformat
               , GLint x
               , GLint y
               , GLsizei width
               , GLsizei height
               , GLint border

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8

#bindTexture Source

bindTexture :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> GLenum -> Maybe WebGLTexture -> Effect Unit

Usage: bindTexture gl target texture

void bindTexture (GLenum target, WebGLTexture? texture);

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.8
